

Brücke zwischen SPI und TLC698x Mini- und Mikro-LED-Matrix-Anzeigetreibern

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Features CRC, Fault output, Oscillator, UVLO Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
Features CRC, Fault output, Oscillator, UVLO Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85
SOT-23-THN (DYY) 14 13.692 mm² 4.2 x 3.26 WSON (DRR) 12 9 mm² 3 x 3
  • Operating voltage VCC range: 2.5V to 5.5V
  • SPI peripheral
    • Data transfer rate up to 20MHz
    • Support multiple peripherals with one controller
  • Continuous Clock Serial Interface (CCSI) Controller and Peripheral
    • Data transfer rate up to 20MHz
    • Programmable clock jitter for EMI enhancement
  • Diagnostics
    • Open-drain FAULT pin
    • SPI communication loss detection
    • CRC for SPI communication
    • CCSI data integrity
  • Data ready interrupt for availability of data
  • Operating voltage VCC range: 2.5V to 5.5V
  • SPI peripheral
    • Data transfer rate up to 20MHz
    • Support multiple peripherals with one controller
  • Continuous Clock Serial Interface (CCSI) Controller and Peripheral
    • Data transfer rate up to 20MHz
    • Programmable clock jitter for EMI enhancement
  • Diagnostics
    • Open-drain FAULT pin
    • SPI communication loss detection
    • CRC for SPI communication
    • CCSI data integrity
  • Data ready interrupt for availability of data

The TLC6989 SPI-compatible connectivity enables TLC698x device family to be controlled using a standard SPI controller. The device features an internal oscillator to generate the continuous clock required by the TLC698x device family. Jitter can be added to the continuous clock for EMI enhancement. The transmitted data is aligned to the continuous clock to maintain the timing requirements of the CCSI interface.

TLC6989 incorporates reporting of faults in both the TLC698x daisy chain and TLC6989 internal. Data transmission of register and VSYNC commands to the TLC698x daisy chain is CRC protected by TLC6989. In addition, the data line is guarded by TLC6989 for stuck-at faults.

The TLC6989 SPI-compatible connectivity enables TLC698x device family to be controlled using a standard SPI controller. The device features an internal oscillator to generate the continuous clock required by the TLC698x device family. Jitter can be added to the continuous clock for EMI enhancement. The transmitted data is aligned to the continuous clock to maintain the timing requirements of the CCSI interface.

TLC6989 incorporates reporting of faults in both the TLC698x daisy chain and TLC6989 internal. Data transmission of register and VSYNC commands to the TLC698x daisy chain is CRC protected by TLC6989. In addition, the data line is guarded by TLC6989 for stuck-at faults.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TLC6989 SPI-Compatible Connectivity for TLC698x Device Family datasheet PDF | HTML 20 Jun 2023
User guide LP589x(-Q1)/TLC698x Sample Code User's Guide (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 06 Sep 2024

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