

IEEE 802.3af-, 600mA-fähiger PD-Controller

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Vin (min) (V) 0 Vin (max) (V) 57 PoE current limit (min) (mA) 625 PoE inrush limit (mA) (typ) (A) Programmable rDS(on) per FET (typ) (mΩ) 580 PoE standards supported 802.3at Type 1 (802.3af) PD power level 13W, 25W DC/DC control PD Only Fault response Auto Retry Features PG, Programmable UVLO, Thermal shutdown Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Rating Catalog
Vin (min) (V) 0 Vin (max) (V) 57 PoE current limit (min) (mA) 625 PoE inrush limit (mA) (typ) (A) Programmable rDS(on) per FET (typ) (mΩ) 580 PoE standards supported 802.3at Type 1 (802.3af) PD power level 13W, 25W DC/DC control PD Only Fault response Auto Retry Features PG, Programmable UVLO, Thermal shutdown Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Rating Catalog
HSOIC (DDA) 8 29.4 mm² 4.9 x 6
  • Adjustable Turn-on Thresholds
  • Permits High-power 26 W Designs
  • Integrated 0.58-Ω, 100-V, Low-Side Switch
  • 15-kV System Level ESD Capable
  • Industrial Temperature Range: –40°C to 85°C
  • 8-Pin PowerPad™ SOIC Package
  • Adjustable Turn-on Thresholds
  • Permits High-power 26 W Designs
  • Integrated 0.58-Ω, 100-V, Low-Side Switch
  • 15-kV System Level ESD Capable
  • Industrial Temperature Range: –40°C to 85°C
  • 8-Pin PowerPad™ SOIC Package

The 8-pin integrated circuit contains all of the features needed to develop a high power IEEE 802.3af style powered device (PD). The TPS2376-H offers a higher current limit and increased thermal dissipation capability over the TPS237X family of devices. The TPS2376-H implements a fully compliant PoE interface while permitting non-standard implementations that draw more power. A 26 W PD may be constructed when working from a 52-V minimum PSE over 100 m of CAT-5 cable. The TPS2376-H features a 100-V rating, 600-mA capability, adjustable inrush limiting, fault protection with auto-retry, and true open-drain power-good functionality.

The 8-pin integrated circuit contains all of the features needed to develop a high power IEEE 802.3af style powered device (PD). The TPS2376-H offers a higher current limit and increased thermal dissipation capability over the TPS237X family of devices. The TPS2376-H implements a fully compliant PoE interface while permitting non-standard implementations that draw more power. A 26 W PD may be constructed when working from a 52-V minimum PSE over 100 m of CAT-5 cable. The TPS2376-H features a 100-V rating, 600-mA capability, adjustable inrush limiting, fault protection with auto-retry, and true open-drain power-good functionality.

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Alle anzeigen 8
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TPS2376-H IEEE802.3af, 600-mA Capable, PD Controller datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 09 Nov 2018
Application note PoE Powered Devices Debug Guidelines PDF | HTML 19 Jul 2021
Application note PoE PD Schematic Review Guidelines PDF | HTML 29 Apr 2021
Application note Lightning Surge Considerations for PoE Powered Devices 30 Apr 2015
EVM User's guide HPA244 EVM (Rev. B) 26 Sep 2007
Analog Design Journal Current balancing in four-pair, high-power PoE applications 18 Mai 2007
Application note High Power PoE PD Using the TPS2375/77-1 28 Feb 2006
Application note Wall Adapter Powers IEEE 802.3af Powered Device 01 Feb 2006

Design und Entwicklung

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