Startseite Energiemanagement Gate-Treiber Low-Side-Treiber



Einkanal-Gate-Treiber für 2 A/2 A mit 40-V-VDD und aktivem Pullup-Eingang

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UCC27537 AKTIV Einkanal-Gate-Treiber für 2,5 A/5 A mit 8-V-UVLO, 35-V-VDD und EN-Pin This product offers higher drive current and improved propagation delay.


Number of channels 1 Power switch MOSFET Peak output current (A) 2 Input supply voltage (min) (V) 4 Input supply voltage (max) (V) 14 Features Internal Regulator Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rise time (ns) 14 Fall time (ns) 14 Propagation delay time (µs) 0.024 Input threshold CMOS Channel input logic Active Pullup, Non-Inverting Input negative voltage (V) 0 Rating Catalog Driver configuration Single
Number of channels 1 Power switch MOSFET Peak output current (A) 2 Input supply voltage (min) (V) 4 Input supply voltage (max) (V) 14 Features Internal Regulator Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rise time (ns) 14 Fall time (ns) 14 Propagation delay time (µs) 0.024 Input threshold CMOS Channel input logic Active Pullup, Non-Inverting Input negative voltage (V) 0 Rating Catalog Driver configuration Single
SOT-23 (DBV) 5 8.12 mm² 2.9 x 2.8
  • Low-Cost Single-Channel High-Speed MOSFET Driver
  • ICC ...15-uA Max (TPS2828, TPS2829)
  • 25-ns Max Rise/Fall Times and 40-ns Max Propagation Delay ...1-nF Load
  • 2-A Peak Output Current
  • 4-V to 14-V Driver Supply Voltage Range; Internal Regulator Extends Range to 40 V (TPS2816, TPS2817, TPS2818, TPS2819)
  • 5-pin SOT-23 Package
  • –40°C to 125°C Ambient-Temperature Operating Range
  • Highly Resistant to Latch-ups

  • Low-Cost Single-Channel High-Speed MOSFET Driver
  • ICC ...15-uA Max (TPS2828, TPS2829)
  • 25-ns Max Rise/Fall Times and 40-ns Max Propagation Delay ...1-nF Load
  • 2-A Peak Output Current
  • 4-V to 14-V Driver Supply Voltage Range; Internal Regulator Extends Range to 40 V (TPS2816, TPS2817, TPS2818, TPS2819)
  • 5-pin SOT-23 Package
  • –40°C to 125°C Ambient-Temperature Operating Range
  • Highly Resistant to Latch-ups

The TPS28xx single-channel high-speed MOSFET drivers are capable of delivering peak currents of up to 2 A into highly capacitive loads. High switching speeds (tr and tf = 14 ns typ) are obtained with the use of BiCMOS outputs. Typical threshold switching voltages are 2/3 and 1/3 of VCC. The design inherently minimizes shoot-through current.

A regulator is provided on TPS2816 through TPS2819 devices to allow operation with supply inputs between 14 V and 40 V. The regulator output can be used to power other circuits, provided power dissipation does not exceed package limitations. If the regulator is not required, VDD (the regulator input) should be connected to VCC. The TPS2816 and TPS2817 input circuits include an active pullup circuit to eliminate the need for an external resistor when using open-collector PWM controllers. The TPS2818 and TPS2819 are identical to the TPS2816 and TPS2817, except that the active pullup circuit is omitted. The TPS2828 and TPS2829 are identical to the TPS2818 and TPS2819, except that the internal voltage regulator is omitted, allowing quiescent current to drop to less than 15 uA when the inputs are high or low.

The TPS28xx series devices are available in 5-pin SOT-23 (DBV) packages and operate over an ambient temperature range of –40°C to 125°C.

The TPS28xx single-channel high-speed MOSFET drivers are capable of delivering peak currents of up to 2 A into highly capacitive loads. High switching speeds (tr and tf = 14 ns typ) are obtained with the use of BiCMOS outputs. Typical threshold switching voltages are 2/3 and 1/3 of VCC. The design inherently minimizes shoot-through current.

A regulator is provided on TPS2816 through TPS2819 devices to allow operation with supply inputs between 14 V and 40 V. The regulator output can be used to power other circuits, provided power dissipation does not exceed package limitations. If the regulator is not required, VDD (the regulator input) should be connected to VCC. The TPS2816 and TPS2817 input circuits include an active pullup circuit to eliminate the need for an external resistor when using open-collector PWM controllers. The TPS2818 and TPS2819 are identical to the TPS2816 and TPS2817, except that the active pullup circuit is omitted. The TPS2828 and TPS2829 are identical to the TPS2818 and TPS2819, except that the internal voltage regulator is omitted, allowing quiescent current to drop to less than 15 uA when the inputs are high or low.

The TPS28xx series devices are available in 5-pin SOT-23 (DBV) packages and operate over an ambient temperature range of –40°C to 125°C.


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* Data sheet Single-Channel High-Speed Mosfet Drivers datasheet (Rev. C) 30 Okt 2002

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  • RoHS
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  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
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