0,5-A-Abwärtswandler, 3,5 bis 42 V Eingangsspannung
- 3.5-V to 42-V Input Voltage Range
- 200-mΩ High-Side MOSFET
- High Efficiency at Light Loads With a Pulse-
Skipping Eco-mode™ Control Scheme - 116-µA Operating Quiescent Current
- 1.3-µA Shutdown Current
- 100-kHz to 2.5-MHz Switching Frequency
- Synchronizes to External Clock
- Adjustable Slow Start/Sequencing
- UV and OV Power-Good Output
- Adjustable UVLO Voltage and Hysteresis
- 0.8-V ±3.5% Internal Voltage Reference
- MSOP10 With PowerPAD Package
- Supported by WEBENCH
- 12-V and 24-V Industrial and Commercial
Low-Power Systems - E-Meters
- 12-V and 24-V Industrial and Commercial
All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners
The TPS5401 device is a 42-V, 0.5-A, step-down regulator with an integrated high-side MOSFET. Current-mode control provides simple external compensation and flexible component selection. A low-ripple pulse-skip mode reduces the supply current to 116 µA when outputting regulated voltage with no load. Using the enable pin, shutdown supply current is reduced to 1.3 µA when the enable pin is low.
Undervoltage lockout is internally set at 2.5 V, but can be increased using the enable pin. The output voltage start-up ramp is controlled by the slow-start pin that can also be configured for sequencing/tracking. An open-drain power-good signal indicates the output is within 94% to 107% of its nominal voltage.
A wide switching-frequency range allows efficiency and external component size optimization. Frequency foldback and thermal shutdown protect the part during an overload condition.
The TPS5401 is available in a 10-pin thermally enhanced MSOP PowerPAD package.
Technische Dokumentation
Design und Entwicklung
Weitere Bedingungen oder erforderliche Ressourcen enthält gegebenenfalls die Detailseite, die Sie durch Klicken auf einen der unten stehenden Titel erreichen.
TPS5401EVM-708 — Evaluierungsmodul für TPS5401 0,5 A-Abwärts-SWIFT™-Wandler
TPS5401 Unencrypted PSpice Transient Model Package (Rev. A)
TIDA-00177 — Zweidraht-Schnittstelle zu einem HIPERFACE DSL®-Encoder – Referenzdesign
The design features a 3.3-V supply RS485 transceiver and line termination and coupling for encoder power over RS485 as per HIPERFACE DSL (...)
TIDA-00178 — Referenzdesign für die Schnittstelle zu Sin/Cos-Encodern mit Sitara AM437x
The design utilizes a 16-bit dual sample ADC with drop-in compatible 14- or 12-bit versions available, (...)
TIDA-01070 — HVAC-Spulen-Luftstromsensor-Referenzdesign für die vorbeugende Wartung beim Luftfilterwechsel
TIDM-1PHMTR-ESD — Referenzdesign für Einphasen-Messtechnik mit verbessertem ESD-Schutz
TIDM-TWOPHASEMETER-I2040 — Referenzdesign: kostengünstige isolierte Ein-/Zweiphasen-Strommessung
TIDA-00202 — Schnittstelle für einen HIPERFACE-Position-Encoder – Referenzdesign
Gehäuse | Pins | CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle |
HVSSOP (DGQ) | 10 | Ultra Librarian |
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