Synchroner 18 V, 15 A-Aufwärtswandler
- 2.5-mm × 3.0-mm QFN package with HotRod™ Lite option
- TPS61288 HotRod
- TPS61288L HotRod Lite
- TPS61288L is recommended with thermal improvement
- Wide input voltage and output voltage range
- VIN : 2.0 V to 18 V
- 2.4-V Minimum input voltage for start-up
- VOUT : 4.5 V to 18 V
- High efficiency and power capability
- 15-A peak switch current limit
- Two 6.5-mΩ (LS) / 8.5-mΩ (HS) MOSFETs
- Switching frequency: 500 kHz
- Up to 94.7% efficiency at VIN = 3.6 V, VOUT = 13 V, and IOUT = 2 A
- Up to 96.9% efficiency at VIN = 7.2 V, VOUT = 16 V, and IOUT = 2.5 A
- Extend the system operating time
- Typical 110-µA quiescent current into VOUT pin
- Maximum 2.1-µA current into VIN pin during shutdown
Smooth on-time/off-time (SOO) modulation at light load and low duty cycle and no DC offset between PFM and PWM
- Rich protection
- Output overvoltage protection at 19 V
- Cycle-by-cycle overcurrent protection
- Thermal shutdown
The TPS61288 is a high-power density, fully-integrated synchronous boost converter with a 6.5-mΩ power switch and a 8.5-mΩ rectifier switch to provide a high efficiency and small size solution in portable systems. The TPS61288 has a wide input voltage range from 2 V (2.4 V rising) to 18 V to support applications with single-cell or two-cell Lithium batteries. The device has 15-A switch current capability and is capable of providing an output voltage up to 18 V.
The TPS61288 employs peak current control topology with SOO modulation to regulate the output voltage. The device operates in the pulse width modulation (PWM) mode in moderate to heavy load condition. It automatically runs in the pulse frequency modulation (PFM) mode in light load and low duty cycle condition. SOO modulation realizes accurate regulation over wide load/VIN range while maintaining high efficiency and low output ripple. The switching frequency in the PWM mode is 500 kHz. The TPS61288 provides 19-V output overvoltage protection, cycle-by-cycle overcurrent protection, and thermal shutdown protection.
The TPS61288 is available in a 2.5-mm × 3.0-mm QFN package.
Technische Dokumentation
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TPS61288EVM-064 — Evaluierungsmodul für TPS61288 18 V, 15-A-Schaltstromsynchronisationsverstärkung
Der TPS61288 ist ein synchroner Aufwärtswandler, 18 V, 15 A. Der TPS61288 integriert zwei Leistungs-FETs mit niedrigem ON-Widerstand: Einen 6,5 mΩ-Schalt-FET und einen 8,5 mΩ-Gleichrichter-FET.
Der große Eingangsspannungsbereich von 2,0 V (2,4 V steigend) bis 18 V unterstützt die typischen (...)
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Gehäuse | Pins | CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle |
VQFN-HR (RQQ) | 11 | Ultra Librarian |
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