Startseite Energiemanagement Linear- und Low-Dropout-Regler (LDO)



Extrem rauscharmer HF-Spannungsregler mit extrem hohem PSRR, 1 A


Output options Adjustable Output Iout (max) (A) 1 Vin (max) (V) 5.7 Vin (min) (V) 1.7 Vout (max) (V) 5.5 Vout (min) (V) 0 Rating Catalog Noise (µVrms) 0.46 PSRR at 100 KHz (dB) 78 Iq (typ) (mA) 15 Thermal resistance θJA (°C/W) 46.9 Load capacitance (min) (µF) 4.7 Regulated outputs (#) 1 Features Adjustable current limit, Enable, Foldback Overcurrent protection, Output discharge, Power good, Soft start Accuracy (%) 1 Dropout voltage (Vdo) (typ) (mV) 150 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Output options Adjustable Output Iout (max) (A) 1 Vin (max) (V) 5.7 Vin (min) (V) 1.7 Vout (max) (V) 5.5 Vout (min) (V) 0 Rating Catalog Noise (µVrms) 0.46 PSRR at 100 KHz (dB) 78 Iq (typ) (mA) 15 Thermal resistance θJA (°C/W) 46.9 Load capacitance (min) (µF) 4.7 Regulated outputs (#) 1 Features Adjustable current limit, Enable, Foldback Overcurrent protection, Output discharge, Power good, Soft start Accuracy (%) 1 Dropout voltage (Vdo) (typ) (mV) 150 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
WSON (DSC) 10 9 mm² 3 x 3
  • Ultra-low output noise:
    • 0.46 µV RMS (typ, 10 Hz to 100 kHz)
  • High power-supply ripple rejection (PSRR):
    • 102 dB at 100Hz
    • 110 dB at 1 kHz
    • 95 dB at 10 kHz
    • 78 dB at 100 kHz
    • 50 dB at 1 MHz
  • Accuracy over line, load, and temperature: 1%
  • Low dropout: 150 mV at 1 A
  • Wide input voltage range: 1.7 V to 5.7 V
  • Wide output voltage range: 0 V to 5.5 V
  • Parallelable for lower noise and higher current
  • Fast transient response
  • Precision enable and UVLO
  • Programmable current limit
  • Programmable PG threshold
  • Adjustable start-up inrush control
  • Open-drain, power-good (PG) output
  • Package: 3.00-mm × 3.00-mm, 10-pin WSON:
    • JEDEC R θJA: 46.1°C/W
    • EVM R θJA: 25.6°C/W
  • Ultra-low output noise:
    • 0.46 µV RMS (typ, 10 Hz to 100 kHz)
  • High power-supply ripple rejection (PSRR):
    • 102 dB at 100Hz
    • 110 dB at 1 kHz
    • 95 dB at 10 kHz
    • 78 dB at 100 kHz
    • 50 dB at 1 MHz
  • Accuracy over line, load, and temperature: 1%
  • Low dropout: 150 mV at 1 A
  • Wide input voltage range: 1.7 V to 5.7 V
  • Wide output voltage range: 0 V to 5.5 V
  • Parallelable for lower noise and higher current
  • Fast transient response
  • Precision enable and UVLO
  • Programmable current limit
  • Programmable PG threshold
  • Adjustable start-up inrush control
  • Open-drain, power-good (PG) output
  • Package: 3.00-mm × 3.00-mm, 10-pin WSON:
    • JEDEC R θJA: 46.1°C/W
    • EVM R θJA: 25.6°C/W

The TPS7A94 is an ultra-low-noise (0.46 µV RMS), low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulator capable of sourcing 1 A with only 150 mV of dropout. The low dropout, in conjunction with a wide bandwidth error amplifier, allows for very high PSRR (110 dB at 1 kHz and 50 dB at 1 MHz) under low operating headroom (500 mV) and high output current (750 mA).

The device output is adjustable from 0 V to 5.5 V with an external resistor. With the wide input voltage range, the device supports operation as low as 1.7 V and up to 5.7 V. The device includes programmable current limit, programmable PG threshold, and precision enable, allowing better control in the application.

With the high-accuracy reference and wide-bandwidth topology, the device can be easily paralleled to achieve lower noise and higher current.

With 1% output voltage accuracy (over line, load, and temperature) and soft-start capabilities to reduce inrush current, the device is an excellent choice for powering sensitive analog low-voltage devices.

The TPS7A94 is an ultra-low-noise (0.46 µV RMS), low-dropout (LDO) voltage regulator capable of sourcing 1 A with only 150 mV of dropout. The low dropout, in conjunction with a wide bandwidth error amplifier, allows for very high PSRR (110 dB at 1 kHz and 50 dB at 1 MHz) under low operating headroom (500 mV) and high output current (750 mA).

The device output is adjustable from 0 V to 5.5 V with an external resistor. With the wide input voltage range, the device supports operation as low as 1.7 V and up to 5.7 V. The device includes programmable current limit, programmable PG threshold, and precision enable, allowing better control in the application.

With the high-accuracy reference and wide-bandwidth topology, the device can be easily paralleled to achieve lower noise and higher current.

With 1% output voltage accuracy (over line, load, and temperature) and soft-start capabilities to reduce inrush current, the device is an excellent choice for powering sensitive analog low-voltage devices.

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