5,5 V Eingang, 6 A-Abwärtsleistungsmodul mit integriertem Induktor und I2C-Schnittstelle in QFN


Menge Preis (USD)
1 99 $4.399
100 249 $3.587
250 999 $2.819
1,000 + 99,999,999 $2.391


*Nur für Referenzzwecke

  • US ECCN: EAR99


Gehäuse | Pins QFN-FCMOD (RCF) | 15
Betriebstemperaturbereich (°C) -40 to 125
Gehäusemenge | Träger 3.000 | LARGE T&R

Merkmale von TPSM82866C

  • Up to 96% efficiency
  • Excellent thermal performance
  • I2C-compatible interface up to 3.4Mbps
  • 1% output voltage accuracy
  • DCS-Control topology for fast transient response
  • I2C programmable:
    • Output voltage
      • 0.4 – 1.675V in 5mV steps
      • 0.8 – 3.35V in 10mV steps
    • Forced PWM or power save mode
    • Output voltage discharge
  • I2C device status readback of:
    • Thermal warning
    • Hiccup current limit
    • Vin below UVLO
  • Resistor selectable:
    • I2C address
    • 16 start-up output voltage options
  • Optimized for low EMI requirements
    • No bond wire package
    • MagPack technology shields inductor and IC
    • Simplified layout through optimized pinout
  • 4µA operating quiescent current
  • –40°C to 125°C operating temperature range
  • 2.3mm × 3.0mm × 1.95mm QFN package
  • 28mm2 design size
  • Also available without I2C interface: TPSM82866A

Beschreibung von TPSM82866C

The TPSM8286xx device family consists of 4A and 6A step-down converter power modules designed for small design size and high efficiency. The power modules uses TI’s MagPack technology to integrate a synchronous step-down converter and an inductor to simplify design, reduce external components, and save PCB area. The compact design is excellent for automated assembly by standard surface mount equipment. Tight output voltage accuracy, even with small output capacitors, is achieved though the DCS-Control architecture and the excellent load transient performance. At medium-to-heavy loads, the converter operates in PWM mode and automatically enters power save mode operation at light load to maintain high efficiency over the entire load current range. The devices can also be forced in PWM mode operation for the smallest output voltage ripple. The I2C interface provides an effective way of adjusting the output voltage, setting the VOUT ramp rate when transitioning to a new setpoint or reading status information like thermal warning or current limit flags. An integrated soft start reduces the inrush current required from the input supply. Overtemperature protection and hiccup short-circuit protection deliver a robust and reliable design.


Menge Preis (USD)
1 99 $4.399
100 249 $3.587
250 999 $2.819
1,000 + 99,999,999 $2.391


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