

Wide VIN und VOUT 750 kHz LLC-Controller

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Vin (min) (V) 9 Vin (max) (V) 18.5 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode Current Topology Half bridge, LLC Rating Catalog Features Extended power range, High frequency, High-voltage startup, Integrated X-cap discharge, Low audible noise, PFC ON/OFF signal, USB C/PD compatible, Wide VIN, Wide VOUT
Vin (min) (V) 9 Vin (max) (V) 18.5 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode Current Topology Half bridge, LLC Rating Catalog Features Extended power range, High frequency, High-voltage startup, Integrated X-cap discharge, Low audible noise, PFC ON/OFF signal, USB C/PD compatible, Wide VIN, Wide VOUT
SOIC (DDB) 14 59.4 mm² 9.9 x 6
  • 50kHz to 750kHz full-load switching frequency
  • IPPC control enables wide input and output LLC (WLLC) operation
  • Enhanced light load management:
    • High frequency pulse skip for improved light load efficiency
    • Low frequency burst for low standby power
    • Audible frequency range skip for reduced audible noise
    • Integrated PFC on/off control signal to help further reduce standby power
  • Internal resonant-capacitor voltage synthesizer for enhanced signal reliability and high startup frequency support
  • Automatic capacitive region avoidance
  • Adaptive soft start with minimized inrush current
  • Integrated high-voltage startup (UCC256601, UCC256602, and UCC256604)
  • X-capacitor discharge (UCC256601 and UCC256604).
  • Integrated +0.6/-1.2A gate drive
  • Complete protections
    • 50ns Over-Current Protection (OCP) - cycle-by-cycle current limit
    • Over-Voltage Protection (OVP), internal and external Over-Temperature Protection (OTP)
    • Input and VCCP UVLO with internal 19V VCCP Clamp
  • SOIC-14 package with removed pins for high-voltage clearance
  • 50kHz to 750kHz full-load switching frequency
  • IPPC control enables wide input and output LLC (WLLC) operation
  • Enhanced light load management:
    • High frequency pulse skip for improved light load efficiency
    • Low frequency burst for low standby power
    • Audible frequency range skip for reduced audible noise
    • Integrated PFC on/off control signal to help further reduce standby power
  • Internal resonant-capacitor voltage synthesizer for enhanced signal reliability and high startup frequency support
  • Automatic capacitive region avoidance
  • Adaptive soft start with minimized inrush current
  • Integrated high-voltage startup (UCC256601, UCC256602, and UCC256604)
  • X-capacitor discharge (UCC256601 and UCC256604).
  • Integrated +0.6/-1.2A gate drive
  • Complete protections
    • 50ns Over-Current Protection (OCP) - cycle-by-cycle current limit
    • Over-Voltage Protection (OVP), internal and external Over-Temperature Protection (OTP)
    • Input and VCCP UVLO with internal 19V VCCP Clamp
  • SOIC-14 package with removed pins for high-voltage clearance

The UCC25660x family is a high-frequency LLC controller implementing Input-Power Proportional Control (IPPC) scheme, along with an enhanced light-load management and multiple protection features.

IPPC widens the control range of the LLC converter simplifies the design of wide input and output-voltage range applications such as LED drivers, battery chargers. It can even work without a PFC for non-universal input applications.

The UCC25660x family’s enhanced light-load management improves while minimizing audible noise. To minimize standby power, the UCC25660x family can directly disable the PFC controller when operating in burst mode.

The automatic capacitive region avoidance scheme along with the adaptive soft start with reverse recovery avoidance scheme ensures that the device can never work in a mode where there is a potential to damage the FET’s. This scheme makes the controller ideal for working with a pre-biased load.

The UCC25660x family comes with robust protection to help you design a reliable power supply. The UCC25660x family has options supporting high-voltage startup, X-capacitor (X-cap) discharge, OVP response, and extended Gain range. See details in the device comparison table.

The UCC25660x family is a high-frequency LLC controller implementing Input-Power Proportional Control (IPPC) scheme, along with an enhanced light-load management and multiple protection features.

IPPC widens the control range of the LLC converter simplifies the design of wide input and output-voltage range applications such as LED drivers, battery chargers. It can even work without a PFC for non-universal input applications.

The UCC25660x family’s enhanced light-load management improves while minimizing audible noise. To minimize standby power, the UCC25660x family can directly disable the PFC controller when operating in burst mode.

The automatic capacitive region avoidance scheme along with the adaptive soft start with reverse recovery avoidance scheme ensures that the device can never work in a mode where there is a potential to damage the FET’s. This scheme makes the controller ideal for working with a pre-biased load.

The UCC25660x family comes with robust protection to help you design a reliable power supply. The UCC25660x family has options supporting high-voltage startup, X-capacitor (X-cap) discharge, OVP response, and extended Gain range. See details in the device comparison table.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet UCC25660x Family 750kHz Wide VIN /VOUT Range LLC Controller Optimized for Light-Load Efficiency datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 08 Jul 2024
Product overview UCC25660x Selection Guide (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 30 Mai 2024
Certificate CB TEST CERTIFICATE US-43600-UL 28 Mär 2024
Certificate CB TEST CERTIFICATE US-43601-UL 28 Mär 2024
Technical article Think outside the LLC series resonant converter box PDF | HTML 22 Feb 2024
Certificate UCC25660EVM-064 EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 12 Jun 2023
Application note Improving ZVS and efficiency in LLC converters 05 Nov 2018

Design und Entwicklung

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UCC25660X-CALC UCC25660X Design Calculator

The purpose of this tool is to aid in the design of the main power stage components of a LLC Resonant Converter along with component calculations using UCC25660x controller.
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Bestellen & Qualität

Beinhaltete Information:
  • RoHS
  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
  • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
  • MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
  • Materialinhalt
  • Qualifikationszusammenfassung
  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
Beinhaltete Information:
  • Werksstandort
  • Montagestandort

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