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Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode Secondary-side regulation Topology Flyback Rating Catalog Features Light load efficiency, Overvoltage protection, Secondary-side regulated, Soft start, Zero voltage switching Duty cycle (max) (%) 99
Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode Secondary-side regulation Topology Flyback Rating Catalog Features Light load efficiency, Overvoltage protection, Secondary-side regulated, Soft start, Zero voltage switching Duty cycle (max) (%) 99
SOIC (D) 16 59.4 mm² 9.9 x 6 WQFN (RTE) 16 9 mm² 3 x 3
  • Full and Partial Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) of Primary FET with Adaptive Control
  • Programmable Timing for External Si or GaN FETs
  • High Switching Frequency up to 1 MHz
  • Programmable Adaptive Burst Control and Standby Mode for Light-Load Efficiency with Low Output Ripple and Audible Noise Mitigation
  • Brownout Detection without Direct Line Sensing
  • Accurate Programmable Over-Power Protection (OPP) to Support Peak Power Mode
  • Fault Protections: Over-Temperature, Output Over-Voltage, Output Short-Circuit, Over-Current, and Pin Fault
  • Direct Interface with Optocoupler Based Feedback Allows for Dynamically Scalable Output Voltage
  • Internal Soft Start
  • NTC Thermistor Interface with External Enable
  • Full and Partial Zero Voltage Switching (ZVS) of Primary FET with Adaptive Control
  • Programmable Timing for External Si or GaN FETs
  • High Switching Frequency up to 1 MHz
  • Programmable Adaptive Burst Control and Standby Mode for Light-Load Efficiency with Low Output Ripple and Audible Noise Mitigation
  • Brownout Detection without Direct Line Sensing
  • Accurate Programmable Over-Power Protection (OPP) to Support Peak Power Mode
  • Fault Protections: Over-Temperature, Output Over-Voltage, Output Short-Circuit, Over-Current, and Pin Fault
  • Direct Interface with Optocoupler Based Feedback Allows for Dynamically Scalable Output Voltage
  • Internal Soft Start
  • NTC Thermistor Interface with External Enable

UCC28780 is a high-frequency active-clamp flyback controller that enables high-density AC-to-DC power supplies that comply with stringent global efficiency standards such as DoE Level VI and EU CoC V5 Tier-2. User programmable advanced control law features allow performance to be optimized for both Silicon (Si) and Gallium Nitride (GaN) power FETs. Direct operation with switching devices that combine driver and GaN FETs is further enhanced with logic-level gate signals and enable outputs.

Zero voltage switching (ZVS) is achieved over a wide operating range with advanced auto-tuning techniques, adaptive dead-time optimization, and variable switching frequency control law. Using adaptive multimode control that changes the operation based on input and output conditions, UCC28780 enables high efficiency while mitigating audible noise. With a variable switching frequency of up to 1 MHz and accurate programmable over-power protection, which provides consistent power for thermal design across wide line range, the size of passive components can be further reduced and enable high power density.

UCC28780 works with VDS-sensing synchronous rectifier controllers, such as UCC24612, to achieve higher conversion efficiency and very compact designs.

UCC28780 is a high-frequency active-clamp flyback controller that enables high-density AC-to-DC power supplies that comply with stringent global efficiency standards such as DoE Level VI and EU CoC V5 Tier-2. User programmable advanced control law features allow performance to be optimized for both Silicon (Si) and Gallium Nitride (GaN) power FETs. Direct operation with switching devices that combine driver and GaN FETs is further enhanced with logic-level gate signals and enable outputs.

Zero voltage switching (ZVS) is achieved over a wide operating range with advanced auto-tuning techniques, adaptive dead-time optimization, and variable switching frequency control law. Using adaptive multimode control that changes the operation based on input and output conditions, UCC28780 enables high efficiency while mitigating audible noise. With a variable switching frequency of up to 1 MHz and accurate programmable over-power protection, which provides consistent power for thermal design across wide line range, the size of passive components can be further reduced and enable high power density.

UCC28780 works with VDS-sensing synchronous rectifier controllers, such as UCC24612, to achieve higher conversion efficiency and very compact designs.

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Technische Dokumentation

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Alle anzeigen 14
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet UCC28780 High Frequency Active Clamp Flyback Controller datasheet (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 22 Feb 2018
Analog Design Journal Transformer structures that achieve low EMI with low- and high-side rectifiers 22 Sep 2020
Application note Zero-Voltage-Switching Flyback Using UCC28780 Controller and UCC5304 Isolated Sy 30 Jul 2020
Application note Minimize Standby Consumption for UCC287XX Family 01 Aug 2019
Technical article How to improve flyback efficiency with a nondissipative clamp PDF | HTML 29 Jul 2019
Application note Debugging UCC28780 ACF Converter Start-up Issues 15 Jul 2019
Technical article Gain ultra-high power density for 100-W USB Power Delivery adapters PDF | HTML 05 Mär 2019
Technical article Searching for the newest innovations in power? Find them at APEC PDF | HTML 09 Feb 2019
Application note Selecting Electrolitic Bus Capacitor for Universal Input 17 Jul 2018
EVM User's guide Using the UCC28780EVM-021 15 Mai 2018
Technical article Measuring efficiency, the right way PDF | HTML 12 Mär 2018
Technical article Intelligently control an active clamp flyback PDF | HTML 01 Mär 2018
Application brief Increasing Power Density With Active Clamp Flyback (UCC28780) 27 Feb 2018
EVM User's guide Using the UCC28780EVM-002 (Rev. A) 07 Feb 2018

Design und Entwicklung

Weitere Bedingungen oder erforderliche Ressourcen enthält gegebenenfalls die Detailseite, die Sie durch Klicken auf einen der unten stehenden Titel erreichen.


UCC28780EVM-002 — UCC28780 Aktiv-Clamp-Sperrregler, 45 W AC/DC-EVM mit GaN-FET

The UCC28780EVM-002 demonstrates high-efficiency and high-density for a 45-W off-line adapter using the UCC28780 active-clamp flyback controller at high frequency nominal 300 kHz using GaN MOSFET Power ICs, NV6115 and NV6117.  The EVM also uses the UCC24612 synchronous rectifier controller on (...)

Benutzerhandbuch: PDF

UCC28780EVM-021 — UCC28780 EVM für Active-Clamp-Flyback-Wandler, 45 W mit UCC24612 und Si-MOSFET

The UCC28780EVM-021 is a 45-W evaluation module (EVM) for evaluating an off-line active-clamp flyback adapter for notebook charging and other applications. The EVM meets CoC Tier 2 and DoE Level 6 efficiency requirements. It is intended for evaluation purposes and is not intended to be an end (...)

Benutzerhandbuch: PDF

UCC28780 GaN SIMPLIS Model

SLUM626.ZIP (393 KB) - SIMPLIS Model

UCC28780 Si SIMPLIS Model

SLUM643.ZIP (406 KB) - SIMPLIS Model

SLUC644 UCC28780 Mathcad Design Calculator

Unterstützte Produkte und Hardware

Unterstützte Produkte und Hardware

AC/DC- und DC/DC-Controller (externer FET)
UCC28780 1-MHz-Hochfrequenz-Active-Clamp-Flyback-Controller

SLUC664 UCC28780 Excel Design Calculator

Unterstützte Produkte und Hardware

Unterstützte Produkte und Hardware

AC/DC- und DC/DC-Controller (externer FET)
UCC28780 1-MHz-Hochfrequenz-Active-Clamp-Flyback-Controller

TIDA-01623 — Referenzdesign für 100-W-AC/DC-Adapter, 30 W/Kubikzoll, 93,4 % Wirkungsgrad

This fully-tested reference design is a high-efficiency, high-power-density, AC/DC adapter solution with a wide input voltage range (100- to 240-V AC) for laptop adapters and smartphone charger applications. This design consists of a front-end transition-mode (TM) power factor correction (PFC) (...)
Design guide: PDF
Schaltplan: PDF

PMP21479 — Referenzdesign für aktive Strommesszangen mit 65 W und Si FETs für einen AC/DC-Adapter mit hoher Lei

This reference design uses the UCC28780 active clamp flyback controller to generate a 20-V/15-V/9-V/5-V adjustable output voltage. The maximum power rating is 65 W at 20-V output and up to 3 A at all other output voltage settings. This design reaches a peak efficiency of over 93% using silicon (...)
Test report: PDF
Schaltplan: PDF

TIDA-010047 — Referenzdesign für USB-PD-3.0 AC/DC-Adapter, 22 W/Kubikzoll, 93,1 % Spitzen-Wirkungsgrad, 100 W mit

This fully-tested reference design is a high-efficiency, high-power-density, AC/DC adapter solution with a wide input voltage range (100- to 240-V AC) for laptop adapters and smartphone charger applications. This design consists of a front-end transition-mode (TM) power factor correction (PFC) (...)
Design guide: PDF
Schaltplan: PDF

PMP30720 — Referenzdesign für isolierte Stromversorgung mit hohem Wirkungsgrad und extrem breitem Eingangsspann

This reference design uses the UCC28C42 boost controller and the UCC28780 active-clamp flyback controller to generate an isolated output of 24 V at 3.5 A over an ultra-wide input voltage range of 20 V to 375 V. The design also uses the UCC24612 synchronous rectifier controller on the secondary (...)
Test report: PDF
Schaltplan: PDF

PMP30631 — Referenzdesign für aktiven 70-W-AC/DC-Clamp-Flyback mit hohem Wirkungsgrad

This reference design uses the UCC28780 active clamp flyback controller to generate an isolated output of 20 V @ 3.5 A over an input voltage rage of 90 Vac to 264 Vac. The design also uses the UCC24612 synchronous rectifier controller on the secondary side. Zero voltage switching (ZVS) ensures (...)
Test report: PDF
Schaltplan: PDF

PMP40328 — Referenzdesign für hocheffizienten Active-Clamp-Flyback-Adapter mit hoher Leistungsdichte und SJ-FET

PMP40328 is a maximum 9V 5A reference design for high frequency and high density adapter applications. The solution implements a high efficiency active clamp flyback  controller UCC28780 and secondary rectifier controller UCC24612-2. The efficiency is around 90% at full load. Integrated input (...)
Test report: PDF
Schaltplan: PDF
Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
SOIC (D) 16 Ultra Librarian
WQFN (RTE) 16 Ultra Librarian

Bestellen & Qualität

Beinhaltete Information:
  • RoHS
  • Bausteinkennzeichnung
  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
  • MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
  • MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
  • Materialinhalt
  • Qualifikationszusammenfassung
  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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