Startseite Energiemanagement AC/DC- und DC/DC-Controller (externer FET)



Active-Clamp-PWM-Controller im Strommodus, 110 V, mit FET mit P-Kanal-Klemme und Überspannungsschutz


Vin (max) (V) 16 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode Current Topology Active-clamp forward Rating Catalog Features High-voltage startup, Input line monitor, Programmable slope compensation, Soft start, Soft switching, Supports PFET clamp Duty cycle (max) (%) 74
Vin (max) (V) 16 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode Current Topology Active-clamp forward Rating Catalog Features High-voltage startup, Input line monitor, Programmable slope compensation, Soft start, Soft switching, Supports PFET clamp Duty cycle (max) (%) 74
TSSOP (PW) 20 41.6 mm² 6.5 x 6.4 VQFN (RGP) 20 16 mm² 4 x 4
  • Low-output jitter
  • Soft-stop shutdown of MAIN and AUX
  • 110-V input startup function
  • Ideal for active-clamp, reset-forward, flyback and synchronous rectifier uses
  • Provides complementary auxiliary driver with programmable dead time (Turn-On Delay) between AUX and MAIN switches
  • Peak current-mode control with 0.5-V cycle-by-cycle current limiting
  • TrueDrive™ 2-A Sink, 2-A source outputs
  • Trimmed internal-bandgap reference for accurate line UV and line OV threshold
  • Programmable slope compensation
  • High-performance 1-MHz synchronizable oscillator with internal timing capacitor
  • Precise programmable maximum duty cycle
  • PB-free lead finish package
  • Low-output jitter
  • Soft-stop shutdown of MAIN and AUX
  • 110-V input startup function
  • Ideal for active-clamp, reset-forward, flyback and synchronous rectifier uses
  • Provides complementary auxiliary driver with programmable dead time (Turn-On Delay) between AUX and MAIN switches
  • Peak current-mode control with 0.5-V cycle-by-cycle current limiting
  • TrueDrive™ 2-A Sink, 2-A source outputs
  • Trimmed internal-bandgap reference for accurate line UV and line OV threshold
  • Programmable slope compensation
  • High-performance 1-MHz synchronizable oscillator with internal timing capacitor
  • Precise programmable maximum duty cycle
  • PB-free lead finish package

The UCC2897A PWM controller simplifies implementation of the various active clamp or reset and synchronous rectifier switching power topologies.

The UCC2897A is a peak current-mode fixed-frequency high-performance pulse-width modulator. The controller includes the logic and the drive capability for the P-channel auxiliary switch along with a simple method of programming the critical delays for proper active-clamp operation.

Features include an internal programmable slope compensation circuit, precise DMAX limit, and a synchronizable oscillator with an internal-timing capacitor. An accurate line-monitoring function also programs the ON and OFF transitions of the converter with regard to the bulk input voltage, VIN.

The UCC2897A adds a second-level hiccup-mode current-sense threshold, bi-directional synchronization and input-overvoltage protection functionalities. The UCC2897A is offered in 20-pin TSSOP (PW) and 20-pin QFN (RGP) packages.

The UCC2897A PWM controller simplifies implementation of the various active clamp or reset and synchronous rectifier switching power topologies.

The UCC2897A is a peak current-mode fixed-frequency high-performance pulse-width modulator. The controller includes the logic and the drive capability for the P-channel auxiliary switch along with a simple method of programming the critical delays for proper active-clamp operation.

Features include an internal programmable slope compensation circuit, precise DMAX limit, and a synchronizable oscillator with an internal-timing capacitor. An accurate line-monitoring function also programs the ON and OFF transitions of the converter with regard to the bulk input voltage, VIN.

The UCC2897A adds a second-level hiccup-mode current-sense threshold, bi-directional synchronization and input-overvoltage protection functionalities. The UCC2897A is offered in 20-pin TSSOP (PW) and 20-pin QFN (RGP) packages.

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Alle anzeigen 12
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet UCC2897A Advanced Current-Mode Active-Clamp PWM Controller datasheet (Rev. G) PDF | HTML 27 Jan 2019
Application note Understanding and Designing an Active Clamp Current Mode Controlled Converter (Rev. A) 27 Jan 2020
Selection guide Power Management Guide 2018 (Rev. R) 25 Jun 2018
Application note Slope Compensation Design for UCC2897A 30 Okt 2017
Technical article Flyback converters: two outputs are better than one PDF | HTML 24 Nov 2016
Technical article Excuse me for being a little forward... with my topology PDF | HTML 21 Okt 2015
Application note UCC2897A Peak Current Mode Active Clamp Forward Converter Small Signal Modeling 17 Jan 2014
Application note External Slope Compensation for UCC2897A in Some Special Applications 05 Jan 2010
Application note Method of Providing Hiccup Operation for UCC2897AEVM 27 Aug 2009
EVM User's guide Using the UCC2897AEVM 27 Feb 2009
More literature Seminar 1000 Topic 3 - Active Clamp and Reset Technique 15 Feb 2001
More literature Seminar 1100 Topic 3 - Design Considerations for Active Clamp and Reset 15 Feb 2001

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Unterstützte Produkte und Hardware

AC/DC- und DC/DC-Controller (externer FET)
UCC2897A Active-Clamp-PWM-Controller im Strommodus, 110 V, mit FET mit P-Kanal-Klemme und Überspannungsschutz

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TSSOP (PW) 20 Ultra Librarian
VQFN (RGP) 20 Ultra Librarian

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