Startseite Energiemanagement AC/DC- und DC/DC-Controller (externer FET)



Single-channel synchronous rectifier driver with body-diode conduction sensing

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Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode Dead-time compensation Topology Full-bridge, Resonant Rating Catalog
Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode Dead-time compensation Topology Full-bridge, Resonant Rating Catalog
WSON (DRS) 6 9 mm² 3 x 3
  • Low-Side Gate Driver With Body-Diode
    Conduction Sensing
  • Gate Turnoff Edge Body-Diode Conduction
  • Gate Turnon Edge Delay Optimization
  • Works Together With the Dead-Time
    Compensation (DTC) Module in the UCD3138A
    Family of Digital Power Controllers:
    • Automatic or Manual Dead-Time Adjustment of
      Gate Turnon and Turnoff Edges
    • Negative Current Protection
  • –150-mV Body-Diode Conduction Sensing
  • Able to Sense Body Diode Conduction Times as
    Low as 10 ns
  • 4-A Peak-Source and 6-A Peak-Sink Drive
  • Fast Propagation Delays (14-ns Typical)
  • Fast Rise and Fall Times (5-ns Typical)
  • Up to 2-MHz Operating Frequency
  • 4.5-V to 18-V Supply Range
  • Rail-to-Rail Drive Capability
  • VCC Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO)
  • 6-Pin 3-mm × 3-mm WSON-6 Package
  • Low-Side Gate Driver With Body-Diode
    Conduction Sensing
  • Gate Turnoff Edge Body-Diode Conduction
  • Gate Turnon Edge Delay Optimization
  • Works Together With the Dead-Time
    Compensation (DTC) Module in the UCD3138A
    Family of Digital Power Controllers:
    • Automatic or Manual Dead-Time Adjustment of
      Gate Turnon and Turnoff Edges
    • Negative Current Protection
  • –150-mV Body-Diode Conduction Sensing
  • Able to Sense Body Diode Conduction Times as
    Low as 10 ns
  • 4-A Peak-Source and 6-A Peak-Sink Drive
  • Fast Propagation Delays (14-ns Typical)
  • Fast Rise and Fall Times (5-ns Typical)
  • Up to 2-MHz Operating Frequency
  • 4.5-V to 18-V Supply Range
  • Rail-to-Rail Drive Capability
  • VCC Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO)
  • 6-Pin 3-mm × 3-mm WSON-6 Package

The UCD7138 device is a 4-A and 6-A single-channel MOSFET driver with body-diode conduction sensing and reporting and is a high performance driver that allows the Texas Instruments UCD3138A digital PWM controller to achieve advanced synchronous-rectification (SR) control. The device contains a high-speed gate driver, a body-diode conduction-sensing circuit, and a turnon delay optimization circuit. The device is suitable for high-power, high-efficiency isolated converter applications where SR dead-time optimization is desired.

The UCD7138 device offers asymmetrical rail-to-rail 4-A source and 6-A sink peak-current drive capability. The short propagation delay and fast rise and fall time allows efficient operation at high frequencies. An internal high-speed comparator with a –150-mV threshold detects the body-diode conduction and reports the information to the UCD3138A digital-power controller. The UCD7138 device is capable of sensing body-diode conduction time as low as 10 ns. The SR turnon edge is optimized by the UCD7138 device. The SR turnoff edge is optimized by the UCD3138A digital-power controller which analyzes the body-diode conduction information reported by the UCD7138 DTC pin.

The benefits of the chipset include maximizing system efficiency by minimizing body-diode conduction time, robust and fast negative-current protection, and a simple interface.

The UCD7138 device is a 4-A and 6-A single-channel MOSFET driver with body-diode conduction sensing and reporting and is a high performance driver that allows the Texas Instruments UCD3138A digital PWM controller to achieve advanced synchronous-rectification (SR) control. The device contains a high-speed gate driver, a body-diode conduction-sensing circuit, and a turnon delay optimization circuit. The device is suitable for high-power, high-efficiency isolated converter applications where SR dead-time optimization is desired.

The UCD7138 device offers asymmetrical rail-to-rail 4-A source and 6-A sink peak-current drive capability. The short propagation delay and fast rise and fall time allows efficient operation at high frequencies. An internal high-speed comparator with a –150-mV threshold detects the body-diode conduction and reports the information to the UCD3138A digital-power controller. The UCD7138 device is capable of sensing body-diode conduction time as low as 10 ns. The SR turnon edge is optimized by the UCD7138 device. The SR turnoff edge is optimized by the UCD3138A digital-power controller which analyzes the body-diode conduction information reported by the UCD7138 DTC pin.

The benefits of the chipset include maximizing system efficiency by minimizing body-diode conduction time, robust and fast negative-current protection, and a simple interface.

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Technische Dokumentation

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Alle anzeigen 6
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet UCD7138 4-A and 6-A Single-Channel Synchronous-Rectifier Driver With Body-Diode Conduction Sensing and Reporting datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 13 Mai 2015
Application note Intelligent LLC SR Control Using C2000 and UCD7138 (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 27 Jun 2022
Technical article Power Tips: How GaN devices boost resonant converter efficiency PDF | HTML 25 Aug 2016
EVM User's guide Using the UCD3138ALLCEVM150 (Rev. A) 14 Jan 2016
Application note Using UCD7138 and UCD3138A for Advanced Synchronous Rectification Control (Rev. B) 23 Okt 2015
Technical article Is your power supply smart enough to be cool PDF | HTML 21 Mai 2015

Design und Entwicklung

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