

Geregelte isolierte DC/DC-Miniaturwandler, 1 W, 3 KVDC

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Features 1W, Single output, Unregulated Vin (min) (V) 4.5 Vin (max) (V) 5.5 Device type Isolated modules Regulated outputs (#) 1 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Topology Push-Pull
Features 1W, Single output, Unregulated Vin (min) (V) 4.5 Vin (max) (V) 5.5 Device type Isolated modules Regulated outputs (#) 1 Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Topology Push-Pull
SIPMODULE (EDJ) 4 149.0472 mm² 19.56 x 7.62
  • 3-kVDC Isolation (operational): 1-second test
  • Continuous voltage applied across isolation barrier: 60 VDC / 42.5 VAC
  • UL60950 certified product
  • Industry standard footprint
  • JEDEC 7-pin SIP package
  • Input voltage: 5 V ±10%
  • Output voltage: ±5 V, ±12 V, or ±15 V
  • Supports series operation for higher output voltage
  • Supports parallel operation for higher output power
  • Up to 78% efficiency
  • 3-kVDC Isolation (operational): 1-second test
  • Continuous voltage applied across isolation barrier: 60 VDC / 42.5 VAC
  • UL60950 certified product
  • Industry standard footprint
  • JEDEC 7-pin SIP package
  • Input voltage: 5 V ±10%
  • Output voltage: ±5 V, ±12 V, or ±15 V
  • Supports series operation for higher output voltage
  • Supports parallel operation for higher output power
  • Up to 78% efficiency

The DCH010505, DCH010512, and DCH010515 devices are a family of miniature, 1-W, 3-kV isolated DC/DC converters. Featured in an industry standard 7-pin SIP package, the DCH01 series requires minimal external components, reducing board space. The DCH01 series provides both single and dual split-supply outputs.

The use of a highly integrated package design results in highly reliable products with high power densities. High performance and small size makes the DCH01 suitable for a wide range of applications including signal chain applications and ground loop elimination.

The DCH010505, DCH010512, and DCH010515 devices are a family of miniature, 1-W, 3-kV isolated DC/DC converters. Featured in an industry standard 7-pin SIP package, the DCH01 series requires minimal external components, reducing board space. The DCH01 series provides both single and dual split-supply outputs.

The use of a highly integrated package design results in highly reliable products with high power densities. High performance and small size makes the DCH01 suitable for a wide range of applications including signal chain applications and ground loop elimination.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet Miniature, 1W, 3kV Isolated, Unregulated DC/DC Converters datasheet (Rev. J) 22 Apr 2020
Technical article Pile on to a charger – my EV needs power PDF | HTML 20 Dez 2016

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Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
SIPMODULE (EDJ) 4 Ultra Librarian

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