Startseite Energiemanagement Gate-Treiber Halbbrückentreiber



Halbbrücken-Gate-Treiber, 1,2 A, 5 A, 90 V, mit 5-V-UVLO für GaNFET und MOSFET


Power switch GaNFET, MOSFET Input supply voltage (min) (V) 4.5 Input supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Peak output current (A) 5 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Undervoltage lockout (typ) (V) 4 Rating Catalog Propagation delay time (µs) 0.035 Rise time (ns) 7 Fall time (ns) 3.5 Iq (mA) 0.09 Input threshold TTL Channel input logic TTL Switch node voltage (V) -5 Features Bootstrap supply voltage clamp, Split outputs on high and low side Driver configuration Half bridge
Power switch GaNFET, MOSFET Input supply voltage (min) (V) 4.5 Input supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Peak output current (A) 5 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Undervoltage lockout (typ) (V) 4 Rating Catalog Propagation delay time (µs) 0.035 Rise time (ns) 7 Fall time (ns) 3.5 Iq (mA) 0.09 Input threshold TTL Channel input logic TTL Switch node voltage (V) -5 Features Bootstrap supply voltage clamp, Split outputs on high and low side Driver configuration Half bridge
DSBGA (YFX) 12 3.24 mm² 1.8 x 1.8
  • Independent high-side and low-side TTL logic inputs
  • 1.2-A peak source, 5-A sink current
  • High-side floating bias voltage rail operates up to 100 VDC
  • Internal bootstrap supply voltage clamping
  • Split outputs for adjustable turnon, turnoff strength
  • 0.6-Ω pulldown, 2.1-Ω pullup resistance
  • Fast propagation times (35 ns typical)
  • Excellent propagation delay matching (1.5 ns typical)
  • Supply rail undervoltage lockout
  • Low power consumption
  • Independent high-side and low-side TTL logic inputs
  • 1.2-A peak source, 5-A sink current
  • High-side floating bias voltage rail operates up to 100 VDC
  • Internal bootstrap supply voltage clamping
  • Split outputs for adjustable turnon, turnoff strength
  • 0.6-Ω pulldown, 2.1-Ω pullup resistance
  • Fast propagation times (35 ns typical)
  • Excellent propagation delay matching (1.5 ns typical)
  • Supply rail undervoltage lockout
  • Low power consumption

The LMG1205 is designed to drive both the high-side and the low-side enhancement mode Gallium Nitride (GaN) FETs in a synchronous buck, boost, or half-bridge configuration. The device has an integrated 100-V bootstrap diode and independent inputs for the high-side and low-side outputs for maximum control flexibility. The high-side bias voltage is generated using a bootstrap technique and is internally clamped at 5 V, which prevents the gate voltage from exceeding the maximum gate-source voltage rating of enhancement mode GaN FETs. The inputs of the LMG1205 are TTL logic compatible and can withstand input voltages up to 14 V regardless of the VDD voltage. The LMG1205 has split-gate outputs, providing flexibility to adjust the turnon and turnoff strength independently.

In addition, the strong sink capability of the LMG1205 maintains the gate in the low state, preventing unintended turnon during switching. The LMG1205 can operate up to several MHz. The LMG1205 is available in a 12-pin DSBGA package that offers a compact footprint and minimized package inductance.

The LMG1205 is designed to drive both the high-side and the low-side enhancement mode Gallium Nitride (GaN) FETs in a synchronous buck, boost, or half-bridge configuration. The device has an integrated 100-V bootstrap diode and independent inputs for the high-side and low-side outputs for maximum control flexibility. The high-side bias voltage is generated using a bootstrap technique and is internally clamped at 5 V, which prevents the gate voltage from exceeding the maximum gate-source voltage rating of enhancement mode GaN FETs. The inputs of the LMG1205 are TTL logic compatible and can withstand input voltages up to 14 V regardless of the VDD voltage. The LMG1205 has split-gate outputs, providing flexibility to adjust the turnon and turnoff strength independently.

In addition, the strong sink capability of the LMG1205 maintains the gate in the low state, preventing unintended turnon during switching. The LMG1205 can operate up to several MHz. The LMG1205 is available in a 12-pin DSBGA package that offers a compact footprint and minimized package inductance.

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Alle anzeigen 15
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet LMG1205 100-V, 1.2-A to 5-A, Half Bridge GaN Driver with Integrated Bootstrap Diode datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 14 Apr 2023
Application note Using Half-Bridge Gate Driver to Achieve 100% Duty Cycle for High Side FET PDF | HTML 25 Mär 2024
Application note Implementing Bootstrap Overcharge Prevention in GaN Half-bridge Circuits PDF | HTML 15 Nov 2023
Application note Bootstrap Circuitry Selection for Half Bridge Configurations (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 08 Sep 2023
Application brief GaN Applications PDF | HTML 10 Aug 2022
Application brief GaN Driver Schematic and Layout Recommendations PDF | HTML 10 Aug 2022
Application brief Key Parameters and Driving Requirements of GaN FETs PDF | HTML 04 Aug 2022
Application brief Nomenclature, Types, and Structure of GaN Transistors PDF | HTML 04 Aug 2022
Application brief How GaN Enables More Efficient and Reduced Form Factor Power Supplies PDF | HTML 02 Aug 2022
Application brief External Gate Resistor Selection Guide (Rev. A) 28 Feb 2020
Application brief Understanding Peak IOH and IOL Currents (Rev. A) 28 Feb 2020
Application note GaN Gate Driver Layout Help 23 Mai 2019
White paper Optimizing multi-megahertz GaN driver design white paper (Rev. A) 27 Nov 2018
EVM User's guide Using the LMG1205HBEVM 22 Mär 2017
White paper A comprehensive methodology to qualify the reliability of GaN products 02 Mär 2015

Design und Entwicklung

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LMG1205 Halbbrücken-Gate-Treiber, 1,2 A, 5 A, 90 V, mit 5-V-UVLO für GaNFET und MOSFET

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  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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