Abwärtswandler für die Automobilindustrie, 3 V bis 65 V, 0,3 A
- AEC-Q100-qualified for automotive applications:
- Device temperature grade 0: –40°C to +150°C, TA
- > 70% efficiency at 5mA
- 4µA IQ (switching) at 24VIN to 3.3VOUT (fixed output option)
- Miniature design size and low component cost
- 2mm × 2mm HotRod™ package with wettable flanks
- Internal compensation
- Designed for automotive applications:
- Junction temperature range –40°C to +175°C
- Pseudo-random spread spectrum compatible with CISPR 25 EMI standard
- Wide input voltage range: 3V (falling threshold) to 65V
- Adjustable and 3.3V fixed output voltage options available
- Synchronizable with MODE/SYNC pin variant
- Adjustable FSW: 200kHz to 2.2MHz with RT pin variant
- Functional Safety-Capable
- Pin compatible with LMR36503-Q1 (65V, 300mA)
- Create a custom design using the LMR36503E-Q1 with the WEBENCH Power Designer
The LMR36503E-Q1 is a 65V, 0.3A synchronous step-down DC/DC converter in 2mm × 2mm HotRod package. This easy-to-use converter can handle input voltage transients up to 70V, provide excellent EMI performance, and support fixed 3.3V, 5V and other adjustable output voltages.
The LMR36503E-Q1 uses peak current mode control architecture with internal compensation and maintains stable operation with minimal output capacitance. The wide input operating range of the LMR36503E-Q1 helps the device remain functional during a deep input voltage sag condition, making the device an excellent choice for automotive applications withstanding severe cold crank start impulses. The PGOOD flag in the LMR36503E-Q1 provides precise indication of the output voltage status, eliminating the requirement for an external supervisor. A seamless transition from FPWM to PFM, with an ultra-low standby quiescent current allows the LMR36503E-Q1 to support much higher system efficiency at low output loads. The MODE/SYNC pin variant helps to synchronize the LMR36503E-Q1 to an external clock. With the right resistor selection, the LMR36503E-Q1 RT pin variant can also be externally programmed to any desired switching frequency of operation. The rich feature set of the LMR36503E-Q1 is designed to simplify implementation for a wide range of automotive end equipments.
Technische Dokumentation
Design und Entwicklung
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LMR36503MSCEEVM — LMR360503E-Q1 Evaluierungsmodul
Das LMR36503E-Q1 ist ein DC/DC-Abwärtsregler mit 65 V, 0,3 A, der mit synchroner Gleichrichtung eine hohe Wandlungseffizienz bei geringem Platzbedarf erreicht. Das LMR36503E-Q1-Evaluierungsmodul (EVM) arbeitet über einen großen Eingangsspannungsbereich von 5,5 V bis 65 V und bietet einen geregelten (...)
LMR36503MSC-Q1 PSpice Unencrypted Transient Model
LMR36503MSC3-Q1 PSpice Unencrypted Transient Model
LMR36503RS3-Q1 PSpice Unencrypted Transient Model
Gehäuse | Pins | CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle |
VQFN-HR (RPE) | 9 | Ultra Librarian |
Bestellen & Qualität
- RoHS
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- Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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