Strahlungstoleranter 60 V-GaN-Gate-Treiber

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Bootstrap supply voltage (max) (V) 60 Power switch GaNFET Input supply voltage (min) (V) 10 Input supply voltage (max) (V) 16 Peak output current (A) 1.3 Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125 Undervoltage lockout (typ) (V) 8 Rating Space Propagation delay time (µs) 0.035 Rise time (ns) 0.4 Fall time (ns) 4 Iq (mA) 0.5 Input threshold TTL Channel input logic TTL/PWM Features Dead time control, Interlock, Internal LDO Driver configuration Half bridge
Bootstrap supply voltage (max) (V) 60 Power switch GaNFET Input supply voltage (min) (V) 10 Input supply voltage (max) (V) 16 Peak output current (A) 1.3 Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125 Undervoltage lockout (typ) (V) 8 Rating Space Propagation delay time (µs) 0.035 Rise time (ns) 0.4 Fall time (ns) 4 Iq (mA) 0.5 Input threshold TTL Channel input logic TTL/PWM Features Dead time control, Interlock, Internal LDO Driver configuration Half bridge
HTSSOP (DCA) 56 113.4 mm² 14 x 8.1
  • Radiation performance:
    • Radiation-hardness-assurance (RHA) up to total ionizing dose (TID) of 100krad(Si)
    • Single-event transient (SET), single-event burnout (SEB), and single-event gate rupture (SEGR) immune to linear energy transfer (LET) = 75MeV-cm2/mg
    • Single-event transient (SET) and single-event functional interrupt (SEFI) characterized up to LET = 75MeV-cm2/mg
  • 1.3A peak source, 2.5A peak sink current
  • Two operational modes:
    • Single PWM input with adjustable dead time
    • Two independent inputs
  • Selectable input interlock protection in independent input mode
  • Split outputs for adjustable turn-on and turn-off times
  • 30ns typical propagation delay in independent input mode
  • 5.5ns typical delay matching
  • Plastic packages outgas tested per ASTM E595
  • Available in military temperature range (–55°C to 125°C)
  • Radiation performance:
    • Radiation-hardness-assurance (RHA) up to total ionizing dose (TID) of 100krad(Si)
    • Single-event transient (SET), single-event burnout (SEB), and single-event gate rupture (SEGR) immune to linear energy transfer (LET) = 75MeV-cm2/mg
    • Single-event transient (SET) and single-event functional interrupt (SEFI) characterized up to LET = 75MeV-cm2/mg
  • 1.3A peak source, 2.5A peak sink current
  • Two operational modes:
    • Single PWM input with adjustable dead time
    • Two independent inputs
  • Selectable input interlock protection in independent input mode
  • Split outputs for adjustable turn-on and turn-off times
  • 30ns typical propagation delay in independent input mode
  • 5.5ns typical delay matching
  • Plastic packages outgas tested per ASTM E595
  • Available in military temperature range (–55°C to 125°C)

The TPS7H60x5 series of radiation-hardness-assured (RHA) gallium nitride (GaN) field effect transistor (FET) gate drivers is designed for high frequency, high efficiency, and high current applications. The series consists of the TPS7H6005 (200V rating), TPS7H6015 (60V rating), and the TPS7H6025 (22V rating). Each of these devices has a 56-pin HTSSOP plastic package, and availability in both the QMLP and Space Enhanced Plastic (SEP) grades. The drivers feature adjustable dead time capability, small 30ns propagation delay and 5.5ns high-side and low-side matching. These parts also include internal high-side and low-side LDOs which ensure a drive voltage of 5V regardless of supply voltage. The TPS7H60x5 drivers all have split-gate outputs, providing flexibility to adjust the turn-on and turn-off strength of the outputs independently.

The TPS7H60x5 drivers feature two control input modes: independent input mode (IIM) and PWM mode. In IIM each of the outputs is controlled by a dedicated input. In PWM mode, two complementary outputs signals are generated from a single input and the user can adjust the dead time for each edge.

The gate drivers also offer user configurable input interlock in independent input mode as anti-shoot through protection. Input interlock disallows turn-on of both outputs when both inputs are on simultaneously. The user has the option to enable or disable this protection in independent input mode, which allows the driver to be used in a number of different converter configurations. The drivers can also be utilized for both half-bridge and dual-low side converter applications.

The TPS7H60x5 series of radiation-hardness-assured (RHA) gallium nitride (GaN) field effect transistor (FET) gate drivers is designed for high frequency, high efficiency, and high current applications. The series consists of the TPS7H6005 (200V rating), TPS7H6015 (60V rating), and the TPS7H6025 (22V rating). Each of these devices has a 56-pin HTSSOP plastic package, and availability in both the QMLP and Space Enhanced Plastic (SEP) grades. The drivers feature adjustable dead time capability, small 30ns propagation delay and 5.5ns high-side and low-side matching. These parts also include internal high-side and low-side LDOs which ensure a drive voltage of 5V regardless of supply voltage. The TPS7H60x5 drivers all have split-gate outputs, providing flexibility to adjust the turn-on and turn-off strength of the outputs independently.

The TPS7H60x5 drivers feature two control input modes: independent input mode (IIM) and PWM mode. In IIM each of the outputs is controlled by a dedicated input. In PWM mode, two complementary outputs signals are generated from a single input and the user can adjust the dead time for each edge.

The gate drivers also offer user configurable input interlock in independent input mode as anti-shoot through protection. Input interlock disallows turn-on of both outputs when both inputs are on simultaneously. The user has the option to enable or disable this protection in independent input mode, which allows the driver to be used in a number of different converter configurations. The drivers can also be utilized for both half-bridge and dual-low side converter applications.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TPS7H60x5-SP and TPS7H60x5-SEP Radiation-Hardness-Assured Half Bridge GaN FET Gate Drivers datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 28 Feb 2025
* Radiation & reliability report TPS7H60X5-SEP Single-Event Effects (SEE) Report PDF | HTML 14 Nov 2024
Technical article How can you optimize SWaP for next-generation satellites with electrical power systems (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 19 Feb 2025
Selection guide TI Space Products (Rev. J) 12 Feb 2024
Application note Reduce the Risk in Low-Earth Orbit Missions with Space Enhanced Plastic Products (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 15 Sep 2022
E-book Radiation Handbook for Electronics (Rev. A) 21 Mai 2019

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