

Zweifacher 2-A-synchroner Abwärts-LED-Treiber für die Automobilindustrie

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Number of channels 2 Topology Buck Rating Automotive Operating temperature range (°C) 125 to -40 Vin (min) (V) 4.5 Vin (max) (V) 65 Vout (min) (V) 2.8 Vout (max) (V) 54 Iout (max) (A) 2 Iq (typ) (mA) 5 Features Fault Detection, LED Open Detection, Precision Dimming Control, Thermal Error Flag, Thermal shutdown
Number of channels 2 Topology Buck Rating Automotive Operating temperature range (°C) 125 to -40 Vin (min) (V) 4.5 Vin (max) (V) 65 Vout (min) (V) 2.8 Vout (max) (V) 54 Iout (max) (A) 2 Iq (typ) (mA) 5 Features Fault Detection, LED Open Detection, Precision Dimming Control, Thermal Error Flag, Thermal shutdown
HTSSOP (DAP) 32 89.1 mm² 11 x 8.1
  • AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive applications
    • Grade 1: –40°C to 125°C ambient operating temperature
    • Device HBM classification level H1C
    • Device CDM classification level C2
  • Functional Safety-Capable
    • Documentation available to aid functional safety system design
  • 4.5-V to 65-V wide input voltage range
  • Up to 2-A output current with 4% accuracy
  • Adaptive on-time average current control
  • Nominal switching frequency
    • 385 kHz and 435 kHz for channel 1 and channel 2
    • 2 MHz and 2.1 MHz for channel 1 and channel 2
  • Advanced dimming operation
    • Precision analog dimming
    • Supports external PWM dimming input
    • Optimized for external shunt dimming including LED matrix manager
  • Cycle-by-cycle switch overcurrent protection
  • Switch thermal protection
  • LED open and short fault monitoring and reporting
  • AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive applications
    • Grade 1: –40°C to 125°C ambient operating temperature
    • Device HBM classification level H1C
    • Device CDM classification level C2
  • Functional Safety-Capable
    • Documentation available to aid functional safety system design
  • 4.5-V to 65-V wide input voltage range
  • Up to 2-A output current with 4% accuracy
  • Adaptive on-time average current control
  • Nominal switching frequency
    • 385 kHz and 435 kHz for channel 1 and channel 2
    • 2 MHz and 2.1 MHz for channel 1 and channel 2
  • Advanced dimming operation
    • Precision analog dimming
    • Supports external PWM dimming input
    • Optimized for external shunt dimming including LED matrix manager
  • Cycle-by-cycle switch overcurrent protection
  • Switch thermal protection
  • LED open and short fault monitoring and reporting

The TPS92519-Q1 is a monolithic dual synchronous buck LED driver with a wide 4.5-V to 65-V operating input voltage range that can independently power two strings of series connected LEDs. The TPS92519-Q1 implements an adaptive on-time average current mode control and is designed to be compatible with shunt FET dimming techniques and LED matrix manager-based dynamic beam headlamps. The adaptive on-time control provides near constant switching frequency that can be set using FSET input. Inductor current sensing and closed-loop feedback enables better than ±4% accuracy over wide input voltage, output voltage and ambient temperature range.

The high performance LED driver can independently modulate LED current using both analog or PWM dimming techniques. Linear analog dimming response with over 16:1 range is obtained by varying the voltage from 140 mV to 2.45 V across the high Impedance Analog Adjust (IADJ) input. PWM dimming of LED current is achieved by directly modulating the corresponding UDIM input pin with the desired duty cycle and frequency. The device supports high frequency shunt FET dimming and is compatible with pixel control techniques using LED matrix manager.

The TPS92519-Q1 supports parallel operation of two or more channels thus enabling flexibility required to drive high current LEDs or laser diodes. Current is shared between parallel channels based on IADJ input independent of component tolerances and parasitics.

The TPS92519-Q1 incorporates advanced fault protection featuring: cycle-by-cycle switch current limit, bootstrap undervoltage and thermal shutdown. The device includes an open drain fault output to indicate output open and short conditions.

The TPS92519-Q1 is available in a 8.1-mm × 11-mm thermally-enhanced 32-pin HTSSOP package with a 2.75-mm × 3.45-mm bottom-exposed pad.

The TPS92519-Q1 is a monolithic dual synchronous buck LED driver with a wide 4.5-V to 65-V operating input voltage range that can independently power two strings of series connected LEDs. The TPS92519-Q1 implements an adaptive on-time average current mode control and is designed to be compatible with shunt FET dimming techniques and LED matrix manager-based dynamic beam headlamps. The adaptive on-time control provides near constant switching frequency that can be set using FSET input. Inductor current sensing and closed-loop feedback enables better than ±4% accuracy over wide input voltage, output voltage and ambient temperature range.

The high performance LED driver can independently modulate LED current using both analog or PWM dimming techniques. Linear analog dimming response with over 16:1 range is obtained by varying the voltage from 140 mV to 2.45 V across the high Impedance Analog Adjust (IADJ) input. PWM dimming of LED current is achieved by directly modulating the corresponding UDIM input pin with the desired duty cycle and frequency. The device supports high frequency shunt FET dimming and is compatible with pixel control techniques using LED matrix manager.

The TPS92519-Q1 supports parallel operation of two or more channels thus enabling flexibility required to drive high current LEDs or laser diodes. Current is shared between parallel channels based on IADJ input independent of component tolerances and parasitics.

The TPS92519-Q1 incorporates advanced fault protection featuring: cycle-by-cycle switch current limit, bootstrap undervoltage and thermal shutdown. The device includes an open drain fault output to indicate output open and short conditions.

The TPS92519-Q1 is available in a 8.1-mm × 11-mm thermally-enhanced 32-pin HTSSOP package with a 2.75-mm × 3.45-mm bottom-exposed pad.

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Alle anzeigen 4
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TPS92519-Q1 4.5-V to 65-V Dual Automotive 2-A Synchronous Buck LED Driver datasheet (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 07 Dez 2021
User guide TPS92519-Q1 Evaluation Module User's Guide (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 17 Nov 2021
Application note Paralleling LED Driver Channels to Support Higher Currents Using TPS92520/519-Q1 PDF | HTML 10 Sep 2021
Certificate TPS92519EVM-169 EU RoHS Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 08 Sep 2021

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