

PMBus-Modul, 8 bis 14 V Eingang, 120 + 40 A zweifach-Ausgänge mit AVS und Überwachung

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Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 105 Topology Buck, Synchronous Buck Type Module Iout (max) (A) 120 Vin (min) (V) 8 Vin (max) (V) 14 Vout (min) (V) 0.25 Vout (max) (V) 1.52 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 350 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 700 Features Adjustable current limit, Current Sharing, Dynamic Voltage Scaling, EMI Tested, Enable, Light Load Efficiency, PMBus, Phase Interleaving, Power good, Remote Sense, Voltage Margining Control mode D-CAP+ Duty cycle (max) (%) 25
Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 105 Topology Buck, Synchronous Buck Type Module Iout (max) (A) 120 Vin (min) (V) 8 Vin (max) (V) 14 Vout (min) (V) 0.25 Vout (max) (V) 1.52 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 350 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 700 Features Adjustable current limit, Current Sharing, Dynamic Voltage Scaling, EMI Tested, Enable, Light Load Efficiency, PMBus, Phase Interleaving, Power good, Remote Sense, Voltage Margining Control mode D-CAP+ Duty cycle (max) (%) 25
QFM (MOA) 28 720 mm² 48 x 15
  • Input voltage range: 8 V to 14 V
  • Dual output: 120 A (3-phase) + 40 A (1-phase)
  • Output voltage range: 0.25 V to 1.52 V
    • Programmable in 5-mV steps
    • Differential remote sense
    • ±0.5% Vref accuracy with remote sense
  • PMBus Interface
    • Programmable VOUT, UVLO, fault limits
    • VIN, VOUT, IOUT, temperature telemetry
    • Supports up to 1-MHz bus speed
    • On-chip non-volatile configuration memory
  • Ultra-fast transient response
  • Switching frequency range: 350 kHz to 700 kHz
  • 15-mm × 48-mm footprint and 12-mm height
  • Efficiencies up to 95%
  • Dual power good outputs
  • Overcurrent, overvoltage, overtemperature protection
  • Operating IC junction range: –40°C to 125°C
  • Operating ambient range: –40°C to 105°C
  • Input voltage range: 8 V to 14 V
  • Dual output: 120 A (3-phase) + 40 A (1-phase)
  • Output voltage range: 0.25 V to 1.52 V
    • Programmable in 5-mV steps
    • Differential remote sense
    • ±0.5% Vref accuracy with remote sense
  • PMBus Interface
    • Programmable VOUT, UVLO, fault limits
    • VIN, VOUT, IOUT, temperature telemetry
    • Supports up to 1-MHz bus speed
    • On-chip non-volatile configuration memory
  • Ultra-fast transient response
  • Switching frequency range: 350 kHz to 700 kHz
  • 15-mm × 48-mm footprint and 12-mm height
  • Efficiencies up to 95%
  • Dual power good outputs
  • Overcurrent, overvoltage, overtemperature protection
  • Operating IC junction range: –40°C to 125°C
  • Operating ambient range: –40°C to 105°C

The TPSM831D31 is a PMBus™-controlled, dual-output, 4-phase power module that combines a high-performance D-CAP+™ controller with four high-efficiency Smart Power Stages, and low-loss inductors, into a rugged, thermally enhanced surface-mount package. The user supplies the input and output capacitors and a few passive components to complete the system. The first output is a 3-phase power stage that can deliver up to 120 A of continuous output current. The second output is a single phase power stage that can deliver up to 40 A of output current.

The PMBus interface provides for converter configuration of each VOUT, UVLO, soft-start, overcurrent, and thermal shutdown parameters. The interface provides support for telemetry that can report the actual input voltage, output voltage, output current, and device temperature. The device can report input and output power. The device supports standard PMBus warning and fault functions. The device supports PMBus communication speeds up to 1 MHz, with 1.8-V or 3.3-V logic levels, as detailed in Section 4.3 of SMBus Specification V3.0. The module supports a subset of the commands in the PMBus 1.3 specification.

The TPSM831D31 is a PMBus™-controlled, dual-output, 4-phase power module that combines a high-performance D-CAP+™ controller with four high-efficiency Smart Power Stages, and low-loss inductors, into a rugged, thermally enhanced surface-mount package. The user supplies the input and output capacitors and a few passive components to complete the system. The first output is a 3-phase power stage that can deliver up to 120 A of continuous output current. The second output is a single phase power stage that can deliver up to 40 A of output current.

The PMBus interface provides for converter configuration of each VOUT, UVLO, soft-start, overcurrent, and thermal shutdown parameters. The interface provides support for telemetry that can report the actual input voltage, output voltage, output current, and device temperature. The device can report input and output power. The device supports standard PMBus warning and fault functions. The device supports PMBus communication speeds up to 1 MHz, with 1.8-V or 3.3-V logic levels, as detailed in Section 4.3 of SMBus Specification V3.0. The module supports a subset of the commands in the PMBus 1.3 specification.

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Technische Dokumentation

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TPSM831D31 8-V to 14-V Input, 0.25-V to 1.52-V Dual Output, 120-A + 40-A PMBus™ Power Module datasheet (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 14 Jun 2021
White paper Power solution options for data center applications (Rev. A) 27 Feb 2020
Technical article Sequencing and powering FPGAs in radar and other defense applications PDF | HTML 18 Nov 2019
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