

Halbbrücken-Gate-Treiber mit Verriegelung für Fahrzeuganwendungen, mit 1,8 A/2,8 A, 620 V

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Bootstrap supply voltage (max) (V) 620 Power switch IGBT, MOSFET Input supply voltage (min) (V) 10 Input supply voltage (max) (V) 20 Peak output current (A) 2.8 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 140 Undervoltage lockout (typ) (V) 10 Rating Automotive Propagation delay time (µs) 0.1 Rise time (ns) 16 Fall time (ns) 10 Iq (mA) 0.25 Input threshold CMOS, TTL Channel input logic Noninverting Switch node voltage (V) -11 Features Interlock Driver configuration CMOS compatible, Dual, Noninverting, TTL compatible
Bootstrap supply voltage (max) (V) 620 Power switch IGBT, MOSFET Input supply voltage (min) (V) 10 Input supply voltage (max) (V) 20 Peak output current (A) 2.8 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 140 Undervoltage lockout (typ) (V) 10 Rating Automotive Propagation delay time (µs) 0.1 Rise time (ns) 16 Fall time (ns) 10 Iq (mA) 0.25 Input threshold CMOS, TTL Channel input logic Noninverting Switch node voltage (V) -11 Features Interlock Driver configuration CMOS compatible, Dual, Noninverting, TTL compatible
SOIC (D) 8 29.4 mm² 4.9 x 6
  • AEC-Q100 Qualified for Automotive Application
    • Device HBM Classification Level 1C
    • Device CDM Classification Level C4B
  • High-Side and Low-Side Configuration
  • Dual Inputs With Output Interlock and 150-ns Deadtime
  • Fully Operational up to 620-V, 700-V Absolute Maximum on HB Pin
  • 10-V to 20-V VDD Recommended Range
  • Peak Output Current 2.8-A Sink, 1.8-A Source
  • dv/dt Immunity of 50 V/ns
  • Logic Operational up to –11 V on HS Pin
  • Negative Voltage Tolerance On Inputs of –5 V
  • Large Negative Transient Safe Operating Area
  • UVLO Protection for Both Channels
  • Small Propagation Delay (100-ns Typical)
  • Delay Matching (12-ns Typical)
  • Low Quiescent Current
  • TTL and CMOS Compatible Inputs
  • Industry Standard SOIC-8 Package
  • All Parameters Specified Over Temperature Range, –40 °C to +125 °C
  • AEC-Q100 Qualified for Automotive Application
    • Device HBM Classification Level 1C
    • Device CDM Classification Level C4B
  • High-Side and Low-Side Configuration
  • Dual Inputs With Output Interlock and 150-ns Deadtime
  • Fully Operational up to 620-V, 700-V Absolute Maximum on HB Pin
  • 10-V to 20-V VDD Recommended Range
  • Peak Output Current 2.8-A Sink, 1.8-A Source
  • dv/dt Immunity of 50 V/ns
  • Logic Operational up to –11 V on HS Pin
  • Negative Voltage Tolerance On Inputs of –5 V
  • Large Negative Transient Safe Operating Area
  • UVLO Protection for Both Channels
  • Small Propagation Delay (100-ns Typical)
  • Delay Matching (12-ns Typical)
  • Low Quiescent Current
  • TTL and CMOS Compatible Inputs
  • Industry Standard SOIC-8 Package
  • All Parameters Specified Over Temperature Range, –40 °C to +125 °C

The UCC27712-Q1 is a 620-V high-side and low-side gate driver with 1.8-A source, 2.8-A sink current, targeted to drive power MOSFETs or IGBTs.

The recommended VDD operating voltage is 10-V to 20-V for IGBT’s and 10-V to 17-V for power MOSFETs.

The UCC27712-Q1 includes protection features where the outputs are held low when the inputs are left open or when the minimum input pulse width specification is not met. Interlock and deadtime functions prevent both outputs from being turned on simultaneously. In addition, the device accepts a wide range bias supply range from 10 V to 22 V, and offers UVLO protection for both the VDD and HB bias supply.

Developed with TI’s state of the art high-voltage device technology, the device features robust drive with excellent noise and transient immunity including large negative voltage tolerance on its inputs, high dV/dt tolerance, wide negative transient safe operating area (NTSOA) on the switch node (HS), and interlock.

The device consists of one ground-referenced channel (LO) and one floating channel (HO) which is designed for operating with bootstrap or isolated power supplies. The device features fast propagation delays and excellent delay matching between both channels. On the UCC27712-Q1, each channel is controlled by its respective input pins, HI and LI.

The UCC27712-Q1 is a 620-V high-side and low-side gate driver with 1.8-A source, 2.8-A sink current, targeted to drive power MOSFETs or IGBTs.

The recommended VDD operating voltage is 10-V to 20-V for IGBT’s and 10-V to 17-V for power MOSFETs.

The UCC27712-Q1 includes protection features where the outputs are held low when the inputs are left open or when the minimum input pulse width specification is not met. Interlock and deadtime functions prevent both outputs from being turned on simultaneously. In addition, the device accepts a wide range bias supply range from 10 V to 22 V, and offers UVLO protection for both the VDD and HB bias supply.

Developed with TI’s state of the art high-voltage device technology, the device features robust drive with excellent noise and transient immunity including large negative voltage tolerance on its inputs, high dV/dt tolerance, wide negative transient safe operating area (NTSOA) on the switch node (HS), and interlock.

The device consists of one ground-referenced channel (LO) and one floating channel (HO) which is designed for operating with bootstrap or isolated power supplies. The device features fast propagation delays and excellent delay matching between both channels. On the UCC27712-Q1, each channel is controlled by its respective input pins, HI and LI.

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Alle anzeigen 13
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet UCC27712-Q1 Automotive, 620-V, 1.8-A, 2.8-A High-Side Low-Side Gate Driver with Interlock datasheet PDF | HTML 14 Feb 2017
Application note Selecting Gate Drivers for HVAC Systems PDF | HTML 04 Apr 2024
Application note Using Half-Bridge Gate Driver to Achieve 100% Duty Cycle for High Side FET PDF | HTML 25 Mär 2024
Application note Review of Different Power Factor Correction (PFC) Topologies' Gate Driver Needs PDF | HTML 22 Jan 2024
Application note Bootstrap Circuitry Selection for Half Bridge Configurations (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 08 Sep 2023
White paper How to design heating and cooling systems for HEV/EVs (Rev. A) 21 Jun 2023
Application note Voltage Fed Full Bridge DC-DC & DC-AC Converter High-Freq Inverter Using C2000 (Rev. D) 07 Apr 2021
Application note Implementing High-Side Switches Using Half-Bridge Gate Drivers for 48-V Battery. 12 Mai 2020
Application brief External Gate Resistor Selection Guide (Rev. A) 28 Feb 2020
Application brief Understanding Peak IOH and IOL Currents (Rev. A) 28 Feb 2020
Technical article Designing a smarter sunroof PDF | HTML 10 Jan 2019
More literature Fundamentals of MOSFET and IGBT Gate Driver Circuits (Replaces SLUP169) (Rev. A) 29 Okt 2018
EVM User's guide Using the UCC27712EVM-287 15 Jun 2017

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