

Termistor lineal de 1 % y 10 kΩ en encapsulados 0402 y 0603/0805 y con orificios pasantes para autom

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Detalles del producto

Resistance (25°C) (Ω) 10000 Resistance tolerance (%) 1 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 170 Vin (min) (V) 5.5 Vin (max) (V) 5.5 Supply current (max) (µA) 0 Interface type Resistance Rating Automotive TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable
Resistance (25°C) (Ω) 10000 Resistance tolerance (%) 1 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 170 Vin (min) (V) 5.5 Vin (max) (V) 5.5 Supply current (max) (µA) 0 Interface type Resistance Rating Automotive TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable
SOT-5X3 (DYA) 2 1.28 mm² 1.6 x 0.8 TO-92 (LPG) 2 6.08 mm² 4 x 1.52 X1SON (DEC) 2 0.6 mm² 1 x 0.6
  • Automotive Qualifications
    • AEC-Q100 Grade 1: –40°C to 125°C
    • AEC-Q100 Grade 0 (DYA): –40°C to 150°C
    • AEC-Q100 Grade 0 (ELPG): –40°C to 170°C
  • AEC-Q200 Tested
  • Functional Safety-Capable
  • Silicon-based thermistor with a positive temperature coefficient (PTC)
  • Linear resistance change across temperature
  • 10-kΩ nominal resistance at 25°C (R25)
    • ±1% maximum (0°C to 70°C)
  • Consistent sensitivity across temperature
    • 6400 ppm/°C TCR (25°C)
    • 0.2% typical TCR tolerance across temperature range
  • Fast thermal response time of 0.6 s (DEC)
  • Long lifetime and robust performance
    • Built-in fail-safe in case of short-circuit failures
    • 0.5% typical long term sensor drift
  • Automotive Qualifications
    • AEC-Q100 Grade 1: –40°C to 125°C
    • AEC-Q100 Grade 0 (DYA): –40°C to 150°C
    • AEC-Q100 Grade 0 (ELPG): –40°C to 170°C
  • AEC-Q200 Tested
  • Functional Safety-Capable
  • Silicon-based thermistor with a positive temperature coefficient (PTC)
  • Linear resistance change across temperature
  • 10-kΩ nominal resistance at 25°C (R25)
    • ±1% maximum (0°C to 70°C)
  • Consistent sensitivity across temperature
    • 6400 ppm/°C TCR (25°C)
    • 0.2% typical TCR tolerance across temperature range
  • Fast thermal response time of 0.6 s (DEC)
  • Long lifetime and robust performance
    • Built-in fail-safe in case of short-circuit failures
    • 0.5% typical long term sensor drift

Get started today with the Thermistor Design Tool, offering complete resistance vs temperature table (R-T table) computation, other helpful methods to derive temperature and example C-code.

The TMP61 -Q1 linear thermistor offers linearity and consistent sensitivity across temperature to enable simple and accurate methods for temperature conversion. The low power consumption and a small thermal mass of the device minimize self-heating.

With built-in fail-safe behaviors at high temperatures and powerful immunity to environmental variation, these devices are designed for a long lifetime of high performance. The small size of the TMP6 series also allows for close placement to heat sources and quick response times.

Take advantage of benefits over NTC thermistors such as no extra linearization circuitry, minimized calibration, less resistance tolerance variation, larger sensitivity at high temperatures, and simplified conversion methods to save time and memory.

The TMP61 -Q1 is currently available in a 0402 X1SON package, a 0603 SOT-5X3 package, and a 2-pin through-hole TO-92S package.

Get started today with the Thermistor Design Tool, offering complete resistance vs temperature table (R-T table) computation, other helpful methods to derive temperature and example C-code.

The TMP61 -Q1 linear thermistor offers linearity and consistent sensitivity across temperature to enable simple and accurate methods for temperature conversion. The low power consumption and a small thermal mass of the device minimize self-heating.

With built-in fail-safe behaviors at high temperatures and powerful immunity to environmental variation, these devices are designed for a long lifetime of high performance. The small size of the TMP6 series also allows for close placement to heat sources and quick response times.

Take advantage of benefits over NTC thermistors such as no extra linearization circuitry, minimized calibration, less resistance tolerance variation, larger sensitivity at high temperatures, and simplified conversion methods to save time and memory.

The TMP61 -Q1 is currently available in a 0402 X1SON package, a 0603 SOT-5X3 package, and a 2-pin through-hole TO-92S package.

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* Data sheet TMP61-Q1 Automotive Grade, ±1% 10-kΩ Linear Thermistor With 0402 and 0603 Package Options datasheet (Rev. G) PDF | HTML 13 nov 2023
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Application note Achieve ±1°C Accuracy or Better Across Temp. W/Low-Cost TMP6x Linear Thermistors PDF | HTML 30 nov 2022
Application note Creating a Polynomial for TMP6 Temperature Measurements PDF | HTML 23 mar 2022
Technical article Achieving accurate temperature and humidity sensing in ADAS sensor modules PDF | HTML 28 ene 2022
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Application note Implementing Analog Thermal Foldback with the LP8867-Q1 and TMP61-Q1 PDF | HTML 22 jun 2021
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Circuit design Wide temperature range linear positive temperature coefficient (PTC) output PDF | HTML 18 dic 2020
Application note TMP6X Oversampling 14 oct 2020
Application note Analog Thermal Foldback With LED Drivers 10 jun 2020
Functional safety information TMP61-Q1 Functional Safety FIT Rate and FMD 09 abr 2020
Technical article How to enable thermal safety for automotive infotainment and cluster systems PDF | HTML 15 oct 2019
Application brief Using Thermistors to Enhance Thermal Protection for Battery Management Systems 15 ago 2019
Application brief Using Thermistors to Optimize the Thermal Performance of IGBT Modules 15 ago 2019
Analog Design Journal Measurement error caused by self-heating in NTC and PTC thermistors 14 jun 2019
EVM User's guide TMP6EVM User's Guide 16 oct 2018

Diseño y desarrollo

Para conocer los términos adicionales o los recursos necesarios, haga clic en cualquier título de abajo para ver la página de detalles cuando esté disponible.

Placa de evaluación

TMP6EVM — Módulo de evaluación de termistor TMP6 de silicio lineal

The TMP6EVM evaluation kit is a plug and play system to test and evaluate the linear silicon TMP6 thermistor. The EVM can be powered with either with USB or a CR2032 coin cell battery. The EVM is a standalone module that supports the TMP116 digital sensor and two analog channels. The TMP116 can be (...)
Guía del usuario: PDF
GUI para el módulo de evaluación (EVM)


Productos y hardware compatibles

Productos y hardware compatibles

TMP61 Termistor lineal de 1 % y 10 kΩ en encapsulados 0402 y 0603/0805 y con orificios pasantes TMP61-Q1 Termistor lineal de 1 % y 10 kΩ en encapsulados 0402 y 0603/0805 y con orificios pasantes para autom TMP63 Termistor lineal de 1 % y 100 kΩ en encapsulados 0402 y 0603/0805 TMP63-Q1 Termistor lineal de 1 % y 100 kΩ en encapsulados 0402 y 0603/0805 para automoción TMP64 Termistor lineal de 1 % y 47 kΩ en encapsulados 0402 y 0603/0805 TMP64-Q1 Termistor lineal de 1 % y 47 kΩ en encapsulados 0402 y 0603/0805 para automoción
Desarrollo de hardware
Placa de evaluación
TMP6EVM Módulo de evaluación de termistor TMP6 de silicio lineal
Soporte de software

TMP6-THERMISTOR-DESIGN Thermistor Design Tool

TMP6 linear thermistors, like other traditional negative temperature coefficient (NTC) or positive temperature coefficient (PTC) thermistors on the market, require resistance-to-temperature conversion tables to use them within a system. The TMP6 thermistor design tool offers these tables in (...)
Productos y hardware compatibles

Productos y hardware compatibles

TMP61 Termistor lineal de 1 % y 10 kΩ en encapsulados 0402 y 0603/0805 y con orificios pasantes TMP61-Q1 Termistor lineal de 1 % y 10 kΩ en encapsulados 0402 y 0603/0805 y con orificios pasantes para autom TMP63 Termistor lineal de 1 % y 100 kΩ en encapsulados 0402 y 0603/0805 TMP63-Q1 Termistor lineal de 1 % y 100 kΩ en encapsulados 0402 y 0603/0805 para automoción TMP64 Termistor lineal de 1 % y 47 kΩ en encapsulados 0402 y 0603/0805 TMP64-Q1 Termistor lineal de 1 % y 47 kΩ en encapsulados 0402 y 0603/0805 para automoción
Desarrollo de hardware
Placa de evaluación
TMP6EVM Módulo de evaluación de termistor TMP6 de silicio lineal
Modelo de simulación

TMP6 PSpice Models

SNOM720.ZIP (230 KB) - PSpice Model
Modelo de simulación

Thermal Foldback TINA-TI Spice Reference Design

SLOM480.ZIP (38 KB) - TINA-TI Reference Design
Diseños de referencia

PMP41092 — Diseño de referencia de cargador doble USB Type-C® y USB PD de 60 W con clasificación CISPR 25 de

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Test report: PDF
Diseños de referencia

PMP40934 — Diseño de referencia de cargador de corriente continua de 60 W con clasificación CISPR 25 de clase 5

Este es un diseño de referencia optimizado para interferencias electromagnéticas (EMI) para cargadores USB automotrices con una única salida. El TPS25762-Q1 se utiliza como regulador CC/CC y controlador de puerto. El diseño de PCB está optimizado para cumplir con los estrictos estándares EMI (...)
Test report: PDF
Diseños de referencia

PMP40933 — Referencia de diseño de cargador PD USB Type-C® dual automotriz CISPR 25, clase 5, índice de 400 kHz

Este diseño de referencia es un diseño optimizado para la interferencia electromagnética (EMI) para un cargador de suministro de energía (PD) USB de tipo C® dual automotriz con 60 W por puerto. El TPS25772-Q1 se utiliza como controlador de DP de tipo C dual con regulador reductor-elevador. El (...)
Test report: PDF
Encapsulado Pines Símbolos CAD, huellas y modelos 3D
SOT-5X3 (DYA) 2 Ultra Librarian
TO-92 (LPG) 2 Ultra Librarian
X1SON (DEC) 2 Ultra Librarian

Pedidos y calidad

Información incluida:
  • RoHS
  • Marcado del dispositivo
  • Acabado de plomo/material de la bola
  • Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
  • Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
  • Contenido del material
  • Resumen de calificaciones
  • Monitoreo continuo de confiabilidad
Información incluida:
  • Lugar de fabricación
  • Lugar de ensamblaje

Soporte y capacitación

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