Inicio Gestión de la energía Convertidores de CA/CC y CC/CC (FET integrado)



Convertidor reductor síncrono apilable de 6 V y 15 A

Detalles del producto

Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Topology Buck Type Converter Iout (max) (A) 15 Vin (min) (V) 2.7 Vin (max) (V) 6 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 1500 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 3000 Features Adaptive/Dynamic Voltage Scaling, Differential Remote Sense, Enable, Fixed Output, Forced PWM, Frequency synchronization, I2C, I2C bus interface, I2C control, I2C interface, I2C/PMBus, Light Load Efficiency, Output discharge, Over Current Protection, Power good, Pre-Bias Start-Up, Soft Start Fixed, Spread Spectrum, Synchronous Rectification, UVLO Fixed, Wettable flanks package Control mode Constant on-time (COT), DCS-Control Vout (min) (V) 0.4 Vout (max) (V) 3.35 Duty cycle (max) (%) 70
Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Topology Buck Type Converter Iout (max) (A) 15 Vin (min) (V) 2.7 Vin (max) (V) 6 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 1500 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 3000 Features Adaptive/Dynamic Voltage Scaling, Differential Remote Sense, Enable, Fixed Output, Forced PWM, Frequency synchronization, I2C, I2C bus interface, I2C control, I2C interface, I2C/PMBus, Light Load Efficiency, Output discharge, Over Current Protection, Power good, Pre-Bias Start-Up, Soft Start Fixed, Spread Spectrum, Synchronous Rectification, UVLO Fixed, Wettable flanks package Control mode Constant on-time (COT), DCS-Control Vout (min) (V) 0.4 Vout (max) (V) 3.35 Duty cycle (max) (%) 70
VQFN-FCRLF (RXS) 16 9.0525 mm² 2.55 x 3.55
  • Functional Safety-Capable
  • 2.7V to 6V input voltage range
  • 6A, 9A, 12A, and 15A family of pin-to-pin compatible device
  • Four output voltage ranges:
    • 0.4V to 0.71875V in 1.25mV steps
    • 0.4V to 1.0375V in 2.5mV steps
    • 0.4V to 1.675V in 5mV steps
    • 0.8V to 3.35V in 10mV steps
  • Output voltage accuracy ±1%
  • 7mΩ and 4.5mΩ internal power MOSFETs
  • Adjustable external compensation
  • Resistor-selectable start-up output voltage
  • Resistor-selectable switching frequency
  • Power-save or forced-PWM operation
  • I2C-compatible interface up to 1MHz
  • Differential remote sensing
  • Optional stacked operation for increased output current capability
  • Thermal warning and thermal shutdown
  • Precise enable input
  • Active output discharge
  • Optional spread-spectrum clocking
  • Power-good output with a window comparator
  • Available in 2.55mm × 3.55mm × 1mm VQFN package with wettable flanks
  • –40°C to 125°C junction temperature, TJ
  • Functional Safety-Capable
  • 2.7V to 6V input voltage range
  • 6A, 9A, 12A, and 15A family of pin-to-pin compatible device
  • Four output voltage ranges:
    • 0.4V to 0.71875V in 1.25mV steps
    • 0.4V to 1.0375V in 2.5mV steps
    • 0.4V to 1.675V in 5mV steps
    • 0.8V to 3.35V in 10mV steps
  • Output voltage accuracy ±1%
  • 7mΩ and 4.5mΩ internal power MOSFETs
  • Adjustable external compensation
  • Resistor-selectable start-up output voltage
  • Resistor-selectable switching frequency
  • Power-save or forced-PWM operation
  • I2C-compatible interface up to 1MHz
  • Differential remote sensing
  • Optional stacked operation for increased output current capability
  • Thermal warning and thermal shutdown
  • Precise enable input
  • Active output discharge
  • Optional spread-spectrum clocking
  • Power-good output with a window comparator
  • Available in 2.55mm × 3.55mm × 1mm VQFN package with wettable flanks
  • –40°C to 125°C junction temperature, TJ

The TPS6287x is a family of pin-to-pin 6A, 9A, 12A, and 15A synchronous step-down DC/DC converters with differential remote sensing. For each current rating, there are full-featured device variants with I2C interface and limited-featured device variants without I2C interface. All devices offer high efficiency and ease of use. Low-resistance power switches allow up to 15A continuous output current at high ambient temperatures.

The devices can operate in stacked mode to deliver higher output currents or to spread the power dissipation across multiple devices.

The TPS6287x family implements an enhanced DCS-control scheme that supports fast transients with fixed-frequency operation. Devices can operate in power save mode for maximum efficiency, or forced-PWM mode for the best transient performance and lowest output voltage ripple.

An optional remote sensing feature maximizes voltage regulation at the point-of-load, and the device achieves better than ±1% DC voltage accuracy under all operating conditions.

The switching frequency is resistor-selectable through the FSEL pin. The switching frequency can be set to 1.5MHz, 2.25MHz, 2.5MHz, or 3.0MHz, or synchronized to an external clock in the same frequency range.

The I2C-compatible interface offers several control, monitoring, and warning features, such as voltage monitoring and temperature-related warnings. The output voltage can be quickly adjusted to adapt the power consumption of the load to the performance needs of the application through the I2C-compatible interface. The default start-up voltage is resistor-selectable through the VSEL pin.

The TPS6287x is a family of pin-to-pin 6A, 9A, 12A, and 15A synchronous step-down DC/DC converters with differential remote sensing. For each current rating, there are full-featured device variants with I2C interface and limited-featured device variants without I2C interface. All devices offer high efficiency and ease of use. Low-resistance power switches allow up to 15A continuous output current at high ambient temperatures.

The devices can operate in stacked mode to deliver higher output currents or to spread the power dissipation across multiple devices.

The TPS6287x family implements an enhanced DCS-control scheme that supports fast transients with fixed-frequency operation. Devices can operate in power save mode for maximum efficiency, or forced-PWM mode for the best transient performance and lowest output voltage ripple.

An optional remote sensing feature maximizes voltage regulation at the point-of-load, and the device achieves better than ±1% DC voltage accuracy under all operating conditions.

The switching frequency is resistor-selectable through the FSEL pin. The switching frequency can be set to 1.5MHz, 2.25MHz, 2.5MHz, or 3.0MHz, or synchronized to an external clock in the same frequency range.

The I2C-compatible interface offers several control, monitoring, and warning features, such as voltage monitoring and temperature-related warnings. The output voltage can be quickly adjusted to adapt the power consumption of the load to the performance needs of the application through the I2C-compatible interface. The default start-up voltage is resistor-selectable through the VSEL pin.

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* Data sheet TPS6287x 2.7V to 6V Input, 6A, 9A, 12A, 15A, Stackable, Synchronous Step-Down Converters With Fast Transient Response datasheet (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 27 ene 2025
Analog Design Journal Fixed-frequency DCS-Control: Fast transient response with clock synchronization PDF | HTML 12 feb 2024
Functional safety information TPS6287x Functional Safety, FIT Rate, Failure Mode Distribution and Pin FMA PDF | HTML 23 ene 2024
Application note QFN and SON PCB Attachment (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 06 dic 2023
Application note Benefiting from Step-Down Converters with an I2C Communication Interface (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 29 nov 2023
Application note AM68x Processor Power Solutions Using LP87334E PMIC for Industrial Applications PDF | HTML 14 mar 2023
Application note Using the Filters with the DC/DC Step-Down Converter PDF | HTML 02 feb 2023
Application note Operating TPS6287X-Q1 Devices in a Stacked Configuration PDF | HTML 30 ene 2023
Application note Adjusting the Output Voltage of a Fixed Output Voltage DC-DC Converter PDF | HTML 22 dic 2022
EVM User's guide TPS62873 Dual Buck Converter Evaluation Module (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 04 nov 2022
Application note Understanding SOA Curves to Operate at High Output Currents and Temperature PDF | HTML 05 may 2022
User guide TPS62873 Buck Converter Evaluation Module User's Guide PDF | HTML 22 feb 2022
Certificate TPS62873EVM-143 EU RoHS Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 18 feb 2022
Application note How to Measure Impedance of a Power Distribution Network of a DC-DC Converter PDF | HTML 20 ene 2022
Application note Loop Gain Reconstruction of a Step-Down Converter from Output Impedance PDF | HTML 20 ene 2022
White paper Enabling Higher Data Rates for Optical Modules With Small and Efficient Power 22 mar 2021
White paper Benefits of a Resistor-to-Digital Converter in Ultra-Low Power Supplies 14 oct 2019
Analog Design Journal Methods of output-voltage adjustment for DC/DC converters 14 jun 2019
Analog Design Journal Achieving a clean startup by using a DC/DC converter with a precise enable-pin threshold 24 oct 2017
Analog Design Journal Understanding frequency variation in the DCS-Control(TM) topology 30 oct 2015
Application note Basic Calculation of a Buck Converter's Power Stage (Rev. B) 17 ago 2015
Analog Design Journal Five steps to a great PCB layout for a step-down converter 29 ene 2015
Analog Design Journal High-efficiency, low-ripple DCS-Control offers seamless PWM/pwr-save transitions 25 jul 2013
Application note Understanding the Absolute Maximum Ratings of the SW Node (Rev. A) 13 ene 2012
Application note Choosing an Appropriate Pull-up/Pull-down Resistor for Open Drain Outputs 19 sep 2011

Diseño y desarrollo

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Placa de evaluación

TPS62873EVM-143 — Módulo de evaluación TPS62873-Q1 de convertidor reductor de entrada de 2.7 V a 6 V

El módulo de evaluación (EVM) TPS62873EVM‑143 está diseñado para evaluar y probar fácilmente el funcionamiento y la funcionalidad del convertidor reductor TPS62873‑Q1. También se puede utilizar para evaluar los dispositivos TPS62870‑Q1, TPS62871‑Q1 y TPS62872-Q1. El EVM convierte una tensión de (...)

Guía del usuario: PDF | HTML
Placa de evaluación

TPS62873EVM-144 — Módulo de evaluación del convertidor reductor de 30 A TPS62873-Q1

El módulo de evaluación (EVM) TPS62873EVM-144 es un convertidor reductor síncrono de alta frecuencia optimizado para un tamaño reducido de la solución y alta eficiencia. El EVM está diseñado para ayudar al usuario a evaluar y probar fácilmente el funcionamiento y la funcionalidad de una (...)
Guía del usuario: PDF | HTML
Encapsulado Pines Símbolos CAD, huellas y modelos 3D
VQFN-FCRLF (RXS) 16 Ultra Librarian

Pedidos y calidad

Información incluida:
  • RoHS
  • Marcado del dispositivo
  • Acabado de plomo/material de la bola
  • Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
  • Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
  • Contenido del material
  • Resumen de calificaciones
  • Monitoreo continuo de confiabilidad
Información incluida:
  • Lugar de fabricación
  • Lugar de ensamblaje

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