
Rating Catalog Architecture Integrated FET Control topology Field-oriented control (FOC), Sensorless Control interface 1xPWM, Analog, Serial Vs (min) (V) 4.5 Vs ABS (max) (V) 40 Features 5-point configurable speed profile support, Anti-voltage surge protections prevents overvoltage, Code-free Field Oriented Control (FOC), Configurable motor startup and stop options, Improved acoustic performance with automatic dead time compensation, Offline motor parameters measurement with Motor Parameter Extraction Tool (MPET), Variable monitoring through DACOUT, Windmilling support through forward resynchronization and reverse drive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
Rating Catalog Architecture Integrated FET Control topology Field-oriented control (FOC), Sensorless Control interface 1xPWM, Analog, Serial Vs (min) (V) 4.5 Vs ABS (max) (V) 40 Features 5-point configurable speed profile support, Anti-voltage surge protections prevents overvoltage, Code-free Field Oriented Control (FOC), Configurable motor startup and stop options, Improved acoustic performance with automatic dead time compensation, Offline motor parameters measurement with Motor Parameter Extraction Tool (MPET), Variable monitoring through DACOUT, Windmilling support through forward resynchronization and reverse drive Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125
VQFN (RGF) 40 35 mm² 7 x 5
  • Three-phase BLDC motor driver with integrated sensorless motor control algorithm
    • Code-free Field Oriented Control (FOC)
    • Offline motor parameters measurement with Motor Parameter Extraction Tool (MPET)
    • 5-point configurable speed profile support
    • Windmilling support through forward resynchronization and reverse drive
    • Analog, PWM, freq. or I 2C based speed input
    • Configurable motor startup and stop options
    • Anti-voltage surge protections prevents overvoltage
    • Improved acoustic performance with automatic dead time compensation
  • 4.5- to 35-V operating voltage (40-V abs max)
  • High output current capability: 8-A peak
  • Low MOSFET on-state resistance
    • 95-mΩ R DS(ON) (HS + LS) at T A = 25°C
  • Low power sleep mode
    • 3-µA (maximum) at V VM = 24-V, T A = 25°C
  • Speed loop accuracy: 3% with internal clock and 1% with external clock reference
  • Customer-configurable non-volatile memory (EEPROM) to store device configuration
  • Supports up to 75-kHz PWM frequency for low inductance motor support
  • Does not require external current sense resistors, built-in current sensing
  • Built-in 3.3-V ±5%, 20-mA LDO regulator
  • Built-in 3.3-V/5-V, 170-mA buck regulator
  • Dedicated DRVOFF pin to disable (Hi-Z) outputs
  • Spread spectrum and slew rate for EMI mitigation
  • Suite of Integrated protection features
    • Supply undervoltage lockout (UVLO)
    • Motor lock detection (5 different types)
    • Overcurrent protection (OCP)
    • Thermal warning and shutdown (OTW/TSD)
    • Fault condition indication pin (nFAULT)
    • Optional fault diagnostics over I 2C interface
  • Three-phase BLDC motor driver with integrated sensorless motor control algorithm
    • Code-free Field Oriented Control (FOC)
    • Offline motor parameters measurement with Motor Parameter Extraction Tool (MPET)
    • 5-point configurable speed profile support
    • Windmilling support through forward resynchronization and reverse drive
    • Analog, PWM, freq. or I 2C based speed input
    • Configurable motor startup and stop options
    • Anti-voltage surge protections prevents overvoltage
    • Improved acoustic performance with automatic dead time compensation
  • 4.5- to 35-V operating voltage (40-V abs max)
  • High output current capability: 8-A peak
  • Low MOSFET on-state resistance
    • 95-mΩ R DS(ON) (HS + LS) at T A = 25°C
  • Low power sleep mode
    • 3-µA (maximum) at V VM = 24-V, T A = 25°C
  • Speed loop accuracy: 3% with internal clock and 1% with external clock reference
  • Customer-configurable non-volatile memory (EEPROM) to store device configuration
  • Supports up to 75-kHz PWM frequency for low inductance motor support
  • Does not require external current sense resistors, built-in current sensing
  • Built-in 3.3-V ±5%, 20-mA LDO regulator
  • Built-in 3.3-V/5-V, 170-mA buck regulator
  • Dedicated DRVOFF pin to disable (Hi-Z) outputs
  • Spread spectrum and slew rate for EMI mitigation
  • Suite of Integrated protection features
    • Supply undervoltage lockout (UVLO)
    • Motor lock detection (5 different types)
    • Overcurrent protection (OCP)
    • Thermal warning and shutdown (OTW/TSD)
    • Fault condition indication pin (nFAULT)
    • Optional fault diagnostics over I 2C interface

The MCF8316A provides a single-chip, code-free sensorless FOC solution for customers driving speed-controlled 12- to 24-V brushless-DC motors (BLDC) or Permanent Magnet Synchronous motor (PMSM) up to 8-A peak current. The MCF8316A integrates three 1/2-H bridges with 40-V absolute maximum capability and a very low R DS(ON) of 95 mΩ(high-side + low-side). Power management features of an adjustable buck regulator and LDO generate the 3.3-V or 5.0-V voltage rails for the device and can be used to power external circuits.

The algorithm configuration can be stored in non-volatile EEPROM, which allows the device to operate stand-alone once it has been configured. The device receives a speed command through a PWM input, analog voltage, variable frequency square wave or I 2C command. There are a large number of protection features integrated into the MCF8316A, intended to protect the device, motor, and system against fault events.

Documentation for reference:

The MCF8316A provides a single-chip, code-free sensorless FOC solution for customers driving speed-controlled 12- to 24-V brushless-DC motors (BLDC) or Permanent Magnet Synchronous motor (PMSM) up to 8-A peak current. The MCF8316A integrates three 1/2-H bridges with 40-V absolute maximum capability and a very low R DS(ON) of 95 mΩ(high-side + low-side). Power management features of an adjustable buck regulator and LDO generate the 3.3-V or 5.0-V voltage rails for the device and can be used to power external circuits.

The algorithm configuration can be stored in non-volatile EEPROM, which allows the device to operate stand-alone once it has been configured. The device receives a speed command through a PWM input, analog voltage, variable frequency square wave or I 2C command. There are a large number of protection features integrated into the MCF8316A, intended to protect the device, motor, and system against fault events.

Documentation for reference:

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open-in-new 比較替代產品
MCF8329A 現行 60V 無感測器磁場定向控制 (FOC) 三相 BLDC 閘極驅動器 External FETs for higher power
MCT8316A 現行 40-V 最大值、8-A 峰值、無感測器梯形控制 3 相 BLDC 馬達驅動器 Sensorless trapezoidal control
MCT8316Z 現行 40-V 最大值、8-A 峰值、感測梯形波控制 3 相 BLDC 馬達驅動器 Sensored trapezoidal control


star =TI 所選的此產品重要文件
檢視所有 13
類型 標題 日期
* Data sheet MCF8316A Sensorless Field Oriented Control (FOC) Integrated FET BLDC Driver datasheet (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 2022年 5月 26日
Technical article Top 3 ways to reduce audible noise in motion control applications PDF | HTML 2023年 12月 21日
Application note How to Use the MCF831x to Solve Thermal and Quick Startup Challenges (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2023年 10月 20日
Application note Selection Guide for MCF831x Devices PDF | HTML 2023年 4月 26日
Technical article How to achieve efficient, reliable and accurate actuation in real-time motor contr PDF | HTML 2022年 10月 25日
Application brief MCx8316x for Vacuum Robot Applications PDF | HTML 2022年 9月 9日
Application note MCT8316A - Design Challenges and Solution PDF | HTML 2022年 6月 22日
Technical article What is “real-time control” and why do you need it? PDF | HTML 2022年 4月 6日
User guide MCF8316A Tuning Guide (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2021年 12月 17日
Application note MCF8316A - Design Challenges and Solutions PDF | HTML 2021年 11月 29日
User guide MCF8316AEVM 評估模組 PDF | HTML 2021年 11月 10日
Technical article 3 ways to speed cycle time when designing with brushless-DC motors PDF | HTML 2021年 9月 7日
Application note How to Reduce Motor Noise with Code-Free, Sensorless BLDC Motor Drivers PDF | HTML 2021年 8月 31日


如需其他條款或必要資源,請按一下下方的任何標題以檢視詳細頁面 (如有)。


MCF8316AEVM — 適用三相無感測器 FOC 整合式 MOSFET BLDC 馬達驅動器的 MCF8316 評估模組

MCF8316 為三個半全橋整合式 MOSFET 驅動器,適用 4.5-V 至 35-V、8-A 尖峰電流驅動之三相無刷 DC (BLDC) 馬達的無感測器 FOC 控制。MCx8316 整合降壓穩壓器,可透過可編程穩壓電源支援 200mA。

此 EVM 包括板載 MSP430 (MSP430FR2355),可用做與 Motor Studio (MOTORSTUDIO) GUI 連接的介面。

使用指南: PDF | HTML
Download English Version: PDF | HTML
開發模組 (EVM) 的 GUI

MOTORSTUDIO Motor Studio GUI for tuning and evaluating BLDC motor drivers

Motor Studio is an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) that simplifies the tuning process of our brushless DC (BLDC) motor drivers to reduce device evaluation and product development time. The GUI allows users to quickly spin up their motors and optimize various stages of motor operation to (...)



整合式控制 BLDC 驅動器
MCF8315A 40-V 最大值、4-A 峰值無感測器 FOC 控制三相 BLDC 馬達驅動器 MCF8315C 最大 40V、4A 峰值、無感測器磁場定向控制 (FOC) 三相 BLDC 馬達驅動器 MCF8315C-Q1 車用、最大 40V、4A 峰值、無感測器磁場定向控制 (FOC) 三相 BLDC 馬達驅動器 MCF8315D 最大 40V、4A 峰值、無感測器 FOC,選用的 UL 認可 3 相 BLDC 馬達驅動器 MCF8316A 40-V 最大值、8-A 峰值無感測器 FOC 控制 3 相 BLDC 馬達驅動器 MCF8316C-Q1 車用、40-V 最大值、8-A 峰值、無感測器磁場定向控制 (FOC) 3 相 BLDC 馬達驅動器 MCF8316D 最大 40V、8A 峰值、無感測器 FOC,選用的 UL 認可 3 相 BLDC 馬達驅動器 MCF8329A 60V 無感測器磁場定向控制 (FOC) 三相 BLDC 閘極驅動器
MCF8315EVM 適用三相無感測器 FOC 整合式 MOSFET BLDC 馬達驅動器的 MCF8315 評估模組 MCF8315PWPEVM 適用於 24 針腳 HTSSOP (PWP) 封裝的 MCF8315 評估模組。MCF8315 是 4.5V 至 35V、4A 峰值、無感測器 FOC、整合式 FET、三相 BLDC 馬達驅動器 MCF8316AEVM 適用三相無感測器 FOC 整合式 MOSFET BLDC 馬達驅動器的 MCF8316 評估模組 MCF8316DEVM MCF8316D 評估模組 MCF8329EVM 適用於 60V 無感測器 FOC 三相 BLDC 閘極驅動器的 MCF8329 評估模組 MCF8329RRYEVM MCF8329 evaluation module for 32-pin VQFN package

BLDC-MOSFET-THERMAL-CALC BLDC integrated MOSFET driver thermal calculator tool

Calculates the thermals of a BLDC integrated MOSFET driver based on user input system parameters


BLDC 驅動器
DRV8311 具有整合式 FET 的最大 24-V abs、3 至 20-V、三相無刷 DC 馬達驅動器 DRV8316 具整合式電流感測和整合式 FET 的 40-V 最大 8-A 峰值 3 相馬達驅動器 DRV8316-Q1 具有整合式電流感測的車用 40-V 最大值 8-A 峰值三相馬達驅動器 DRV8316C 具整合式電流感測、FET 和強化 CSA 規格的 40-V 最大 8-A 峰值 3 相馬達驅動器 DRV8316C-Q1 具有整合式電流感測的車用 40-V 最大值 8-A 峰值三相馬達驅動器 DRV8317 具有整合式 FET 和電流感測的 24-V 最大值 5-A 峰值三相馬達驅動器
整合式控制 BLDC 驅動器
MCF8316A 40-V 最大值、8-A 峰值無感測器 FOC 控制 3 相 BLDC 馬達驅動器 MCF8316C-Q1 車用、40-V 最大值、8-A 峰值、無感測器磁場定向控制 (FOC) 3 相 BLDC 馬達驅動器 MCT8316A 40-V 最大值、8-A 峰值、無感測器梯形控制 3 相 BLDC 馬達驅動器 MCT8316A-Q1 車用 40V 最大值、8A 峰值、無感測梯形控制 3 相位 BLDC 馬達驅動器 MCT8316Z 40-V 最大值、8-A 峰值、感測梯形波控制 3 相 BLDC 馬達驅動器 MCT8316Z-Q1 汽車 40-V 最大值、8-A 峰值、感測梯形控制 3 相 BLDC 馬達驅動器
Gerber 檔案

MCX8316AEVM Hardware Design Files (Rev. A)

SLLR119A.ZIP (12513 KB)

TIDA-010951 — 具有 85 至 265VAC、0.92PF 單級 PFC 的 24V、35W 無感測器 FOC BLDC 參考設計

為了實現能源效率,吊扇和通風風扇從簡單的 AC 感應馬達移至無刷 DC (BLDC) 馬達。此參考設計透過使用 85 至 265VAC 的通用主電源供應器輸入,利用單級功率因數修正隔離返馳轉換離線電壓,以因應前述更高效率及功率因數的挑戰,且可在 24VDC 下達到最高 0.92pF。此設計也結合了完全整合且受到妥善保護的單晶片,可進行無感測器磁場定向控制 (FOC) 無刷馬達控制。
Design guide: PDF
封裝 針腳 CAD 符號、佔位空間與 3D 模型
VQFN (RGF) 40 Ultra Librarian


  • RoHS
  • 產品標記
  • 鉛塗層/球物料
  • MSL 等級/回焊峰值
  • MTBF/FIT 估算值
  • 材料內容
  • 認證摘要
  • 進行中持續性的可靠性監測
  • 晶圓廠位置
  • 組裝地點


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