Product details

Arm CPU 1 Arm Cortex-A15 Arm (max) (MHz) 1500 Coprocessors 2 Dual Arm Cortex-M4 CPU 32-bit Graphics acceleration 1 2D, 1 3D Display type 1 HDMI, 3 LCD Protocols Ethernet, ICSS, Profibus, Profinet Ethernet MAC 1-Port 10/100/1000, 2-Port 1Gb switch, 4-Port 10/100 PRU EMAC, 6-Port 10/100 PRU EMAC PCIe 2 PCIe Gen 2 Features Networking Operating system Linux, RTOS Security Cryptography, Debug security, Device identity, Isolation firewalls, Secure boot, Secure storage & programming, Software IP protection Rating Military Power supply solution LP8733 + LP873220, TPS65916 Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125
Arm CPU 1 Arm Cortex-A15 Arm (max) (MHz) 1500 Coprocessors 2 Dual Arm Cortex-M4 CPU 32-bit Graphics acceleration 1 2D, 1 3D Display type 1 HDMI, 3 LCD Protocols Ethernet, ICSS, Profibus, Profinet Ethernet MAC 1-Port 10/100/1000, 2-Port 1Gb switch, 4-Port 10/100 PRU EMAC, 6-Port 10/100 PRU EMAC PCIe 2 PCIe Gen 2 Features Networking Operating system Linux, RTOS Security Cryptography, Debug security, Device identity, Isolation firewalls, Secure boot, Secure storage & programming, Software IP protection Rating Military Power supply solution LP8733 + LP873220, TPS65916 Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125
FCBGA (ZBO) 760 529 mm² 23 x 23
  • For Silicon Revision 1.0 Information, See SPRS919
  • ARM® Cortex®-A15 Microprocessor Subsystem
  • C66x Floating-Point VLIW DSP
    • Fully Object-Code Compatible With C67x and C64x+
    • Up to Thirty-Two 16 × 16-Bit Fixed-Point Multiplies per Cycle
  • Up to 512KB of On-Chip L3 RAM
  • Level 3 (L3) and Level 4 (L4) Interconnects
  • DDR3/DDR3L Memory Interface (EMIF) Module
    • Supports up to DDR3-1333 (667 MHz)
    • Up to 2GB Across Single Chip Select
  • Dual ARM® Cortex®-M4 Coprocessors
  • IVA-HD Subsystem
  • Display Subsystem
    • Full-HD Video (1920 × 1080p, 60 fps)
    • Multiple Video Input and Video Output
    • 2D and 3D Graphics
    • Display Controller With DMA Engine and up to Three Pipelines
    • HDMI™ Encoder: HDMI 1.4a and DVI 1.0 Compliant
  • 2x Dual-Core Programmable Real-Time Unit and Industrial Communication Subsystem (PRU-ICSS)
  • Accelerator (BB2D) Subsystem
    • Vivante™ GC320 Core
  • Video Processing Engine (VPE)
  • Available Single-Core PowerVR® SGX544 3D GPU
  • One Video Input Port (VIP) Module
    • Support for up to Four Multiplexed Input Ports
  • General-Purpose Memory Controller (GPMC)
  • Enhanced Direct Memory Access (EDMA) Controller
  • Ethernet Subsystem
  • Sixteen 32-Bit General-Purpose Timers
  • 32-Bit MPU Watchdog Timer
  • Five High-Speed Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Ports
  • HDQ™/1-Wire® Interface
  • Ten Configurable UART/IrDA/CIR Modules
  • Four Multichannel Serial Peripheral Interfaces (McSPI)
  • Quad SPI Interface (QSPI)
  • SATA Gen2 Interface
  • Eight Multichannel Audio Serial Port (McASP) Modules
  • SuperSpeed USB 3.0 Dual-Role Device
  • High-Speed USB 2.0 Dual-Role Device
  • Four MultiMedia Card/Secure Digital/Secure Digital Input Output Interfaces (MMC/SD/SDIO)
  • PCI Express® 3.0 Subsystems With Two 5-Gbps Lanes
    • One 2-Lane Gen2-Compliant Port
    • Or Two 1-Lane Gen2-Compliant Ports
  • Dual Controller Area Network (DCAN) Modules
    • CAN 2.0B Protocol
  • MIPI® CSI-2 Camera Serial Interface
  • Up to 215 General-Purpose I/O (GPIO) Pins
  • Power, Reset, and Clock Management
  • On-Chip Debug With CTools Technology
  • 28-nm CMOS Technology
  • 23 mm × 23 mm, 0.8-mm Pitch, 760-Pin BGA (ZBO)
  • For Silicon Revision 1.0 Information, See SPRS919
  • ARM® Cortex®-A15 Microprocessor Subsystem
  • C66x Floating-Point VLIW DSP
    • Fully Object-Code Compatible With C67x and C64x+
    • Up to Thirty-Two 16 × 16-Bit Fixed-Point Multiplies per Cycle
  • Up to 512KB of On-Chip L3 RAM
  • Level 3 (L3) and Level 4 (L4) Interconnects
  • DDR3/DDR3L Memory Interface (EMIF) Module
    • Supports up to DDR3-1333 (667 MHz)
    • Up to 2GB Across Single Chip Select
  • Dual ARM® Cortex®-M4 Coprocessors
  • IVA-HD Subsystem
  • Display Subsystem
    • Full-HD Video (1920 × 1080p, 60 fps)
    • Multiple Video Input and Video Output
    • 2D and 3D Graphics
    • Display Controller With DMA Engine and up to Three Pipelines
    • HDMI™ Encoder: HDMI 1.4a and DVI 1.0 Compliant
  • 2x Dual-Core Programmable Real-Time Unit and Industrial Communication Subsystem (PRU-ICSS)
  • Accelerator (BB2D) Subsystem
    • Vivante™ GC320 Core
  • Video Processing Engine (VPE)
  • Available Single-Core PowerVR® SGX544 3D GPU
  • One Video Input Port (VIP) Module
    • Support for up to Four Multiplexed Input Ports
  • General-Purpose Memory Controller (GPMC)
  • Enhanced Direct Memory Access (EDMA) Controller
  • Ethernet Subsystem
  • Sixteen 32-Bit General-Purpose Timers
  • 32-Bit MPU Watchdog Timer
  • Five High-Speed Inter-Integrated Circuit (I2C) Ports
  • HDQ™/1-Wire® Interface
  • Ten Configurable UART/IrDA/CIR Modules
  • Four Multichannel Serial Peripheral Interfaces (McSPI)
  • Quad SPI Interface (QSPI)
  • SATA Gen2 Interface
  • Eight Multichannel Audio Serial Port (McASP) Modules
  • SuperSpeed USB 3.0 Dual-Role Device
  • High-Speed USB 2.0 Dual-Role Device
  • Four MultiMedia Card/Secure Digital/Secure Digital Input Output Interfaces (MMC/SD/SDIO)
  • PCI Express® 3.0 Subsystems With Two 5-Gbps Lanes
    • One 2-Lane Gen2-Compliant Port
    • Or Two 1-Lane Gen2-Compliant Ports
  • Dual Controller Area Network (DCAN) Modules
    • CAN 2.0B Protocol
  • MIPI® CSI-2 Camera Serial Interface
  • Up to 215 General-Purpose I/O (GPIO) Pins
  • Power, Reset, and Clock Management
  • On-Chip Debug With CTools Technology
  • 28-nm CMOS Technology
  • 23 mm × 23 mm, 0.8-mm Pitch, 760-Pin BGA (ZBO)

AM5718-HIREL Sitara ARM applications processors are built to meet the intense processing needs of the modern embedded products.

AM5718-HIREL devices bring high processing performance through the maximum flexibility of a fully integrated mixed processor solution. The devices also combine programmable video processing with a highly integrated peripheral set.

Programmability is provided by a single-core ARM Cortex-A15 RISC CPU with Neon™ extensions and a TI C66x VLIW floating-point DSP core. The ARM processor lets developers keep control functions separate from vision algorithms programmed on the DSP and coprocessors, thus reducing the complexity of the system software.

Additionally, TI provides a complete set of development tools for the ARM and C66x DSP, including C compilers, a DSP assembly optimizer to simplify programming and scheduling, and a debugging interface for visibility into source code execution.

The AM5718-HIREL Sitara ARM processor family is qualified according to the AEC-Q100 Standard.

AM5718-HIREL Sitara ARM applications processors are built to meet the intense processing needs of the modern embedded products.

AM5718-HIREL devices bring high processing performance through the maximum flexibility of a fully integrated mixed processor solution. The devices also combine programmable video processing with a highly integrated peripheral set.

Programmability is provided by a single-core ARM Cortex-A15 RISC CPU with Neon™ extensions and a TI C66x VLIW floating-point DSP core. The ARM processor lets developers keep control functions separate from vision algorithms programmed on the DSP and coprocessors, thus reducing the complexity of the system software.

Additionally, TI provides a complete set of development tools for the ARM and C66x DSP, including C compilers, a DSP assembly optimizer to simplify programming and scheduling, and a debugging interface for visibility into source code execution.

The AM5718-HIREL Sitara ARM processor family is qualified according to the AEC-Q100 Standard.

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Technical documentation

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Type Title Date
* Data sheet AM5718-HIREL Sitara Processors Silicon Revision 2.0 datasheet PDF | HTML 25 Aug 2017
* Errata AM571x (SR 2.1, 2.0, 1.0) and AM570x (SR 2.1, 2.0) Sitara Processors Errata (Rev. H) PDF | HTML 02 Jul 2024
* User guide AM571x and AM570x Sitara Processor Technical Reference Manual (Rev. K) PDF | HTML 14 May 2024
Application note Intra Drive Communication Using 8b-10b Line Code With Programmable Real Time Uni PDF | HTML 24 May 2023
Application note Ethernet PHY Configuration Using MDIO for Industrial Applications (Rev. A) 07 May 2021
Application note AM57x Schematic Checklist (Rev. B) 09 Jul 2019
Application note AM571x/AM572x/AM574x PCB Escape Routing (Rev. A) 19 Mar 2019
Application note Common EOS pitfalls in board design 13 Feb 2019
Application note AM57xx Hardware Design Guide PDF | HTML 25 Jan 2019
Application note PRU-ICSS / PRU_ICSSG Migration Guide 05 Nov 2018
White paper Enable security and amp up chip performance w/ hardware-accelerated cryptograpy (Rev. A) 11 Aug 2016

Design & development

For additional terms or required resources, click any title below to view the detail page where available.

Evaluation board

TMDSEVM572X — AM572x evaluation module

The AM572x evaluation module provides an affordable platform to quickly start evaluation of Sitara™ Arm® Cortex®-A15 AM57x processors (AM5728AM5726AM5718AM5716) and accelerate development for HMI, machine vision, networking, medical imaging and many other industrial applications. It is a (...)

User guide: PDF
Buy from a distributor
Evaluation board

TMDXIDK5718 — AM571x Industrial Development Kit (IDK)

TMDXIDK5718: The AM571x Industrial Development Kit (IDK) supports the single core AM57x with Cortex A-15 targeted for Industrial applications.

  1. Support for simultaneous 6-port Ethernet, 2xRGMII and 4xMII
  2. Integrated Industrial Ethernet and Fieldbus protocols for simultaneous master/slave, master/master (...)
User guide: PDF
Buy from a distributor
Evaluation board

BEAGLEBOARD-X15 — BeagleBoard-X15 Development Board

The BeagleBoard-X15 is a low-cost, open source, community supported development platform for Sitara™ AM57x Processors (AM5728, AM5726, AM5718, AM5716).  With two 1.5‑GHz ARM® Cortex®-A15 cores for user interface, video and graphic accelerators, two 750‑MHz C66x DSP cores, quad core PRU (...)

Evaluation board

CRLNK-3P-SOMS — Critical Link MitySOM system on modules for TI Arm-based Processors

Critical Link is a US-based embedded systems company offering System on Modules (SoMs) and scientific imaging platforms for electronic applications around the world. The MitySOM® and MityDSP® families incorporate DSP, FPGA, and ARM technologies, and are designed for long product lifespan and (...)

Debug probe

TMDSEMU110-U — XDS110 JTAG Debug Probe

The Texas Instruments XDS110 is a new class of debug probe (emulator) for TI embedded processors. The XDS110 replaces the XDS100 family while supporting a wider variety of standards (IEEE1149.1, IEEE1149.7, SWD) in a single pod. Also, all XDS debug probes support Core and System Trace in all (...)

User guide: PDF
Software development kit (SDK)

PROCESSOR-SDK-AM57X — Processor SDK for AM57x Sitara Processors - Linux and TI-RTOS Support

Processor SDK (Software Development Kit) is a unified software platform for TI embedded processors providing easy setup and fast out-of-the-box access to benchmarks and demos. All releases of Processor SDK are consistent across TI’s broad portfolio, allowing developers to seamlessly reuse and (...)
Driver or library

PRU-ICSS-INDUSTRIAL-SW — PRU-ICSS industrial software for Sitara™ processors

The PRU-ICSS Protocols enables real-time industrial communications for TI Sitara processors.  The PRU-ICSS protocols are built to use on top of Processor-SDK-RTOS, TI’s unified software development platform, and contain optimized PRU-ICSS firmware, a corresponding PRU-ICSS driver for the (...)
Driver or library

TI-BT-4-2-STACK-LINUX-ADDON — TI Bluetooth 4.2 Stack Add-On for Linux Platforms With WL183x and CC2564C

This package contains the install package, pre-compiled object of the TI Bluetooth Stack and Platform Manager, and pre-compiled object with source of sample applications to easily upgrade the default LINUX EZSDK Binary on an AM335x EVM. The software was built with Linaro GCC 4.7 and can be added to (...)
IDE, configuration, compiler or debugger

CCSTUDIO Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment (IDE)

Code Composer Studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) for TI's microcontrollers and processors. It is comprised of a rich suite of tools used to build, debug, analyze and optimize embedded applications. Code Composer Studio is available across Windows®, Linux® and macOS® platforms.


Supported products & hardware

Supported products & hardware

This design resource supports most products in these categories.

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IDE, configuration, compiler or debugger

SYSCONFIG Standalone desktop version of SysConfig

SysConfig is a configuration tool designed to simplify hardware and software configuration challenges to accelerate software development.

SysConfig is available as part of the Code Composer Studio™ integrated development environment as well as a standalone application. Additionally SysConfig (...)

Supported products & hardware

Supported products & hardware

Automotive mmWave radar sensors
AWR1443 Single-chip 76-GHz to 81-GHz automotive radar sensor integrating MCU and hardware accelerator AWR1642 Single-chip 76-GHz to 81-GHz automotive radar sensor integrating DSP and MCU AWR1843 Single-chip 76-GHz to 81-GHz automotive radar sensor integrating DSP, MCU and radar accelerator AWR1843AOP Single-chip 76-GHz to 81-GHz automotive radar sensor integrating antenna on package, DSP and MCU AWR2544 76-81GHz FMCW satellite Radar-on-Chip sensor AWR2944 Automotive, second-generation 76-GHz to 81-GHz high-performance SoC for corner and long-range radar AWR2944P Automotive 76-GHz to 81-GHz single chip radar with enhanced RF and compute performance AWR6843 Single-chip 60-GHz to 64-GHz automotive radar sensor integrating DSP, MCU and radar accelerator AWR6843AOP Single-chip 60-GHz to 64-GHz automotive radar sensor integrating antenna on package, DSP and MCU
Digital signal processors (DSPs)
AM2754-Q1 80 GFLOPS DSP microcontroller for automotive audio with quad core ARM® Cortex®-R5F, 10.75MB SRAM AM62D-Q1 Automotive 40GFLOPS DSP audio processor with Arm® Cortex®-A53, Cortex-R5F and LPDDR4 DM505 SoC for vision analytics 15mm package DRA780 SoC processor w/ 500 MHz C66x DSP and 2 dual Arm Cortex-M4 for audio amplifier DRA781 SoC processor w/ 750 MHz C66x DSP and 2 dual Arm Cortex-M4 for audio amplifier DRA782 SoC processor w/ 2x 500 MHz C66x DSP and 2 dual Arm Cortex-M4 for audio amplifier DRA783 SoC processor w/ 2x 750 MHz C66x DSP and 2 dual Arm Cortex-M4 for audio amplifier DRA785 SoC processor w/ 2x 1000 MHz C66x DSP and 2 dual Arm Cortex-M4 for audio amplifier DRA786 SoC processor w/ 2x 500 MHz C66x DSP and 2 dual Arm Cortex-M4 & EVE for audio amplifier DRA787 SoC processor w/ 2x 750 MHz C66x DSP and 2 dual Arm Cortex-M4 & EVE for audio amplifier DRA788 SoC processor w/ 2x 1000 MHz C66x DSP and 1x EVE and 2 dual Arm Cortex-M4 for audio amplifier TDA3LA Low power SoC w/ vision acceleration for ADAS applications TDA3LX Low power SoC w/ processing, imaging & vision acceleration for ADAS applications TDA3MA Low power SoC w/ full-featured processing & vision acceleration for ADAS applications TDA3MD Low power SoC w/ full-featured processing for ADAS applications TDA3MV Low power SoC w/ full-featured processing, imaging & vision acceleration for ADAS applications
C2000 real-time microcontrollers
TMS320F280021 C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 100 MHz, FPU, TMU, 32-KB flash TMS320F280021-Q1 Automotive C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 100 MHz, FPU, TMU, 32-KB flash TMS320F280023 C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 100-MHz, FPU, TMU, 64-kb flash TMS320F280023-Q1 Automotive C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 100 MHz, FPU, TMU, 64-KB flash TMS320F280023C C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 100 MHz, FPU, TMU, 64-KB flash, CLB TMS320F280025 C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 100-MHz, FPU, TMU, 128-kb flash TMS320F280025-Q1 Automotive C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 100 MHz, FPU, TMU, 128-KB flash TMS320F280025C C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 100-MHz, FPU, TMU, 128-kb flash, CLB TMS320F280025C-Q1 Automotive C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 100 MHz, FPU, TMU, 128-KB flash, CLB TMS320F28P650DH C2000 32-bit MCU, 600 MIPS, 2xC28x + 1xCLA CPU, FPU64, 768kB flash, 16-b ADC TMS320F28P650DK C2000™ 32-bit MCU, 2x C28x+CLA CPU, Lock Step, 1.28-MB flash, 16-b ADC, HRPWM, EtherCAT, CAN-FD, AES TMS320F28P650SH C2000 32-bit MCU, 400 MIPS, 1xC28x + 1xCLA CPU, FPU64, 768kB flash, 16-b ADC TMS320F28P650SK C2000 32-bit MCU, 400 MIPS, 1xC28x + 1xCLA CPU, FPU64, 1.28-MB flash, 16-b ADC, Ethercat TMS320F28P659DH-Q1 Automotive C2000 32-bit MCU, 600 MIPS, 2xC28x + 1xCLA + Lockstep, FPU64, 768kB flash, 16-b ADC TMS320F28P659DK-Q1 C2000™ 32-bit MCU, 2x C28x+CLA CPU, Lock Step, 1.28-MB flash, 16-b ADC, HRPWM, CAN-FD, AES TMS320F28P659SH-Q1 Automotive C2000 32-bit MCU, 400 MIPS, 1xC28x + 1xCLA , FPU64, 768kB flash, 16-b ADC
Wi-Fi products
CC3200 SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 Wi-Fi® wireless MCU with 2 TLS/SSL and 256kB RAM CC3200MOD SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 Wi-Fi® and Internet-of-Things wireless module CC3220MOD SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ wireless module CC3220MODA SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ wireless module with antenna CC3220R SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 Wi-Fi® wireless MCU with 6 TLS/SSL and 256kB RAM CC3220S SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 Wi-Fi® wireless MCU with secure boot and 256kB RAM CC3220SF SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 Wi-Fi® wireless MCU with 1MB Flash and 256kB RAM CC3230S SimpleLink™ Arm Cortex-M4 Wi-Fi® MCU with 256kB RAM, coexistence, WPA3, 16 TLS sockets, secure boot CC3230SF SimpleLink™ Arm Cortex-M4 Wi-Fi® MCU 256kB RAM+1MB XIP flash, coex, WPA3, 16 TLS sockets,secure boot CC3235MODAS SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ dual-band wireless antenna module solution CC3235MODASF SimpleLink™ Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ dual-band wireless antenna module solution with 1MB XIP Flash CC3235MODS SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 dual-band Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ wireless module with 256kB RAM CC3235MODSF SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 dual-band Wi-Fi CERTIFIED™ wireless module with 1MB Flash CC3235S SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 dual-band Wi-Fi® wireless MCU with 256kB RAM CC3235SF SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4 dual-band Wi-Fi® wireless MCU with 1MB Flash CC3501E SimpleLink™ wireless MCU with 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.4 CC3551E SimpleLink™ wireless MCU with dual-band (2.4 and 5 GHz) Wi-Fi 6 and Bluetooth® Low Energy 5.4
Arm-based processors
AM3351 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A8, 1Gb Ethernet, display AM3352 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A8, 1Gb Ethernet, display, CAN AM3354 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A8, 3D graphics, CAN AM3356 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A8, PRU-ICSS, CAN AM3357 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A8, EtherCAT, PRU-ICSS, CAN AM3358 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A8, 3D graphics, PRU-ICSS, CAN AM3358-EP Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A8, 3D, PRU-ICSS, HiRel, CAN AM3359 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A8, EtherCAT, 3D, PRU-ICSS, CAN AM4372 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9 AM4376 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS AM4377 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS, EtherCAT AM4378 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS, 3D graphics AM4379 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS, EtherCAT, 3D graphics AM5706 Sitara processor: cost optimized Arm Cortex-A15 & DSP and secure boot AM5708 Sitara processor: cost optimized Arm Cortex-A15 & DSP, multimedia and secure boot AM5716 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A15 & DSP AM5718 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A15 & DSP, multimedia AM5718-HIREL AM5718-HIREL Sitara™ Processors Silicon Revision 2.0 AM5726 Sitara processor: dual Arm Cortex-A15 & dual DSP AM5728 Sitara processor: dual Arm Cortex-A15 & dual DSP, multimedia AM5746 Sitara processor: dual arm Cortex-A15 & dual DSP, ECC on DDR and secure boot AM5748 Sitara processor: dual arm Cortex-A15 & dual DSP, multimedia, ECC on DDR and secure boot AM620-Q1 Automotive Compute SoC with embedded safety for Driver Monitoring, networking and V2X systems AM623 Internet of Things (IoT) and gateway SoC with Arm® Cortex®-A53-based object and gesture recognition AM625 Human-machine-interaction SoC with Arm® Cortex®-A53-based edge AI and full-HD dual display AM625-Q1 Automotive display SoC with embedded safety for digital clusters AM625SIP General purpose system in package with Arm® Cortex®-A53 and integrated LPDDR4 AM62A1-Q1 Automotive processor with RGB-IR ISP, video enc/dec for 1-2 cameras, low-power systems AM62A3 1 TOPS vision SoC with RGB-IR ISP for 1-2 cameras, low-power, video surveillance, retail automation AM62A3-Q1 Automotive 1 TOPS vision SoC with RGB-IR ISP for 1-2 cameras, driver monitoring, dashcams AM62A7 2 TOPS vision SoC with RGB-IR ISP for 1-2 cameras, low-power systems, machine vision, robotics AM62A7-Q1 2 TOPS vision SoC with RGB-IR ISP for 1-2 cameras, driver monitoring, front cameras AM62L Low-power Arm® Cortex®-A53 SoC with display for IOT, HMI and general purpose applications AM62P Arm®Cortex®-A53 SoC with triple display, 3D graphics, 4K video codec for HMI AM62P-Q1 Automotive display SoC with advanced 3D graphics, 4K video codec and embedded safety AM6411 Single-core 64-bit Arm® Cortex®-A53, single-core Cortex-R5F, PCIe, USB 3.0 and security AM6412 Dual-core 64-bit Arm® Cortex®-A53, single-core Cortex-R5F, PCIe, USB 3.0 and security AM6421 Single-core 64-bit Arm® Cortex®-A53, dual-core Cortex-R5F, PCIe, USB 3.0 and security AM6422 Dual-core 64-bit Arm® Cortex®-A53, dual-core Cortex-R5F, PCIe, USB 3.0 and security AM6441 Single-core 64-bit Arm® Cortex®-A53, quad-core Cortex-R5F, PCIe, USB 3.0 and security AM6442 Dual-core 64-bit Arm® Cortex®-A53, quad-core Cortex-R5F, PCIe, USB 3.0 and security AM6526 Dual Arm® Cortex®-A53 and dual Arm Cortex-R5F Sitara™ processor with gigabit PRU-ICSS AM6528 Sitara processor: dual Arm Cortex-A53 & dual Arm Cortex-R5F, Gigabit PRU-ICSS, 3D graphics AM6546 Quad Arm® Cortex®-A53 and dual Arm Cortex-R5F Sitara™ processor with gigabit PRU-ICSS AM6548 Quad Arm® Cortex®-A53 and dual Arm Cortex-R5F Sitara™ processor with gigabit PRU-ICSS, 3D graphics AM68 General Purpose SoC with dual core 64-bit Arm Cortex-A72, graphics, 1-port PCIe Gen3, USB3.0 AM68A 8 TOPS vision SoC for 1-8 cameras, machine vision, smart traffic, retail automation AM69 General purpose octal core 64-bit Arm Cortex-A72 with graphics, PCIe Gen 3, Ethernet, USB 3.0 AM69A 32 TOPS vision SoC for 1-12 cameras, autonomous mobile robots, machine vision, mobile DVR, AI-BOX AMIC110 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A8, 10+ Ethernet protocols AMIC120 Sitara processor; Arm Cortex-A9; 10+ Ethernet protocols, encoder protocols DRA710 600 MHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor with graphics for infotainment & cluster DRA712 600 MHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor with graphics & dual Arm Cortex-M4 for infotainment & cluster DRA714 600 MHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor with graphics & DSP for infotainment & cluster DRA716 800 MHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor with graphics & DSP for infotainment & cluster DRA718 1 GHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor with graphics & DSP for infotainment & cluster DRA722 800 MHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor with graphics and DSP for automotive infotainment & cluster DRA724 1 GHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor with graphics and DSP for automotive infotainment & cluster DRA725 1.2 GHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor with graphics and DSP for automotive infotainment & cluster DRA726 1.5 GHz Arm Cortex-A15 with Graphics & DSP for Infotainment & Cluster DRA750 Dual 1.0 GHz A15, dual DSP, extended peripherals SoC processor for infotainment DRA756 Dual 1.5 GHz A15, dual EVE, dual DSP, extended peripherals SoC processor for infotainment DRA75P Multi-core SoC processors with ISP and pin-compatible with DRA75x SoCs for infotainment applications DRA77P High performance multi-core SoCs with extended peripherals and ISP for digital cockpit applications DRA790 300 MHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor w/ 500 MHz C66x DSP for audio amplifier DRA791 300 MHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor w/ 750 MHz C66x DSP for audio amplifier DRA793 500 MHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor w/ 750 MHz C66x DSP for audio amplifier DRA797 800 MHz Arm Cortex-A15 SoC processor w/ 750 MHz C66x DSP for audio amplifier DRA821U Dual Arm Cortex-A72, quad Cortex-R5F, 4-port Ethernet switch, and a PCIe controller DRA821U-Q1 Automotive gateway SoC with dual Arm® Cortex®-A72, quad Cortex-R5F, four-port Ethernet switch, PCIe DRA829J Dual Arm Cortex-A72, quad Cortex-R5F, multi-core DSP, 8-port Ethernet switch, and 4-port PCIe switch DRA829J-Q1 Dual Arm Cortex-A72, quad Cortex-R5F, multi-core DSP, 8-port Ethernet and 4-port PCIe switches DRA829V Dual Arm® Cortex®-A72, quad Cortex®-R5F, 8-port Ethernet and 4-port PCIe switches DRA829V-Q1 Dual Arm® Cortex-A72, quad Cortex-R5F, 8-port Ethernet and 4-port PCIe switches TDA2E SoC processors with graphics and video acceleration for ADAS applications (23mm package) TDA2EG-17 SoC processors with graphics and video acceleration for ADAS applications (17mm package) TDA2HF SoC processor w/ full-featured video & vision acceleration for ADAS applications TDA2HG SoC processor w/ graphics, video & vision acceleration for ADAS applications TDA2HV SoC processor w/ video & vision acceleration for ADAS applications TDA2LF SoC processor for ADAS applications TDA2P-ABZ TDA2 pin-compatible SoC family with graphic, imaging, video, vision acceleration options for ADAS TDA2P-ACD High performance SoC family w/ options for graphics, imaging, video and vision acceleration for ADAS TDA2SA SoC processor w/ highly-featured video & vision acceleration for ADAS applications TDA2SG SoC processor w/ highly-featured graphics, video & vision acceleration for ADAS applications TDA2SX SoC processor w/ full-featured graphics, video & vision acceleration for ADAS applications TDA4VE-Q1 Automotive system-on-a-chip for autoparking and driver assist with AI, vision pre-processing and GPU TDA4VEN-Q1 Automotive ADAS SoC with AI, graphics, and display for entry performance park assist applications TDA4VL-Q1 Automotive system-on-a-chip with AI, graphics for surround view, and park-assist applications TDA4VM Dual Arm® Cortex®-A72 SoC and C7x DSP with deep-learning, vision and multimedia accelerators TDA4VM-Q1 Automotive system-on-a-chip for L2, L3 and near-field analytic systems using deep learning
Industrial mmWave radar sensors
IWR1443 Single-chip 76-GHz to 81-GHz mmWave sensor integrating MCU and hardware accelerator IWR1642 Single-chip 76-GHz to 81-GHz mmWave sensor integrating DSP and MCU
Arm Cortex-M4 MCUs
MSP432E401Y SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F MCU with ethernet, CAN, 1MB Flash and 256kB RAM MSP432E411Y SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F MCU with ethernet, CAN, TFT LCD, 1MB Flash and 256kB RAM< TM4C1230C3PM High performance 32-bit ARM® Cortex®-M4F based MCU TM4C1230D5PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 64-kb Flash, 24-kb RAM, CAN, 64-pin LQFP TM4C1230E6PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 128-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, CAN, 64-pin LQFP TM4C1230H6PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, CAN, 64-pin LQFP TM4C1231C3PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 32-kb Flash, 12-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, 64-pin LQFP TM4C1231D5PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 64-kb Flash, 24-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, 64-pin LQFP TM4C1231D5PZ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 64-kb Flash, 24-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, 100-pin LQFP TM4C1231E6PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 128-kb Flash, 24-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, 64-pin LQFP TM4C1231E6PZ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 128-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, 100-pin LQFP TM4C1231H6PGE 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, 144-pin LQFP TM4C1231H6PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, 64-pin LQFP TM4C1231H6PZ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, 100-pin LQFP TM4C1232C3PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 32-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, CAN, USB-D, 64-pin LQFP TM4C1232D5PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 64-kb Flash, 12-kb RAM, CAN, USB-D, 64-pin LQFP TM4C1232E6PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 128-kb Flash, 24-kb RAM, CAN, USB-D, 64-pin LQFP TM4C1232H6PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, CAN, USB-D, 64-pin LQFP TM4C1233C3PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 32-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, USB-D, 64-pin LQFP TM4C1233D5PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 64-kb Flash, 12-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, USB-D, 64-pin LQFP TM4C1233D5PZ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 64-kb Flash, 24-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, USB-D, 100-pin LQFP TM4C1233E6PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 128-kb Flash, 24-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, USB-D, 64-pin LQFP TM4C1233E6PZ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 128-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, USB-D, 100-pin LQFP TM4C1233H6PGE 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, USB-D, 144-pin LQFP TM4C1233H6PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, USB-D, 64-pin LQFP TM4C1233H6PZ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, USB-D, 100-pin LQFP TM4C1236D5PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 64-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, CAN, USB, 64-pin LQFP TM4C1236E6PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 128-kb Flash, 24-kb RAM, CAN, USB, 64-pin LQFP TM4C1236H6PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, CAN, USB, 64-pin LQFP TM4C1237D5PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 64-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, USB, 64-pin LQFP TM4C1237D5PZ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 64-kb Flash, 24-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, USB, 100-pin LQFP TM4C1237E6PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 128-kb Flash, 24-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, USB, 64-pin LQFP TM4C1237E6PZ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 128-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, USB, 100-pin LQFP TM4C1237H6PGE 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, USB, 144-pin LQFP TM4C1237H6PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, USB, 64-pin LQFP TM4C1237H6PZ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, CAN, RTC, USB, 100-pin LQFP TM4C123AE6PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 128-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, 2x CAN, 64-pin LQFP TM4C123AH6PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, 2x CAN, 64-pin LQFP TM4C123BE6PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 128-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, 2x CAN, RTC, 64-pin LQFP TM4C123BE6PZ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 128-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, 2x CAN, RTC, 100-pin LQFP TM4C123BH6NMR 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M4F-based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, 2x CAN, RTC, USB< TM4C123BH6PGE 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, 2x CAN, RTC, 144-pin LQFP TM4C123BH6PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, 2x CAN, RTC, 64-pin LQFP TM4C123BH6PZ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, 2x CAN, RTC, 100-pin LQFP TM4C123BH6ZRB 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, 2x CAN, RTC, 157-pin BGA TM4C123FE6PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 128-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, 2x CAN, USB, 64-pin LQFP TM4C123FH6PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, 2x CAN, USB, 64-pin LQFP TM4C123GE6PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 128-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, 2x CAN, RTC, USB, 64-pin LQFP TM4C123GE6PZ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 128-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, 2x CAN, RTC, USB, 100-pin LQFP TM4C123GH6NMR 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M4F-based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb flash, 32-kb RAM, 2x CAN, RTC, USB TM4C123GH6PGE 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, 2x CAN, RTC, USB, 144-pin LQFP TM4C123GH6PM 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80 -MHz, 256 -KB Flash, 32 -KB RAM, 2 CAN, RTC, USB, 64-Pin TM4C123GH6PZ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, 2x CAN, RTC, USB, 100-pin LQFP TM4C123GH6ZRB 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, 2x CAN, RTC, USB, 157-pin BGA TM4C123GH6ZXR 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 80-MHz, 256-kb Flash, 32-kb RAM, 2x CAN, RTC, USB, 168-pin BGA TM4C1290NCPDT 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 120-MHz, 1-MB Flash, 256-kb RAM, USB TM4C1290NCZAD 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 120-MHz, 1-MB Flash, 256-kb RAM, USB TM4C1292NCPDT 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 120-MHz, 1-MB Flash, 256-kb RAM, USB, ENET MAC+MII TM4C1292NCZAD 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 120-MHz, 1-MB Flash, 256-kb RAM, USB, ENET MAC+MII TM4C1294KCPDT 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 120-MHz, 512-kb Flash, 256-kb RAM, USB, ENET MAC+PHY TM4C1294NCPDT 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 120-MHZ, 1-MB flash, 256-KB RAM, USB, ENET MAC+PHY TM4C1294NCZAD 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 120-MHz, 1-MB Flash, 256-kb RAM, USB, ENET MAC+PHY TM4C1297NCZAD 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 120-MHz, 1-MB Flash, 256-kb RAM, USB, LCD TM4C1299KCZAD 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 120-MHz, 512-kb Flash, 256-kb RAM, USB, ENET MAC+PHY, LCD TM4C1299NCZAD 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 120-MHz, 1-MB Flash, 256-kb RAM, USB, ENET MAC+PHY, LCD TM4C129CNCPDT 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 120-MHz, 1-MB Flash, 256-kb RAM, USB, AES TM4C129CNCZAD 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 120-MHz, 1-MB Flash, 256-kb RAM, USB, AES TM4C129DNCPDT 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 120-MHz, 1-MB Flash, 256-kb RAM, USB, ENET MAC+MII, AES TM4C129DNCZAD 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 120-MHz, 1-MB Flash, 256-kb RAM, USB, ENET MAC+MII, AES TM4C129EKCPDT 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 120-MHz, 512-kb Flash, 256-kb RAM, USB, ENET MAC+PHY, AES TM4C129ENCPDT 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 120-MHz, 1-MB Flash, 256-kb RAM, USB, ENET MAC+PHY, AES TM4C129ENCZAD 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 120-MHz, 1-MB Flash, 256-kb RAM, USB, ENET MAC+PHY, AES TM4C129LNCZAD 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 120-MHz, 1-MB Flash, 256-kb RAM, USB, ENET MAC+PHY, LCD, AES TM4C129XKCZAD 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 120-MHz, 512-kb Flash, 256-kb RAM, USB, ENET MAC+PHY, LCD, AES TM4C129XNCZAD 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F based MCU with 120-MHz, 1-MB Flash, 256-KB RAM, USB, ENET MAC+PHY, LCD, AES
Arm Cortex-M0+ MCUs
MSPM0C1103 24MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 8KB flash, 1KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC MSPM0C1103-Q1 Automotive 24MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 8KB flash, 1KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, LIN MSPM0C1104 24MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 16KB flash, 1KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC MSPM0C1104-Q1 Automotive 24MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 16KB flash, 1KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, LIN MSPM0G1105 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 32KB flash 16KB SRAM 2×12bit 4Msps ADC, op-amp MSPM0G1106 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 64KB flash 32KB SRAM 2x12-bit 4Msps ADC, op-amp MSPM0G1107 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 128KB flash 32KB SRAM 2x12-bit 4Msps ADC, op-amp MSPM0G1505 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 32KB flash 16KB SRAM 2x4Msps ADC, 12-bit DAC, 3xCOMP, 2xOPA, MATHACL MSPM0G1506 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 64KB flash 32KB SRAM 2x4Msps ADC, 12-bit DAC, 3xCOMP, 2xOPA, MATHACL MSPM0G1507 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 128KB flash 32KB SRAM 2x4Msps ADC, 12-bit DAC, 3xCOMP, 2xOPA, MATHAC MSPM0G1519 80 MHz ARM® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with dual-bank 512kB flash, 128kB SRAM, 2xADC, DAC, 3xCOMP MSPM0G3105 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 32KB flash 16KB SRAM 2x12-bit 4Msps ADC, op-amp, CAN-FD MSPM0G3105-Q1 Automotive 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 32KB flash 16KB SRAM 2×12bit 4Msps ADC, op-amp, CAN-FD MSPM0G3106 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 64KB flash 32KB SRAM 2x12-bit 4Msps ADC, op-amp, CAN-FD MSPM0G3106-Q1 Automotive 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 64KB flash 32KB SRAM 2×12bit 4Msps ADC, op-amp, CAN-FD MSPM0G3107 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 128KB flash 32KB SRAM 2x12-bit 4Msps ADC, op-amp, CAN-FD MSPM0G3107-Q1 Automotive 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 128KB flash 32KB SRAM 2×12bit 4Msps ADC, op-amp, CAN-FD MSPM0G3505 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 32KB flash 16KB SRAM 2x4Msps ADC, DAC, 3xCOMP, 2xOPA, CAN-FD, MAT MSPM0G3505-Q1 Automotive 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 32KB flash 16KB SRAM ADC, DAC, COMP, OPA, CAN-FD, MATHACL MSPM0G3506 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 64KB flash 32KB SRAM 2x4Msps ADC, DAC, 3xCOMP, 2xOPA, CAN-FD, MATHAC MSPM0G3506-Q1 Automotive 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 64KB flash 32KB SRAM ADC, DAC, COMP, OPA, CAN-FD, MATHACL MSPM0G3507 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 128KB flash 32KB SRAM 2x4Msps ADC, DAC, 3xCOMP, 2xOPA, CAN-FD, MATHA MSPM0G3507-Q1 Automotive 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 128KB flash 32KB SRAM ADC, DAC, COMP, OPA, CAN-FD, MATHAC MSPM0G3519 80 MHz ARM® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with dual-bank 512kB flash, 128kB SRAM, 2xCAN-FD, 2xADC, DAC, COMP MSPM0L1105 32-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 32-KB flash, 4-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC MSPM0L1106 32-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 64-KB flash, 4-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC MSPM0L1117 32MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 128KB dual-bank flash, 16KB SRAM, 12-bit 1.68Msps ADC MSPM0L1227 32MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 128KB dual-bank flash, 32KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, COMP, VBAT, PSA-L1< MSPM0L1227-Q1 Automotive 32MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 128KB dual-bank flash, 32KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, COMP, VB MSPM0L1228 32MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 256KB dual-bank flash, 32KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, COMP, VBAT, PSA-L1 MSPM0L1228-Q1 Automotive 32MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 256KB dual-bank flash, 32KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, COMP, VB MSPM0L1303 32-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 8-KB flash, 2-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, comparator, OPA MSPM0L1304 32-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 16-KB flash, 2-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, comparator, OPA MSPM0L1304-Q1 Automotive 32-Mhz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ with 16-KB flash, 2-KB RAM, 12-bit ADC,OPA, LIN MSPM0L1305 32-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 32-KB flash, 4-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, comparator, OPA MSPM0L1305-Q1 Automotive 32-Mhz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ with 32-KB flash, 4-KB RAM, 12-bit ADC, OPA, LIN MSPM0L1306 32-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 64-KB flash, 4-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, comparator, OPA MSPM0L1306-Q1 Automotive 32-Mhz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ with 64-KB flash, 4-KB RAM, 12-bit ADC, OPA,LIN MSPM0L1343 32-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 8-KB flash, 2-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, comparator, TIA MSPM0L1344 32-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 16-KB flash, 2-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, comparator, TIA MSPM0L1345 32-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 32-KB flash, 4-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, comparator, TIA MSPM0L1346 32-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 64-KB flash, 4-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, comparator, TIA MSPM0L2227 32MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 128KB dual-bank flash, 32KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, COMP, LCD, VBAT, PS MSPM0L2227-Q1 Automotive 32MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 128KB dual-bank flash, 32KB SRAM, ADC, COMP, LCD, VBAT MSPM0L2228 32MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 256KB dual-bank flash, 32KB SRAM, 12bit ADC, COMP, LCD, VBAT, PSA MSPM0L2228-Q1 Automotive 32MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 256KB dual-bank flash, 32KB SRAM, ADC, COMP, LCD, VBAT
Arm Cortex-R MCUs
AM2431 Arm® Cortex®-R5F-based MCU with industrial communications and security up to 800 MHz AM2432 Dual-core Arm® Cortex®-R5F-based MCU with industrial communications and security up to 800 MHz AM2434 Quad-core Arm® Cortex®-R5F-based MCU with industrial communications and security up to 800 MHz AM2612 Dual-core Arm Cortex-R5F MCU with up to 500MHz, real-time control and security AM2631 Single-core Arm® Cortex®-R5F MCU up to 400 MHz with real-time control and security AM2631-Q1 Automotive single-core Arm® Cortex®-R5F MCU up to 400 MHz with real-time control and security AM2632 Dual-core Arm® Cortex®-R5F MCU up to 400 MHz with real-time control and security AM2632-Q1 Automotive dual-core Arm® Cortex®-R5F MCU up to 400 MHz with real-time control and security AM2634 Quad-core Arm® Cortex®-R5F MCU up to 400 MHz with real-time control and security AM2634-Q1 Automotive quad-core Arm® Cortex®-R5F MCU up to 400 MHz with real-time control and security AM263P2 Dual-core Arm®Cortex®-R5F MCU up to 400 MHz with opTI-flash and real-time control AM263P4 Quad-core Arm® Cortex®-R5F MCU up to 400 MHz with real-time control and expandable memory AM263P4-Q1 Automotive quad-core Arm® Cortex®-R5F MCU up to 400MHz with real-time control and expandable memory
Sub-1 GHz wireless MCUs
CC1310 SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M3 Sub-1 GHz wireless MCU with 128kB Flash CC1311P3 SimpleLink™ Arm® Cortex®-M4 Sub-1GHz wireless MCU with 352KB flash and integrated +20dBm power amp CC1311R3 SimpleLink™ Arm® Cortex®-M4 Sub-1 GHz wireless MCU with 352-kB flash CC1312PSIP Sub-1 GHz system-in-package (SIP) module with integrated power amplifier CC1312R SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F Sub-1 GHz wireless MCU with 352kB Flash CC1312R7 SimpleLink™ Arm® Cortex®-M4F multiprotocol Sub-1 GHz wireless MCU with 704-kB Flash CC1314R10 SimpleLink™ Arm® Cortex®-M33 Sub-1 GHz wireless MCU with 1-MB flash and up to 296 kB of SRAM CC1350 SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M3 multiprotocol Sub-1 GHz & 2.4 GHz wireless MCU with 128kB Flash CC1352P SimpleLink™ Arm Cortex-M4F multiprotocol Sub-1 GHz & 2.4 GHz wireless MCU integrated power amplifier CC1352P7 SimpleLink™ Arm® Cortex®-M4F multiprotocol sub-1 GHz and 2.4-GHz wireless MCU integrated power amp CC1352R SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F multiprotocol Sub-1 GHz & 2.4 GHz wireless MCU with 352kB Flash CC1354P10 SimpleLink™ Arm® Cortex®-M33 multiband wireless MCU with 1MB flash, 296KB SRAM, integrated power amp CC1354R10 SimpleLink™ Arm® Cortex®-M33 multiband wireless MCU with 1-MB flash and up to 296-KB SRAM
Automotive wireless connectivity products
CC2640R2F-Q1 SimpleLink™ automotive qualified 32-bit Arm Cortex-M3 Bluetooth® Low Energy wireless MCU CC2745P10-Q1 Automotive SimpleLink™ Bluetooth® 6.0 LE wireless MCU with 1MB flash, HSM, APU, CAN-FD, +20dBm CC2745R10-Q1 Automotive SimpleLink™ Bluetooth® 6.0 LE wireless MCU with 1MB flash, HSM, APU, CAN-FD
Low-power 2.4-GHz products
CC2340R2 SimpleLink™ 32bit Arm® Cortex®-M0+ 2.4GHz wireless MCU with 256kB flash CC2640R2F SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M3 Bluetooth® 5.1 Low Energy wireless MCU with 128-kB flash CC2640R2L SimpleLink™ Bluetooth® 5.1 Low Energy wireless MCU CC2652P SimpleLink™ Arm Cortex-M4F multiprotocol 2.4 GHz wireless MCU with integrated power amplifier CC2652P7 SimpleLink™ Arm® Cortex®-M4F multiprotocol 2.4-GHz wireless MCU, 704-kB Flash, integrated power amp CC2652PSIP SimpleLink™ multiprotocol 2.4-GHz wireless system-in-package module with integrated power amplifier CC2652R SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F multiprotocol 2.4 GHz wireless MCU with 352kB Flash CC2652R7 SimpleLink™ Arm® Cortex®-M4F multiprotocol 2.4-GHz wireless MCU with 704-kB Flash CC2652RB SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm Cortex-M4F multiprotocol 2.4 GHz wireless MCU with crystal-less BAW resonator CC2652RSIP SimpleLink™ multiprotocol 2.4-GHz wireless system-in-package module with 352-KB memory CC2674P10 SimpleLink™ Arm® Cortex®-M33 multiprotocol 2.4GHz wireless MCU with 1MB flash and power amplifier CC2674R10 SimpleLink™ Arm® Cortex®-M33 multiprotocol 2.4-GHz wireless MCU with 1-MB flash CC2755R10 SimpleLink™ 32-bit Arm® Cortex®-M33 Bluetooth® Low Energy wireless MCU with 1MB flash
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Online training

AM57X-ACADEMY AM57x academy

The AM57x academy is a great resource for developers to learn about the AM57x platform. This academy delivers easy-to-use training modules that span a wide range of topics for AM57x devices.
Supported products & hardware

Supported products & hardware

Arm-based processors
AM5716 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A15 & DSP AM5718 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A15 & DSP, multimedia AM5718-HIREL AM5718-HIREL Sitara™ Processors Silicon Revision 2.0 AM5726 Sitara processor: dual Arm Cortex-A15 & dual DSP AM5728 Sitara processor: dual Arm Cortex-A15 & dual DSP, multimedia AM5729 Sitara processor AM5746 Sitara processor: dual arm Cortex-A15 & dual DSP, ECC on DDR and secure boot AM5748 Sitara processor: dual arm Cortex-A15 & dual DSP, multimedia, ECC on DDR and secure boot AM5749 Sitara processor: dual Arm Cortex-A15 & dual DSP, multimedia, ECC on DDR, secure boot, deep learning
Hardware development
Evaluation board
TMDXIDK5718 AM571x Industrial Development Kit (IDK) TMDSIDK572 AM572x Industrial Development Kit (IDK) TMDSEVM572X AM572x evaluation module
Software development kit (SDK)
PROCESSOR-SDK-AM57X Processor SDK for AM57x Sitara Processors - Linux and TI-RTOS Support
Software programming tool

UNIFLASH UniFlash for most TI microcontrollers (MCUs) and mmWave sensors

UniFlash is a software tool for programming on-chip flash on TI microcontrollers and wireless connectivity devices and on-board flash for TI processors. UniFlash provides both graphical and command-line interfaces.

UniFlash can be run from the cloud on the TI Developer Zone or downloaded and used (...)

Supported products & hardware

Supported products & hardware

C2000 real-time microcontrollers
F29H850TU C2000™ 64-bit MCU with C29x 200MHz tri-core, lockstep, functional safety compliance, 4MB F29H859TU-Q1 Automotive C2000™ 64-bit MCU with C29x 200MHz tri-core, lockstep, functional safety compliance, 4MB TMS320F2800132 C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 100 MHz, 64-KB flash, FPU, TMU, six PWM and zero CAN TMS320F2800133 C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 120 MHz, 64-KB flash, FPU and TMU TMS320F2800135 C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 120 MHz, 128-KB flash, FPU and TMU TMS320F2800137 C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 120 MHz, 256-KB flash, FPU and TMU TMS320F2800152-Q1 Automotive C2000™ 32-bit MCU 100-MHz 64-KB flash with CAN-FD, lockstep ASIL B TMS320F2800153-Q1 Automotive C2000™ 32-bit MCU 120-MHz 64-KB flash with HRPWM, CAN-FD, lockstep ASIL B TMS320F2800154-Q1 Automotive C2000™ 32-bit MCU 100-MHz 128-KB flash with CAN-FD, lockstep ASIL B TMS320F2800155 C2000™ 32-bit MCU 120-MHz 128-KB flash with HRPWM, CAN-FD TMS320F2800155-Q1 Automotive C2000™ 32-bit MCU 120-MHz 128-KB flash with HRPWM, CAN-FD, lockstep ASIL B TMS320F2800156-Q1 Automotive C2000™ 32-bit MCU 100-MHz 256-KB flash with CAN-FD, lockstep ASIL B, grade 0 and 1 TMS320F2800157 C2000™ 32-bit MCU 120-MHz 256-KB flash with HRPWM, CAN-FD TMS320F2800157-Q1 Automotive C2000™ 32-bit MCU 120-MHz 256-KB flash with HRPWM, CAN-FD, lockstep ASIL B, grade 0 and 1 TMS320F28P550SG C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 150MHz 512KB flash C28x + CLA, five ADCs, CLB, AES and NPU TMS320F28P550SJ C2000™ 32-bit MCU with 1x C28x + 1x CLA, 150MHz, 1.1MB flash, 5x ADCs, CLB, AES and NPU TMS320F28P559SJ-Q1 Automotive C2000™ 32-bit MCU, 1x C28x + 1x CLA, 150-MHz, 1.1-MB flash, 5x ADCs, CLB, AES and NNPU TMS320F28P650DH C2000 32-bit MCU, 600 MIPS, 2xC28x + 1xCLA CPU, FPU64, 768kB flash, 16-b ADC TMS320F28P650DK C2000™ 32-bit MCU, 2x C28x+CLA CPU, Lock Step, 1.28-MB flash, 16-b ADC, HRPWM, EtherCAT, CAN-FD, AES TMS320F28P650SH C2000 32-bit MCU, 400 MIPS, 1xC28x + 1xCLA CPU, FPU64, 768kB flash, 16-b ADC TMS320F28P650SK C2000 32-bit MCU, 400 MIPS, 1xC28x + 1xCLA CPU, FPU64, 1.28-MB flash, 16-b ADC, Ethercat
Arm-based processors
AM4372 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9 AM4376 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS AM4377 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS, EtherCAT AM4378 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS, 3D graphics AM4379 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A9, PRU-ICSS, EtherCAT, 3D graphics AM5716 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A15 & DSP AM5718 Sitara processor: Arm Cortex-A15 & DSP, multimedia AM5718-HIREL AM5718-HIREL Sitara™ Processors Silicon Revision 2.0 AM5726 Sitara processor: dual Arm Cortex-A15 & dual DSP AM5728 Sitara processor: dual Arm Cortex-A15 & dual DSP, multimedia AM5729 Sitara processor AM5746 Sitara processor: dual arm Cortex-A15 & dual DSP, ECC on DDR and secure boot AM5748 Sitara processor: dual arm Cortex-A15 & dual DSP, multimedia, ECC on DDR and secure boot AM5749 Sitara processor: dual Arm Cortex-A15 & dual DSP, multimedia, ECC on DDR, secure boot, deep learning AM6526 Dual Arm® Cortex®-A53 and dual Arm Cortex-R5F Sitara™ processor with gigabit PRU-ICSS AM6528 Sitara processor: dual Arm Cortex-A53 & dual Arm Cortex-R5F, Gigabit PRU-ICSS, 3D graphics AM6546 Quad Arm® Cortex®-A53 and dual Arm Cortex-R5F Sitara™ processor with gigabit PRU-ICSS AM6548 Quad Arm® Cortex®-A53 and dual Arm Cortex-R5F Sitara™ processor with gigabit PRU-ICSS, 3D graphics
Arm Cortex-M0+ MCUs
MSPM0C1103 24MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 8KB flash, 1KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC MSPM0C1103-Q1 Automotive 24MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 8KB flash, 1KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, LIN MSPM0C1104 24MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 16KB flash, 1KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC MSPM0C1104-Q1 Automotive 24MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 16KB flash, 1KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, LIN MSPM0G1105 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 32KB flash 16KB SRAM 2×12bit 4Msps ADC, op-amp MSPM0G1106 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 64KB flash 32KB SRAM 2x12-bit 4Msps ADC, op-amp MSPM0G1107 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 128KB flash 32KB SRAM 2x12-bit 4Msps ADC, op-amp MSPM0G1505 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 32KB flash 16KB SRAM 2x4Msps ADC, 12-bit DAC, 3xCOMP, 2xOPA, MATHACL MSPM0G1506 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 64KB flash 32KB SRAM 2x4Msps ADC, 12-bit DAC, 3xCOMP, 2xOPA, MATHACL MSPM0G1507 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 128KB flash 32KB SRAM 2x4Msps ADC, 12-bit DAC, 3xCOMP, 2xOPA, MATHAC MSPM0G1519 80 MHz ARM® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with dual-bank 512kB flash, 128kB SRAM, 2xADC, DAC, 3xCOMP MSPM0G3105 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 32KB flash 16KB SRAM 2x12-bit 4Msps ADC, op-amp, CAN-FD MSPM0G3105-Q1 Automotive 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 32KB flash 16KB SRAM 2×12bit 4Msps ADC, op-amp, CAN-FD MSPM0G3106 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 64KB flash 32KB SRAM 2x12-bit 4Msps ADC, op-amp, CAN-FD MSPM0G3106-Q1 Automotive 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 64KB flash 32KB SRAM 2×12bit 4Msps ADC, op-amp, CAN-FD MSPM0G3107 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 128KB flash 32KB SRAM 2x12-bit 4Msps ADC, op-amp, CAN-FD MSPM0G3107-Q1 Automotive 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 128KB flash 32KB SRAM 2×12bit 4Msps ADC, op-amp, CAN-FD MSPM0G3505 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 32KB flash 16KB SRAM 2x4Msps ADC, DAC, 3xCOMP, 2xOPA, CAN-FD, MAT MSPM0G3505-Q1 Automotive 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 32KB flash 16KB SRAM ADC, DAC, COMP, OPA, CAN-FD, MATHACL MSPM0G3506 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 64KB flash 32KB SRAM 2x4Msps ADC, DAC, 3xCOMP, 2xOPA, CAN-FD, MATHAC MSPM0G3506-Q1 Automotive 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 64KB flash 32KB SRAM ADC, DAC, COMP, OPA, CAN-FD, MATHACL MSPM0G3507 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 128KB flash 32KB SRAM 2x4Msps ADC, DAC, 3xCOMP, 2xOPA, CAN-FD, MATHA MSPM0G3507-Q1 Automotive 80MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 128KB flash 32KB SRAM ADC, DAC, COMP, OPA, CAN-FD, MATHAC MSPM0G3519 80 MHz ARM® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with dual-bank 512kB flash, 128kB SRAM, 2xCAN-FD, 2xADC, DAC, COMP MSPM0L1105 32-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 32-KB flash, 4-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC MSPM0L1106 32-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 64-KB flash, 4-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC MSPM0L1117 32MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 128KB dual-bank flash, 16KB SRAM, 12-bit 1.68Msps ADC MSPM0L1227 32MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 128KB dual-bank flash, 32KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, COMP, VBAT, PSA-L1< MSPM0L1227-Q1 Automotive 32MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 128KB dual-bank flash, 32KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, COMP, VB MSPM0L1228 32MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 256KB dual-bank flash, 32KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, COMP, VBAT, PSA-L1 MSPM0L1228-Q1 Automotive 32MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 256KB dual-bank flash, 32KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, COMP, VB MSPM0L1303 32-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 8-KB flash, 2-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, comparator, OPA MSPM0L1304 32-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 16-KB flash, 2-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, comparator, OPA MSPM0L1304-Q1 Automotive 32-Mhz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ with 16-KB flash, 2-KB RAM, 12-bit ADC,OPA, LIN MSPM0L1305 32-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 32-KB flash, 4-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, comparator, OPA MSPM0L1305-Q1 Automotive 32-Mhz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ with 32-KB flash, 4-KB RAM, 12-bit ADC, OPA, LIN MSPM0L1306 32-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 64-KB flash, 4-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, comparator, OPA MSPM0L1306-Q1 Automotive 32-Mhz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ with 64-KB flash, 4-KB RAM, 12-bit ADC, OPA,LIN MSPM0L1343 32-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 8-KB flash, 2-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, comparator, TIA MSPM0L1344 32-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 16-KB flash, 2-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, comparator, TIA MSPM0L1345 32-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 32-KB flash, 4-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, comparator, TIA MSPM0L1346 32-MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 64-KB flash, 4-KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, comparator, TIA MSPM0L2227 32MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 128KB dual-bank flash, 32KB SRAM, 12-bit ADC, COMP, LCD, VBAT, PS MSPM0L2227-Q1 Automotive 32MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 128KB dual-bank flash, 32KB SRAM, ADC, COMP, LCD, VBAT MSPM0L2228 32MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 256KB dual-bank flash, 32KB SRAM, 12bit ADC, COMP, LCD, VBAT, PSA MSPM0L2228-Q1 Automotive 32MHz Arm® Cortex®-M0+ MCU with 256KB dual-bank flash, 32KB SRAM, ADC, COMP, LCD, VBAT
Arm Cortex-R MCUs
AM2631 Single-core Arm® Cortex®-R5F MCU up to 400 MHz with real-time control and security AM2631-Q1 Automotive single-core Arm® Cortex®-R5F MCU up to 400 MHz with real-time control and security AM2632 Dual-core Arm® Cortex®-R5F MCU up to 400 MHz with real-time control and security AM2632-Q1 Automotive dual-core Arm® Cortex®-R5F MCU up to 400 MHz with real-time control and security AM2634 Quad-core Arm® Cortex®-R5F MCU up to 400 MHz with real-time control and security AM2634-Q1 Automotive quad-core Arm® Cortex®-R5F MCU up to 400 MHz with real-time control and security AM263P2 Dual-core Arm®Cortex®-R5F MCU up to 400 MHz with opTI-flash and real-time control AM263P4 Quad-core Arm® Cortex®-R5F MCU up to 400 MHz with real-time control and expandable memory AM263P4-Q1 Automotive quad-core Arm® Cortex®-R5F MCU up to 400MHz with real-time control and expandable memory AM2732 Dual-core Arm® Cortex-R5F based MCU with C66x DSP, ethernet and security up to 400 MHz AM2732-Q1 Automotive dual-core Arm® Cortex-R5F MCU up to 400 MHz with C66x DSP, Ethernet, safety, security
Automotive mmWave radar sensors
AWR1243 76-GHz to 81-GHz high-performance automotive MMIC AWR1443 Single-chip 76-GHz to 81-GHz automotive radar sensor integrating MCU and hardware accelerator AWR1642 Single-chip 76-GHz to 81-GHz automotive radar sensor integrating DSP and MCU AWR1843 Single-chip 76-GHz to 81-GHz automotive radar sensor integrating DSP, MCU and radar accelerator AWR1843AOP Single-chip 76-GHz to 81-GHz automotive radar sensor integrating antenna on package, DSP and MCU AWR2243 76-GHz to 81-GHz automotive second-generation high-performance MMIC AWR2544 76-81GHz FMCW satellite Radar-on-Chip sensor AWR2944 Automotive, second-generation 76-GHz to 81-GHz high-performance SoC for corner and long-range radar AWR2944P Automotive 76-GHz to 81-GHz single chip radar with enhanced RF and compute performance AWR6443 Single-chip 60-GHz to 64-GHz automotive radar sensor integrating MCU and radar accelerator AWR6843 Single-chip 60-GHz to 64-GHz automotive radar sensor integrating DSP, MCU and radar accelerator AWR6843AOP Single-chip 60-GHz to 64-GHz automotive radar sensor integrating antenna on package, DSP and MCU AWRL1432 Single-chip low-power 76GHz to 81GHz automotive mmWave radar sensor AWRL6432 Single-chip low-power 57-GHz to 64-GHz automotive mmWave radar sensor AWRL6844 Automotive single-chip high-performance, low-power, 57GHz to 64GHz mmWave radar sensor
Industrial mmWave radar sensors
IWR1443 Single-chip 76-GHz to 81-GHz mmWave sensor integrating MCU and hardware accelerator IWR1642 Single-chip 76-GHz to 81-GHz mmWave sensor integrating DSP and MCU IWR1843 Single-chip 76-GHz to 81-GHz industrial radar sensor integrating DSP, MCU and radar accelerator IWR1843AOP Single-chip 76-GHz to 81-GHz industrial radar sensor integrating antenna on package, DSP and MCU IWR2243 76-GHz to 81-GHz industrial high-performance MMIC IWR2944 Single-chip, 76GHz to 81GHz industrial high-performance radar with integrated DSP, MCU and ethernet IWR6243 57-GHz to 64-GHz industrial high-performance MMIC IWR6443 Single-chip 60-GHz to 64-GHz intelligent mmWave sensor integrating MCU and hardware accelerator IWR6843 Single-chip 60-GHz to 64-GHz intelligent mmWave sensor integrating processing capability IWR6843AOP Single-chip 60-GHz to 64-GHz intelligent mmWave sensor with integrated antenna on package (AoP) IWRL1432 Single-chip low-power 76GHz to 81GHz industrial mmWave radar sensor IWRL6432 Single-chip low-power 57-GHz to 64-GHz industrial mmWave radar sensor IWRL6432AOP Single-chip low-power 57GHz to 64GHz industrial mmWave radar sensor with integrated antenna IWRL6432W Low-power 60GHz industrial mmWave radar sensor in wafer scale package IWRL6844 Single-chip low-power high-performance 57GHz to 64GHz industrial mmWave radar sensor
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Simulation model

AM571x 23 mm Thermal Models

SPRM663.ZIP (2 KB) - Thermal Model
Simulation model

AM571x BSDL Model

SPRM662.ZIP (13 KB) - BSDL Model
Simulation model

AM571x IBIS Model

SPRM661.ZIP (12620 KB) - IBIS Model
Package Pins CAD symbols, footprints & 3D models
FCBGA (ZBO) 760 Ultra Librarian

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  • MSL rating/Peak reflow
  • MTBF/FIT estimates
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  • Qualification summary
  • Ongoing reliability monitoring
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  • Assembly location

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