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Controlador CC/CC buck síncrono automotriz de 80 V con IQ ultrabaja

Detalles del producto

Vin (min) (V) 3.5 Vin (max) (V) 80 Iout (max) (A) 20 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode current mode Topology Buck Rating Automotive Vout (min) (V) 0.8 Vout (max) (V) 55 Features Adjustable current limit, Enable, Frequency synchronization, Light Load Efficiency, Load Disconnect, Output discharge, Phase Interleaving, Power good, Pre-Bias Start-Up, Spread Spectrum, Synchronous Rectification, UVLO adjustable Iq (typ) (µA) 9 Duty cycle (max) (%) 99 Number of phases 2
Vin (min) (V) 3.5 Vin (max) (V) 80 Iout (max) (A) 20 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Control mode current mode Topology Buck Rating Automotive Vout (min) (V) 0.8 Vout (max) (V) 55 Features Adjustable current limit, Enable, Frequency synchronization, Light Load Efficiency, Load Disconnect, Output discharge, Phase Interleaving, Power good, Pre-Bias Start-Up, Spread Spectrum, Synchronous Rectification, UVLO adjustable Iq (typ) (µA) 9 Duty cycle (max) (%) 99 Number of phases 2
VQFN (RGY) 19 15.75 mm² 4.5 x 3.5 VQFN (RGY) 24 19.25 mm² 5.5 x 3.5
  • AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive applications:
    • Device temperature grade 1: –40°C to +125°C ambient operating temperature
  • Functional Safety-Capable
  • Integrated EMI mitigation
    • Selectable dual random spread spectrum (DRSS) feature for enhanced EMI performance across low and high-frequency bands
    • Optimized for CISPR 25 Class 5 requirements
  • Versatile synchronous buck DC/DC controller
    • Wide input voltage range of 3.5V to 80V
    • 1% accurate, fixed 3.3V, 5V, 12V, or adjustable output from 0.8V to 55 V
    • 150°C maximum junction temperature
    • Shutdown mode current of 2.3µA
    • No-load sleep current of 9.5µA
    • Internal soft-start ramp of 3ms
    • Stackable up to two phases
    • Internal bootstrap diode
  • Switching frequency from 100kHz to 2.2MHz
    • SYNC in and SYNC out capability
  • Inherent protection features for robust design
    • Internal hiccup mode overcurrent protection
    • ENABLE and PGOOD functions
    • VCC, VDDA, and gate-drive UVLO protection
    • Internal or external loop compensation
    • Thermal shutdown protection with hysteresis
  • VQFN-24 package with wettable flanks
  • VQFN-19 package for increased high voltage pin spacing (Figure 5-2)
  • Create a custom design using the LM5148-Q1 with WEBENCH Power Designer
  • AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive applications:
    • Device temperature grade 1: –40°C to +125°C ambient operating temperature
  • Functional Safety-Capable
  • Integrated EMI mitigation
    • Selectable dual random spread spectrum (DRSS) feature for enhanced EMI performance across low and high-frequency bands
    • Optimized for CISPR 25 Class 5 requirements
  • Versatile synchronous buck DC/DC controller
    • Wide input voltage range of 3.5V to 80V
    • 1% accurate, fixed 3.3V, 5V, 12V, or adjustable output from 0.8V to 55 V
    • 150°C maximum junction temperature
    • Shutdown mode current of 2.3µA
    • No-load sleep current of 9.5µA
    • Internal soft-start ramp of 3ms
    • Stackable up to two phases
    • Internal bootstrap diode
  • Switching frequency from 100kHz to 2.2MHz
    • SYNC in and SYNC out capability
  • Inherent protection features for robust design
    • Internal hiccup mode overcurrent protection
    • ENABLE and PGOOD functions
    • VCC, VDDA, and gate-drive UVLO protection
    • Internal or external loop compensation
    • Thermal shutdown protection with hysteresis
  • VQFN-24 package with wettable flanks
  • VQFN-19 package for increased high voltage pin spacing (Figure 5-2)
  • Create a custom design using the LM5148-Q1 with WEBENCH Power Designer

The LM5148-Q1 is a 80V, ultra-low IQ synchronous buck DC/DC controller for high-current, single-output applications. The controller uses a peak current-mode control architecture for easy loop compensation, fast transient response, and excellent load and line regulation. The LM5148-Q1 can be set up in dual-phase mode (paralleled output) with accurate current sharing for high-current applications. The device can operate at input voltages as low as 3.5V, at nearly 100% duty cycle if needed.

The LM5148-Q1 has a unique EMI reduction feature known as Dual Random Spread Spectrum (DRSS). Combining low-frequency triangular and high-frequency random modulations mitigates EMI disturbances across lower and higher frequency bands, respectively. This hybrid technique aligns with the multiple resolution bandwidth (RBW) settings specified in industry-standard EMC tests.

Additional features of the LM5148-Q1 include 150°C maximum junction temperature operation, user-selectable diode emulation for lower current consumption at light-load conditions, open-drain power-good flag for fault reporting and output monitoring, precision enable input, monotonic start-up into prebiased load, integrated VCC bias supply regulator, internal 3ms soft-start time, and thermal shutdown protection with automatic recovery.

The LM5148-Q1 controller comes in 3.5mm × 5.5mm, 24-pin VQFN and a 19-pin VQFN, 4.50mm × 3.5mm thermally enhanced packages with wettable flank pins to facilitate optical inspection during manufacturing. For high voltage applications that require additional pin spacing between low voltage pins and high voltage pins, the pin spacing was increased to 0.6mm by removing a pin. To increase the spacing from VIN to the exposed pad, the exposed pad was reduced to 1.7mm × 2.3mm.

The LM5148-Q1 is a 80V, ultra-low IQ synchronous buck DC/DC controller for high-current, single-output applications. The controller uses a peak current-mode control architecture for easy loop compensation, fast transient response, and excellent load and line regulation. The LM5148-Q1 can be set up in dual-phase mode (paralleled output) with accurate current sharing for high-current applications. The device can operate at input voltages as low as 3.5V, at nearly 100% duty cycle if needed.

The LM5148-Q1 has a unique EMI reduction feature known as Dual Random Spread Spectrum (DRSS). Combining low-frequency triangular and high-frequency random modulations mitigates EMI disturbances across lower and higher frequency bands, respectively. This hybrid technique aligns with the multiple resolution bandwidth (RBW) settings specified in industry-standard EMC tests.

Additional features of the LM5148-Q1 include 150°C maximum junction temperature operation, user-selectable diode emulation for lower current consumption at light-load conditions, open-drain power-good flag for fault reporting and output monitoring, precision enable input, monotonic start-up into prebiased load, integrated VCC bias supply regulator, internal 3ms soft-start time, and thermal shutdown protection with automatic recovery.

The LM5148-Q1 controller comes in 3.5mm × 5.5mm, 24-pin VQFN and a 19-pin VQFN, 4.50mm × 3.5mm thermally enhanced packages with wettable flank pins to facilitate optical inspection during manufacturing. For high voltage applications that require additional pin spacing between low voltage pins and high voltage pins, the pin spacing was increased to 0.6mm by removing a pin. To increase the spacing from VIN to the exposed pad, the exposed pad was reduced to 1.7mm × 2.3mm.

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Documentación técnica

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Tipo Título Fecha
* Data sheet LM5148-Q1 80V, Automotive, Synchronous, Buck DC/DC Controller With Ultra-Low IQ and Dual Random Spread Spectrum datasheet (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 23 ene 2025
Application note Controller to Converter – Design Considerations for 24V and 48V Systems PDF | HTML 02 oct 2024
Application note How to Implement a Simple Constant Current Regulation Scheme to a PCM Based Buck PDF | HTML 16 ago 2023
Functional safety information LM5148-Q1 Functional Safety, FIT Rate, Failure Mode Distribution and Pin FMA PDF | HTML 15 feb 2023
User guide LM25149-Q1 EVM User's Guide (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 29 abr 2022

Diseño y desarrollo

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Placa de evaluación

LM25149-Q1EVM-2100 — Módulo de evaluación de controlador CC/CC reductor síncrono de 5.5 V a 36 V y IQ baja LM25149-Q1

El módulo de evaluación (EVM) de alta densidad LM25149‑Q1EVM‑2100 está diseñado para mostrar el rendimiento del controlador reductor de CC/CC síncrono de alto rendimiento para automoción LM25149‑Q1. El EVM funciona en un amplio rango de tensión de entrada de 5.5 V a 36 V para brindar una salida (...)
Guía del usuario: PDF | HTML
Placa de evaluación

LM5149-Q1EVM-400 — Módulo de evaluación LM5149-Q1, 72 V, baja IQ, controlador CC/CC síncrono reductor con filtro EMI ac

El módulo de evaluación (EVM) de alta densidad LM5149‑Q1EVM‑400 está diseñado para mostrar el rendimiento del controlador reductor de CC/CC síncrono de alto rendimiento para automoción LM5149‑Q1. El EVM funciona en un amplio rango de tensión de entrada de 15 V a 72 V para brindar una salida fija de (...)

Guía del usuario: PDF | HTML
Herramienta de cálculo

LM5148-LM25148DESIGN-CALC LM5148/-Q1 and LM25148/-Q1 controller quickstart design tool

Welcome to the quickstart design tool for the LM5148, LM5148-Q1, LM25148 and LM25148-Q1. This standalone tool facilitates and assists the power supply engineer with the design of a DC/DC buck regulator based on the above controller family. As such, the user can expeditiously arrive at an (...)
Productos y hardware compatibles

Productos y hardware compatibles

Controladores CA/CC y CC/CC (FET externo)
LM5148 Controlador reductor síncrono de modo de corriente de 3.5 V a 80 V LM5148-Q1 Controlador CC/CC buck síncrono automotriz de 80 V con IQ ultrabaja LM25148 Controlador CC/CC reductor síncrono de 42 V con IQ ultrabaja LM25148-Q1 Controlador automotriz CC/CC reductor síncrono de 42 V con IQ ultrabaja
Desarrollo de hardware
Placa de evaluación
LM5149-Q1EVM-400 Módulo de evaluación LM5149-Q1, 72 V, baja IQ, controlador CC/CC síncrono reductor con filtro EMI ac LM25149-Q1EVM-2100 Módulo de evaluación de controlador CC/CC reductor síncrono de 5.5 V a 36 V y IQ baja LM25149-Q1
Disposición de la PCB

LM25149-Q1EVM-2100 PCB Layout Files

SNVR501.ZIP (1990 KB)
Diseños de referencia

PMP23392 — Diseño de referencia de convertidor buck bifásico con FET de GaN para aplicaciones automotrices de 4

Este diseño de referencia usa dos controladores buck síncronos monofásicos LM5148-Q1 y cuatro FET de GaN LMG3100R017 configurados como un convertidor buck síncrono bifásico intercalado. El convertidor genera una salida regulada de 5 V que permite suministrar una corriente nominal de 30 A a la (...)
Test report: PDF
Diseños de referencia

PMP23420 — Diseño de referencia de convertidor reductor síncrono intercalado bifásico de 48 V para aplicaciones

Este diseño de referencia utiliza dos controladores reductores síncronos monofásicos LM5148-Q1 configurados como un convertidor reductor síncrono bifásico intercalado.  El convertidor genera una salida regulada de 5 V que permite suministrar una corriente nominal de 30 A a la carga, con una (...)
Test report: PDF
Diseños de referencia

PMP31349 — Diseño de referencia de convertidor buck de 240 W, entrada de 30 V a 60 V y con interruptores GaN

Este diseño de referencia es una fuente de alimentación que genera una salida regulada de 12 V a partir de una entrada de batería nominal de 48 V (que va desde 30 V hasta 60 V). El circuito está diseñado para una corriente de salida continua de 20 A. El controlador buck LM5148-Q1 brinda señales de (...)
Test report: PDF
Diseños de referencia

PMP31252 — Diseño de referencia de convertidor reductor síncrono bifásico de 150 W para aplicaciones de sector

Este diseño muestra un convertidor reductor bifásico de baja EMI que se puede utilizar como convertidor de doble salida. Como convertidor bifásico, el circuito puede proporcionar una corriente de salida continua de 22 A con un pico de 30 A en una configuración de 12 V a 5 V.
Test report: PDF
Encapsulado Pines Símbolos CAD, huellas y modelos 3D
VQFN (RGY) 19 Ultra Librarian
VQFN (RGY) 24 Ultra Librarian

Pedidos y calidad

Información incluida:
  • RoHS
  • Marcado del dispositivo
  • Acabado de plomo/material de la bola
  • Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
  • Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
  • Contenido del material
  • Resumen de calificaciones
  • Monitoreo continuo de confiabilidad
Información incluida:
  • Lugar de fabricación
  • Lugar de ensamblaje

Soporte y capacitación

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