Inicio Gestión de la energía Power stages Etapas de potencia de nitruro de galio (GaN)



FET de GaN de 100 V y 1.7 mΩ con controlador integrado

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Detalles del producto

VDS (max) (V) 100 RDS(on) (mΩ) 1.7 ID (max) (A) 126 Features Built-in bootstrap diode, Integrated FET, Top-side cooled Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 175
VDS (max) (V) 100 RDS(on) (mΩ) 1.7 ID (max) (A) 126 Features Built-in bootstrap diode, Integrated FET, Top-side cooled Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 175
UNKNOWN (VBE) 15 See data sheet VQFN-FCRLF (VBE) 15 26 mm² 6.5 x 4
  • Integrated 1.7mΩ (LMG3100R017) or 4.4 mΩ (LMG3100R044) GaN FET and driver
  • 100V continuous, 120V pulsed voltage rating
  • Interated high-side level shift and bootstrap
  • Two LMG3100 can form a half-bridge
    • No external level shifter needed
  • 5V external bias power supply
  • Supports 3.3V and 5V input logic levels
  • High slew rate switching with low ringing
  • Gate driver capable of up to 10MHz switching
  • Internal bootstrap supply voltage clamping to prevent GaN FET overdrive
  • Supply rail undervoltage lockout protection
  • Low power consumption
  • Package optimized for easy PCB layout
  • Exposed top QFN package for top-side cooling
  • Large exposed pads at bottom for bottom-side cooling
  • Integrated 1.7mΩ (LMG3100R017) or 4.4 mΩ (LMG3100R044) GaN FET and driver
  • 100V continuous, 120V pulsed voltage rating
  • Interated high-side level shift and bootstrap
  • Two LMG3100 can form a half-bridge
    • No external level shifter needed
  • 5V external bias power supply
  • Supports 3.3V and 5V input logic levels
  • High slew rate switching with low ringing
  • Gate driver capable of up to 10MHz switching
  • Internal bootstrap supply voltage clamping to prevent GaN FET overdrive
  • Supply rail undervoltage lockout protection
  • Low power consumption
  • Package optimized for easy PCB layout
  • Exposed top QFN package for top-side cooling
  • Large exposed pads at bottom for bottom-side cooling

The LMG3100 device is a 100V continuous, 120V pulsed Gallium Nitride (GaN) FET with integrated driver. Device is offered in two Rds(on) and max current variants, 126A/1.7mΩ for LMG3100R017 and 46A/4.4mΩ for LMG3100R044. The device consists of a 100V GaN FET driven by a high-frequency GaN FET driver. The LMG3100 incorporates a high side level shifter and bootstrap circuit, so that two LMG3100 devices can be used to form a half bridge without an additional level shifter.

GaN FETs provide significant advantages for power conversion as they have zero reverse recovery and very small input capacitance CISS and output capacitance COSS. The driver and the GaN FET are mounted on a completely bond-wire free package platform with minimized package parasitic elements. The LMG3100 device is available in a 6.5mm × 4mm × 0.89mm lead-free package and can be easily mounted on PCBs.

The TTL logic compatible inputs can support 3.3V and 5V logic levels regardless of the VCC voltage. The proprietary bootstrap voltage clamping technique ensures the gate voltages of the enhancement mode GaN FETs are within a safe operating range.

The device extends advantages of discrete GaN FETs by offering a more user-friendly interface. It is an ideal solution for applications requiring high-frequency, high-efficiency operation in a small form factor.

The LMG3100 device is a 100V continuous, 120V pulsed Gallium Nitride (GaN) FET with integrated driver. Device is offered in two Rds(on) and max current variants, 126A/1.7mΩ for LMG3100R017 and 46A/4.4mΩ for LMG3100R044. The device consists of a 100V GaN FET driven by a high-frequency GaN FET driver. The LMG3100 incorporates a high side level shifter and bootstrap circuit, so that two LMG3100 devices can be used to form a half bridge without an additional level shifter.

GaN FETs provide significant advantages for power conversion as they have zero reverse recovery and very small input capacitance CISS and output capacitance COSS. The driver and the GaN FET are mounted on a completely bond-wire free package platform with minimized package parasitic elements. The LMG3100 device is available in a 6.5mm × 4mm × 0.89mm lead-free package and can be easily mounted on PCBs.

The TTL logic compatible inputs can support 3.3V and 5V logic levels regardless of the VCC voltage. The proprietary bootstrap voltage clamping technique ensures the gate voltages of the enhancement mode GaN FETs are within a safe operating range.

The device extends advantages of discrete GaN FETs by offering a more user-friendly interface. It is an ideal solution for applications requiring high-frequency, high-efficiency operation in a small form factor.

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Tipo Título Fecha
* Data sheet LMG3100R017 (126A), LMG3100R044 (46A) 100V GaN FET With Integrated Driver datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 11 nov 2024
Technical article Four mid-voltage applications where GaN will transform electronic designs PDF | HTML 17 feb 2024

Diseño y desarrollo

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Placa de evaluación

LMG3100EVM-089 — Módulo de evaluación LMG3100

El módulo de evaluación (EVM) LMG3100 es una etapa de potencia compacta y fácil de usar con una señal externa de modulación por ancho de pulsos (PWM). La placa se puede configurar como convertidor reductor, convertidor elevador u otra topología de convertidor mediante un medio puente. El EVM (...)
Guía del usuario: PDF | HTML
Diseños de referencia

PMP23392 — Diseño de referencia de convertidor buck bifásico con FET de GaN para aplicaciones automotrices de 4

Este diseño de referencia usa dos controladores buck síncronos monofásicos LM5148-Q1 y cuatro FET de GaN LMG3100R017 configurados como un convertidor buck síncrono bifásico intercalado. El convertidor genera una salida regulada de 5 V que permite suministrar una corriente nominal de 30 A a la (...)
Test report: PDF
Diseños de referencia

TIDA-010090 — Diseño de referencia de comprobador de celdas de batería de control digital de 4 canales y 50 A

El diseño de referencia ilustra un método para controlar la corriente y la tensión de una etapa de potencia de convertidor buck bidireccional con un microcontrolador (MCU) C2000™ en tiempo real y un convertidor analógico a digital (ADC) de precisión ADS8588S. Con este diseño se consigue un error (...)
Design guide: PDF
Diseños de referencia

PMP23421 — Diseño de referencia de convertidor CC/CC buck-boost multifase de cuatro interruptores

Este diseño de referencia es un convertidor CC/CC buck-boost de cuatro interruptores basado en nitruro de galio (GaN) y controlado digitalmente que se usa para aplicaciones de batería de reserva (BBU). Este diseño tiene un total de siete fases. Hay seis fases conectadas en paralelo para la (...)
Test report: PDF
Encapsulado Pines Símbolos CAD, huellas y modelos 3D
UNKNOWN (VBE) 15 Ultra Librarian
VQFN-FCRLF (VBE) 15 Ultra Librarian

Pedidos y calidad

Información incluida:
  • RoHS
  • Marcado del dispositivo
  • Acabado de plomo/material de la bola
  • Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
  • Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
  • Contenido del material
  • Resumen de calificaciones
  • Monitoreo continuo de confiabilidad
Información incluida:
  • Lugar de fabricación
  • Lugar de ensamblaje

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