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Módulo de alimentación reductor de 4,5 V a 42 V, 2 A en paquete QFN

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TPSM63603 ACTIVO Módulo de alimentación de 3 A, entrada de 3 V a 36 V y salida de 1 V a 16 V de alta densidad Significantly smaller footprint, lower EMI, higher efficiency, and optional spread spectrum.

Detalles del producto

Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 105 Topology Buck, Inverting Buck-Boost, Synchronous Buck Type Module Iout (max) (A) 2 Vin (min) (V) 4.5 Vin (max) (V) 42 Vout (min) (V) 2.5 Vout (max) (V) 7.5 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 200 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 1000 Features EMI Tested, Enable, Frequency synchronization, Light Load Efficiency, Power good, Remote Sense Duty cycle (max) (%) 90
Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 105 Topology Buck, Inverting Buck-Boost, Synchronous Buck Type Module Iout (max) (A) 2 Vin (min) (V) 4.5 Vin (max) (V) 42 Vout (min) (V) 2.5 Vout (max) (V) 7.5 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 200 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 1000 Features EMI Tested, Enable, Frequency synchronization, Light Load Efficiency, Power good, Remote Sense Duty cycle (max) (%) 90
B3QFN (RVQ) 43 100 mm² 10 x 10
  • Complete Integrated Power Solution Allows
    Small Footprint, Low-Profile Design
  • 10 mm × 10 mm × 4.3 mm Package
  • Wide-Output Voltage Adjust (2.5 V to 7.5 V)
  • Adjustable Switching Frequency
    (200 kHz to 1 MHz)
  • Synchronizes to an External Clock
  • Automatic PFM Mode for Light Load Efficiency
  • Adjustable Soft-Start Time
  • Output Voltage Sequencing / Tracking
  • Power Good Output
  • Programmable Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO)
  • Over-Temperature Thermal Shutdown Protection
  • Over-Current Protection (Hiccup Mode)
  • Pre-Bias Output Start-Up
  • Operating Temperature Range: –40°C to 105°C
  • Enhanced Thermal Performance: 14°C/W
  • Meets EN55022 Class B Emissions
    – Integrated Shielded Inductor
  • Create a Custom Design using the LMZ34202 with the WEBENCH® Power Designer
  • Complete Integrated Power Solution Allows
    Small Footprint, Low-Profile Design
  • 10 mm × 10 mm × 4.3 mm Package
  • Wide-Output Voltage Adjust (2.5 V to 7.5 V)
  • Adjustable Switching Frequency
    (200 kHz to 1 MHz)
  • Synchronizes to an External Clock
  • Automatic PFM Mode for Light Load Efficiency
  • Adjustable Soft-Start Time
  • Output Voltage Sequencing / Tracking
  • Power Good Output
  • Programmable Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO)
  • Over-Temperature Thermal Shutdown Protection
  • Over-Current Protection (Hiccup Mode)
  • Pre-Bias Output Start-Up
  • Operating Temperature Range: –40°C to 105°C
  • Enhanced Thermal Performance: 14°C/W
  • Meets EN55022 Class B Emissions
    – Integrated Shielded Inductor
  • Create a Custom Design using the LMZ34202 with the WEBENCH® Power Designer

The LMZ34202 power module is an easy-to-use integrated power supply that combines a 2-A DC-DC converter with a shielded inductor and passives into a low profile, QFN package. This total power solution allows as few as three external components while maintaining an ability to adjust key parameters to meet specific design requirements.

The QFN package is easy to solder to a printed circuit board, allows reflow profiles up to 245°C, and has excellent power dissipation capability. The LMZ34202 offers flexibilty with many features and is ideal for powering a wide range of devices and systems.

The LMZ34202 power module is an easy-to-use integrated power supply that combines a 2-A DC-DC converter with a shielded inductor and passives into a low profile, QFN package. This total power solution allows as few as three external components while maintaining an ability to adjust key parameters to meet specific design requirements.

The QFN package is easy to solder to a printed circuit board, allows reflow profiles up to 245°C, and has excellent power dissipation capability. The LMZ34202 offers flexibilty with many features and is ideal for powering a wide range of devices and systems.

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Documentación técnica

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Tipo Título Fecha
* Data sheet LMZ34202 4.5-V to 42-V Input, 2-A Power Module datasheet (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 20 jun 2018
Application note Soldering Considerations for Power Modules (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 14 mar 2024
Technical article Powering medical imaging applications with DC/DC buck converters PDF | HTML 24 nov 2020
White paper Simplify low EMI design with power modules 20 nov 2017
White paper Benefits and trade-offs of various power-module package options 02 ago 2017
User guide LMZ34202 Simple Switcher® Power Module Evaluation Module 04 feb 2016

Diseño y desarrollo

Para conocer los términos adicionales o los recursos necesarios, haga clic en cualquier título de abajo para ver la página de detalles cuando esté disponible.

Placa de evaluación

LMZ34202EVM — Placa de evaluación del módulo de alimentación reductor de 4,5 V a 42 V, 2 A

The LMZ34202 evaluation board is configured to evaluate the operation of the LMZ34202 power module. The input voltage range is 4.5V to 42V. The output voltage can be selected from 5 popular voltages (2.5V, 3.3V, 5.0V, 6.0, & 7.5V) using a single jumper. The switching frequency can also be (...)
Guía del usuario: PDF
Modelo de simulación

LMZ34202 Non Inverting and Inverting PSpice Transient Model

SNVMAM6.ZIP (149 KB) - PSpice Model
Diseños de referencia

TIDA-00783 — Diseño de referencia del módulo de potencia de salida triple Vin amplio optimizado de calidad espaci

The TIDA-00783.1 reference design is a triple output wide Vin power module design. It provides 3.3V, 1.8V and 1.2V output, at 6W total power. The layout is optimized for space constrained applications.
Design guide: PDF
Esquema: PDF
Diseños de referencia

TIDA-01352 — Diseño de referencia de fuente de alimentación de ultrasonido programable, continua y escalable de 4

The TIDA-01352 enables modular and efficient power scaling capability by providing a solution for digitally programmable power supply for powering ultrasound transmit circuit. The design uses push-pull topology to generate high-voltage (HV) and low- (LV) or MID- voltage power supplies. The HV (...)
Design guide: PDF
Esquema: PDF
Diseños de referencia

TIDA-010011 — Diseño de referencia de arquitectura de fuente de alimentación de alta eficiencia para módulo de pro

Este diseño de referencia muestra varias arquitecturas de energía para generar varios carriles de tensión para un módulo procesador de aplicaciones, que requieren una corriente de carga de >1 A y alta eficiencia. La fuente de alimentación necesaria se genera mediante la entrada de CC de 5, 12 o (...)
Design guide: PDF
Esquema: PDF
Diseños de referencia

TIDA-00808 — Diseño de referencia del módulo de potencia de inversión de CC/CC optimizado de calidad espacial con

The TIDA-00808 is a simple DC/DC inverting power supply reference design for industrial applications. It takes a wide input voltage between 4.5V and 55V and generates a negative 5V @ 1.75A output with 86% peak efficiency. Since this design is inverting, the maximum output current increases as the (...)
Design guide: PDF
Esquema: PDF
Encapsulado Pines Símbolos CAD, huellas y modelos 3D
B3QFN (RVQ) 43 Ultra Librarian

Pedidos y calidad

Información incluida:
  • RoHS
  • Marcado del dispositivo
  • Acabado de plomo/material de la bola
  • Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
  • Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
  • Contenido del material
  • Resumen de calificaciones
  • Monitoreo continuo de confiabilidad
Información incluida:
  • Lugar de fabricación
  • Lugar de ensamblaje

Soporte y capacitación

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Si tiene preguntas sobre la calidad, el paquete o el pedido de productos de TI, consulte el soporte de TI. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
