

MOSFET-Treiber mit breitem VIN-Bereich, 2,2 MHz, 1,5 A, nicht synchronem Aufwärtsregler, AEC-Q100-qu

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Vin (min) (V) 1.5 Vin (max) (V) 45 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 150 Control mode current mode Topology Boost, Flyback, SEPIC Rating Automotive Vout (min) (V) 1.5 Vout (max) (V) 300 Features Adjustable current limit, Frequency synchronization, Nonsynchronous rectification, Power good, UVLO adjustable Iq (typ) (µA) 450 Duty cycle (max) (%) 93 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable
Vin (min) (V) 1.5 Vin (max) (V) 45 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 150 Control mode current mode Topology Boost, Flyback, SEPIC Rating Automotive Vout (min) (V) 1.5 Vout (max) (V) 300 Features Adjustable current limit, Frequency synchronization, Nonsynchronous rectification, Power good, UVLO adjustable Iq (typ) (µA) 450 Duty cycle (max) (%) 93 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable
WSON (DSS) 12 6 mm² 3 x 2
  • AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive applications
    • Temperature grade 1: –40°C to +125°C T A
  • Functional Safety-Capable
    • Documentation available to aid functional safety system design
  • Wide input operating range for car and portable battery applications
    • 3.5-V to 45-V Operating range
    • 2.97-V to 16-V When BIAS = VCC
    • Minimum boost supply voltage 1.5 V when BIAS ≥ 3.5 V
    • Input transient protection up to 50 V
  • Minimized battery drain
    • Low shutdown current (I Q ≤ 2.6 µA)
    • Low operating current (I Q ≤ 480 µA)
  • Small solution size and low cost
    • Maximum switching frequency of 2.2 MHz
    • 12-Pin WSON package (3 mm × 2 mm) with wettable flanks and non-wettable flank option
    • Integrated error amplifier allows primary-side regulation without optocoupler (flyback)
    • Minimized undershoot during cranking (start-stop application)
  • Higher efficiency with low-power dissipation
    • 100-mV ±7% Low current limit threshold
    • Strong 1.5-A peak standard MOSFET driver
    • Supports external VCC supply
  • Avoid AM band interference and crosstalk
    • Optional clock synchronization
    • Dynamically programmable switching frequency from 100 kHz to 2.2 MHz
  • Integrated protection features
    • Constant peak current limiting over input voltage
    • Optional hiccup mode short-circuit protection (see the Device Comparison Table)
    • Programmable line UVLO
    • OVP protection
    • Thermal shutdown
  • Accurate ±1% accuracy feedback reference
  • Programmable extra slope compensation
  • Adjustable soft start
  • PGOOD indicator
  • Create a custom design using the LM5155x with the WEBENCH power designer
  • AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive applications
    • Temperature grade 1: –40°C to +125°C T A
  • Functional Safety-Capable
    • Documentation available to aid functional safety system design
  • Wide input operating range for car and portable battery applications
    • 3.5-V to 45-V Operating range
    • 2.97-V to 16-V When BIAS = VCC
    • Minimum boost supply voltage 1.5 V when BIAS ≥ 3.5 V
    • Input transient protection up to 50 V
  • Minimized battery drain
    • Low shutdown current (I Q ≤ 2.6 µA)
    • Low operating current (I Q ≤ 480 µA)
  • Small solution size and low cost
    • Maximum switching frequency of 2.2 MHz
    • 12-Pin WSON package (3 mm × 2 mm) with wettable flanks and non-wettable flank option
    • Integrated error amplifier allows primary-side regulation without optocoupler (flyback)
    • Minimized undershoot during cranking (start-stop application)
  • Higher efficiency with low-power dissipation
    • 100-mV ±7% Low current limit threshold
    • Strong 1.5-A peak standard MOSFET driver
    • Supports external VCC supply
  • Avoid AM band interference and crosstalk
    • Optional clock synchronization
    • Dynamically programmable switching frequency from 100 kHz to 2.2 MHz
  • Integrated protection features
    • Constant peak current limiting over input voltage
    • Optional hiccup mode short-circuit protection (see the Device Comparison Table)
    • Programmable line UVLO
    • OVP protection
    • Thermal shutdown
  • Accurate ±1% accuracy feedback reference
  • Programmable extra slope compensation
  • Adjustable soft start
  • PGOOD indicator
  • Create a custom design using the LM5155x with the WEBENCH power designer

The LM5155x-Q1 (LM5155-Q1 and LM51551-Q1) is a wide input range, non-synchronous boost controller that uses peak current mode control. The device can be used in boost, SEPIC, and flyback topologies.

The LM5155x-Q1 can start up from a 1-cell battery with a minimum of 2.97 V if the BIAS pin is connected to the VCC pin. It can operate with the input supply voltage as low as 1.5 V if the BIAS pin is greater than 3.5 V.

The LM5155x-Q1 (LM5155-Q1 and LM51551-Q1) is a wide input range, non-synchronous boost controller that uses peak current mode control. The device can be used in boost, SEPIC, and flyback topologies.

The LM5155x-Q1 can start up from a 1-cell battery with a minimum of 2.97 V if the BIAS pin is connected to the VCC pin. It can operate with the input supply voltage as low as 1.5 V if the BIAS pin is greater than 3.5 V.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet LM5155x-Q1 2.2-MHz Wide Input Nonsynchronous Boost, SEPIC, Flyback Controller datasheet (Rev. F) PDF | HTML 03 Mai 2023
White paper Isolated Bias Power Supply Architecture for HEV and EV Traction Inverters PDF | HTML 11 Okt 2023
Application note How to Implement the Soft Start in a Flyback PDF | HTML 10 Jul 2023
Application note How to Design an Isolated Flyback Using LM5155 (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 05 Jan 2021
Functional safety information LM5155-Q1, LM51551-Q1 Functional Safety FIT Rate and Failure Mode Distribution 05 Feb 2020
Technical article How semiconductor technologies are changing automotive lighting roadmaps PDF | HTML 24 Okt 2019
Technical article Designing a smarter sunroof PDF | HTML 10 Jan 2019
Application note How to Design a Boost Converter Using LM5155 17 Dez 2018
EVM User's guide LM5155EVM-BST User's Guide 11 Dez 2018
EVM User's guide LM5155EVM-FLY User's Guide 02 Aug 2018
EVM User's guide LM5155EVM-SEPIC User's Guide PDF | HTML 02 Aug 2018
Application brief Improve DC/DC Regulator EMI for Free with Optimized Power Stage Layout 13 Nov 2017

Design und Entwicklung

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LM5155EVM-BST — LM5155-Boost-Controller-Evaluierungsmodul

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This EVM is designed for ease of (...)

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LM5155EVM-FLY — LM5155 Flyback-Controller – Evaluierungsmodul

The LM5155EVM-FLY evaluation module showcases the features and performance of the LM5155 as a wide input non-synchronous flyback controller. The standard configuration is designed to provide a regulated output of 5V at 4A from an input of 18V to 36V, switching at 250 kHz. This evaluation module is (...)
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LM5155EVM-SEPIC — LM5155 SEPIC-Evaluierungsmodul

The LM5155EVM-SEPIC evaluation module showcases the features and performance of the LM5155 as wide input non-synchronous SEPIC controller. The standard configuration is designed to provide a regulated output of 12V at up to 2A from an input of 3V to 42V, switching at 2.2 MHz.
Benutzerhandbuch: PDF | HTML

LM5155-Q1 PSpice Transient Model (unencrypted) (Rev. F)

SNVMBL2F.ZIP (204 KB) - PSpice Model

LM5155-Q1 PSpice Transient Model (unencrypted) (Rev. H)

SNVMBL2H.ZIP (206 KB) - PSpice Model


SNVMBV8.TSC (1162 KB) - TINA-TI Reference Design


SNVMBV7.ZIP (52 KB) - TINA-TI Spice Model

Unencrypted LM5155-Q1 PSpice Average Model (Rev. B)

SNVMBY3B.ZIP (81 KB) - PSpice Model

SNVC224 LM5155/56 Boost Controller Quick Start Calculator

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LM5155 2,2-MHz-MOSFET-Treiber mit breitem VIN-Bereich, 1,5 A, nicht synchronem Aufwärtsregler LM5155-Q1 MOSFET-Treiber mit breitem VIN-Bereich, 2,2 MHz, 1,5 A, nicht synchronem Aufwärtsregler, AEC-Q100-qu LM51551 Nicht synchroner Aufwärts-, Flyback- und SEPIC-Regler mit breitem VIN-Bereich, 2,2 MHz, Hiccup LM51551-Q1 MOSFET-Treiber mit breitem VIN-Bereich (2,2 MHz), 1,5 A, nicht synchronem Aufwärtscontroller, Hiccup LM5156 Nicht synchroner Aufwärts-, Flyback- und SEPIC-Regler mit breitem VIN-Bereich (2,2 MHz) und Dual-Ran LM5156-Q1 Nicht synchroner Aufwärts-, Flyback- und SEPIC-Regler mit breitem VIN-Bereich (2,2 MHz) und Dual-Ran LM51561 Nicht synchroner Boost-/SEPIC-/Flyback-Controller, großer Eingangsspannungsbereich, 2,2 MHz, mit Spr LM51561-Q1 Nicht synchroner Aufwärts-, Flyback- und SEPIC-Regler mit breitem VIN-Bereich, 2,2 MHz, Spread-Spect LM51561H Nicht synchroner Aufwärts-, Flyback- und SEPIC-Regler mit breitem VIN-Bereich, 2,2 MHz, Spread-Spect LM51561H-Q1 Nicht synchroner Aufwärts-, Flyback- und SEPIC-Regler mit breitem VIN-Bereich, 2,2 MHz, Spread-Spect LM5156H Nicht synchroner Aufwärts-, Flyback- und SEPIC-Regler mit breitem VIN-Bereich (2,2 MHz) und Dual-Ran LM5156H-Q1 Nicht synchroner Aufwärts-, Flyback- und SEPIC-Regler mit breitem VIN-Bereich (2,2 MHz) und Dual-Ran
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