Überspannungs- oder Unterspannungsüberwacher, 65 V, mit Erfassung, extrem niedrigem Ruhestrom und Ve
- Functional Safety-Capable
- Wide supply voltage range: 2.7 V to 65 V
- SENSE and RESET pins are 65 V graded
- Low quiescent current: 1 µA (typical)
- Flexible and wide voltage threshold options
- 2.7 V to 36 V (1.5% maximum accuracy)
- 800 mV option (1% maximum accuracy)
- Built-in hysteresis (V HYS)
- Percentage options: 2% to 13% (1% steps)
- Fixed options: V TH < 8 V = 0.5 V, 1 V, 1.5 V, 2 V, 2.5 V
- Programmable reset time delay
- 10 nF = 12.8 ms, 10 µF = 12.8 s
- Programmable sense time delay
- 10 nF = 1.28 ms, 10 µF = 1.28 s
- Manual Reset ( MR) feature
- Output reset latching feature
- Output topology: Open-Drain or Push-Pull
The TPS3760 is a family of wide input range and low quiescent current window supervisors for fast detection of overvoltage (OV) or undervoltage (UV) conditions. The TPS3760 can be connected directly to and monitor 12 V / 24 V supply rails in a variety of industrial applications including factory automation, motor drives, building automation and others. Built-in hysteresis on the SENSE pins prevents false reset signals when monitoring a supply voltage rail.
The separate VDD and SENSE pins allow redundancy sought by high-reliability systems. SENSE is decoupled from VDD and can monitor higher and lower voltages than VDD. Optional use of external resistors are supported by the high impedance input of the SENSE pins. CTSx and CTRx pins allow delay adjustability on the rising and falling edges of the RESET signals. Also, CTSx functions as a debouncer by ignoring voltage glitches on the monitored voltage rails; CTRx operates as a manual reset ( MR) that can be used to force a system reset.
The TPS3760 is available in a 4.1-mm×1.9-mm SOT 14-pin package. TPS3760 operates over –40°C to +125°C T A.
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