- Up to 93% Efficiency
- 2A/1A Output Current at 5V in Buck Mode
- 1.3A Output Current at 5V in Boost Mode (VIN>4V)
- Automatic Transition Between Step Down and Boost Mode
- Typical Device Quiescent Current less than 30µA
- Input Voltage Range: 2.5V to 12V
- Fixed and Adjustable Output Voltage Options from 2.5V to 8V
- Power Save Mode for Improved Efficiency at Low Output Power
- Forced Fixed Frequency Operation at 2.4MHz and Synchronization
Possible - Power Good Output
- Buck-Boost Overlap Control
- Load Disconnect During Shutdown
- Overtemperature Protection
- Overvoltage Protection
- Available in a 3-mm × 3-mm, SON-10 Package
The TPS63060 provides a power supply solution for products powered by either three-cell up to six-cell alkaline, NiCd or NiMH battery, or a one-cell or dual-cell Li-Ion or Li-polymer battery. Output currents can go as high as 2A while using a dual-cell Li-Ion or Li-Polymer Battery, and discharge it down to 5V or lower. The buck-boost converter is based on a fixed frequency, pulse-width-modulation (PWM) controller using synchronous rectification to obtain maximum efficiency. At low load currents, the converter enters Power Save mode to maintain high efficiency over a wide load current range. The Power Save mode can be disabled, forcing the converter to operate at a fixed switching frequency. The maximum average current in the switches is limited to a typical value of 2.25A. The output voltage is programmable using an external resistor divider, or is fixed internally on the chip. The converter can be disabled to minimize battery drain. During shutdown, the load is disconnected from the battery. The device is packaged in a 10-pin SON PowerPAD package measuring 3mm × 3mm (DSC).
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WSON (DSC) | 10 | Ultra Librarian |
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