Startseite Energiemanagement DC/DC-Spannungsversorgungsmodul Stromversorgungsmodule (integrierter Induktor)



4 V bis 18 V Eingangsspannung, 6 A synchrones SWIFT™-Abwärtsleistungsmodul mit erweitertem Temperatu


Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125 Topology Buck Type Module Iout (max) (A) 6 Vin (min) (V) 4 Vin (max) (V) 18 Vout (min) (V) 0.5 Vout (max) (V) 5.5 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 500 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 2200 EMI features Low parasitic Hotrod packaging Features Adjustable current limit, Enable, Forced PWM, Frequency synchronization, Over Current Protection, Power good, Pre-Bias Start-Up, Soft Start Adjustable, Synchronous Rectification, UVLO adjustable Control mode ACM/AECM Duty cycle (max) (%) 94
Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125 Topology Buck Type Module Iout (max) (A) 6 Vin (min) (V) 4 Vin (max) (V) 18 Vout (min) (V) 0.5 Vout (max) (V) 5.5 Switching frequency (min) (kHz) 500 Switching frequency (max) (kHz) 2200 EMI features Low parasitic Hotrod packaging Features Adjustable current limit, Enable, Forced PWM, Frequency synchronization, Over Current Protection, Power good, Pre-Bias Start-Up, Soft Start Adjustable, Synchronous Rectification, UVLO adjustable Control mode ACM/AECM Duty cycle (max) (%) 94
uSIP (SIT) 15 12.25 mm² 3.5 x 3.5
  • Fixed-frequency, internally-compensated Advanced Current Mode (ACM) control
  • Small form factor 3.5mm × 3.5mm × 1.6mm, 15-pin DFM package MicroSiP™ power module
  • High-efficiency, integrated 25mΩ and 6.5mΩ MOSFETs, inductor and basic passives
  • 4V to 18V input voltage range
  • 0.5V to 5.5V output voltage range
  • Three selectable PWM ramp options to optimize the control loop performance
  • Five selectable switching frequencies: 500kHz, 750kHz, 1MHz, 1.5MHz, and 2.2MHz
  • Synchronizable to an external clock
  • 0.5V, ±0.5% voltage reference accuracy over full temperature range
  • Selectable soft-start times: 0.5ms, 1ms, 2ms, and 4ms
  • Monotonic start-up into prebiased outputs
  • Selectable current limits to support lower current operation
  • Enable with adjustable input undervoltage lockout
  • Power-good output monitor
  • Output overvoltage, output undervoltage, input undervoltage, overcurrent, and overtemperature protection
  • Pin-to-pin compatible with 8A - TPSM843820E3A - TPSM843320E
  • – 55°C to 125°C operating junction temperature
  • Fixed-frequency, internally-compensated Advanced Current Mode (ACM) control
  • Small form factor 3.5mm × 3.5mm × 1.6mm, 15-pin DFM package MicroSiP™ power module
  • High-efficiency, integrated 25mΩ and 6.5mΩ MOSFETs, inductor and basic passives
  • 4V to 18V input voltage range
  • 0.5V to 5.5V output voltage range
  • Three selectable PWM ramp options to optimize the control loop performance
  • Five selectable switching frequencies: 500kHz, 750kHz, 1MHz, 1.5MHz, and 2.2MHz
  • Synchronizable to an external clock
  • 0.5V, ±0.5% voltage reference accuracy over full temperature range
  • Selectable soft-start times: 0.5ms, 1ms, 2ms, and 4ms
  • Monotonic start-up into prebiased outputs
  • Selectable current limits to support lower current operation
  • Enable with adjustable input undervoltage lockout
  • Power-good output monitor
  • Output overvoltage, output undervoltage, input undervoltage, overcurrent, and overtemperature protection
  • Pin-to-pin compatible with 8A - TPSM843820E3A - TPSM843320E
  • – 55°C to 125°C operating junction temperature

TPSM843620E is a highly efficient, small, and flexible synchronous step-down DC-DC converter in a MicroSiP power module package that is easy to use. The module operates up to 18V input with fixed-frequencies that are resistor adjustable by system designer. The embedded IC is internally compensated which reduces external components and design size. The integrated high-frequency capacitor reduces the transient peak at switching node.

The TPSM843620E module employs an internally compensated, fixed-frequency advanced current mode control. The device is capable of providing high efficiency while running at a switching frequency up to 2.2MHz. The fixed frequency controller can operate from 500kHz to 2.2MHz and can be synchronized to an external clock using the SYNC pin. Additional features include a high accuracy voltage reference, selectable soft-start times, monotonic start-up into prebiased outputs, selectable current limits, adjustable UVLO through the EN pin, and a full suite of fault protections.

TPSM843620E is a highly efficient, small, and flexible synchronous step-down DC-DC converter in a MicroSiP power module package that is easy to use. The module operates up to 18V input with fixed-frequencies that are resistor adjustable by system designer. The embedded IC is internally compensated which reduces external components and design size. The integrated high-frequency capacitor reduces the transient peak at switching node.

The TPSM843620E module employs an internally compensated, fixed-frequency advanced current mode control. The device is capable of providing high efficiency while running at a switching frequency up to 2.2MHz. The fixed frequency controller can operate from 500kHz to 2.2MHz and can be synchronized to an external clock using the SYNC pin. Additional features include a high accuracy voltage reference, selectable soft-start times, monotonic start-up into prebiased outputs, selectable current limits, adjustable UVLO through the EN pin, and a full suite of fault protections.

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* Data sheet TPSM843620E 4V to 18V Input, 6A Synchronous SWIFT Step-Down Converter MicroSiP Power Module With Integrated Inductor and Internally Compensated Advanced Current Mode Control in Extended Temperature Range datasheet PDF | HTML 30 Jan 2024

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TPSM843620EVM — TPSM843620 Evaluierungsmodul für synchronen Abwärtswandler

Das TPSM843620-Evaluierungsmodul (EVM) ist ein Synchron-Abwärtsstrommodul, das eine Ausgangsleistung von bis zu 6 A liefern kann und für 4 V bis 18 V ausgelegt ist. Die Highside- und Low-Side-MOSFETs sind zusammen mit der Gatedrive-Schaltung, der Induktivität und den passiven Bauelementen im (...)
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Stromversorgungsmodule (integrierter Induktor)
TPSM843320 Synchron-SWIFT™-Abwärtswandler-Stromversorgungsmodul, 4- bis 18-V-Eingangsspannung, 3 A, erweiterter TPSM843320E 4 V bis 18 V Eingangsspannung, 3 A synchrones SWIFT™-Abwärtsleistungsmodul mit erweitertem Temperatu TPSM843620 4-V to 18-V input, advanced current mode, 6-A synchronous SWIFT™ step-down power module TPSM843620E 4 V bis 18 V Eingangsspannung, 6 A synchrones SWIFT™-Abwärtsleistungsmodul mit erweitertem Temperatu TPSM843820 Synchron-SWIFT™-Abwärtswandler-Stromversorgungsmodul, 4- bis 18-V-Eingangsspannung, 8 A, erweiterter TPSM843820E 4 V bis 18 V Eingangsspannung, 8 A synchrones SWIFT™-Abwärtsleistungsmodul mit erweitertem Temperatu
Gehäuse Pins CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle
uSIP (SIT) 15 Ultra Librarian

Bestellen & Qualität

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  • RoHS
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  • Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
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  • Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
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