

Einkanaliger isolierter Gate-Treiber für den Automobilbereich, 5,7 kVrms, ±10A mit DESAT und interne

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Number of channels 1 Isolation rating Reinforced Withstand isolation voltage (VISO) (Vrms) 5700 Working isolation voltage (VIOWM) (Vrms) 2121 Transient isolation voltage (VIOTM) (VPK) 8000, 8400 Power switch IGBT, SiCFET Peak output current (A) 10 Features Active miller clamp, Fault reporting, Integrated analog to PWM sensor, Power good, Short circuit protection, Soft turn-off Output VCC/VDD (max) (V) 33 Output VCC/VDD (min) (V) 13 Input supply voltage (min) (V) 3 Input supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Propagation delay time (µs) 0.09 Input threshold CMOS Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rating Catalog Bootstrap supply voltage (max) (V) 2121 Rise time (ns) 33 Fall time (ns) 27 Undervoltage lockout (typ) (V) 12
Number of channels 1 Isolation rating Reinforced Withstand isolation voltage (VISO) (Vrms) 5700 Working isolation voltage (VIOWM) (Vrms) 2121 Transient isolation voltage (VIOTM) (VPK) 8000, 8400 Power switch IGBT, SiCFET Peak output current (A) 10 Features Active miller clamp, Fault reporting, Integrated analog to PWM sensor, Power good, Short circuit protection, Soft turn-off Output VCC/VDD (max) (V) 33 Output VCC/VDD (min) (V) 13 Input supply voltage (min) (V) 3 Input supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Propagation delay time (µs) 0.09 Input threshold CMOS Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rating Catalog Bootstrap supply voltage (max) (V) 2121 Rise time (ns) 33 Fall time (ns) 27 Undervoltage lockout (typ) (V) 12
SOIC (DW) 16 106.09 mm² 10.3 x 10.3
  • 5.7-kVRMS single channel isolated gate driver
  • SiC MOSFETs and IGBTs up to 2121Vpk
  • 33-V maximum output drive voltage (VDD – VEE)
  • ±10-A drive strength and split output
  • 150-V/ns minimum CMTI
  • 200-ns response time fast DESAT protection
  • 4-A Internal active miller clamp
  • 400-mA soft turn-off when fault happens
  • Isolated analog sensor with PWM output for
    • Temperature sensing with NTC, PTC or thermal diode
    • High voltage DC-link or phase voltage
  • Alarm FLT on overcurrent and reset from RST/EN
  • Fast enable and disable response on RST/EN
  • Reject < 40-ns noise transient and pulse on input pins
  • 12-V VDD UVLO with power good on RDY
  • Inputs/outputs with over/under-shoot transient voltage immunity up to 5 V
  • 130-ns (maximum) propagation delay and 30-ns (maximum) pulse/part skew
  • SOIC-16 DW package with creepage and clearance distance > 8 mm
  • Operating junction temperature –40°C to 150°C
  • Safety-related certifications:
    • Reinforced insulation per DIN EN IEC 60747-17 (VDE 0884-17)
    • UL 1577 component recognition program
  • 5.7-kVRMS single channel isolated gate driver
  • SiC MOSFETs and IGBTs up to 2121Vpk
  • 33-V maximum output drive voltage (VDD – VEE)
  • ±10-A drive strength and split output
  • 150-V/ns minimum CMTI
  • 200-ns response time fast DESAT protection
  • 4-A Internal active miller clamp
  • 400-mA soft turn-off when fault happens
  • Isolated analog sensor with PWM output for
    • Temperature sensing with NTC, PTC or thermal diode
    • High voltage DC-link or phase voltage
  • Alarm FLT on overcurrent and reset from RST/EN
  • Fast enable and disable response on RST/EN
  • Reject < 40-ns noise transient and pulse on input pins
  • 12-V VDD UVLO with power good on RDY
  • Inputs/outputs with over/under-shoot transient voltage immunity up to 5 V
  • 130-ns (maximum) propagation delay and 30-ns (maximum) pulse/part skew
  • SOIC-16 DW package with creepage and clearance distance > 8 mm
  • Operating junction temperature –40°C to 150°C
  • Safety-related certifications:
    • Reinforced insulation per DIN EN IEC 60747-17 (VDE 0884-17)
    • UL 1577 component recognition program

The UCC21750 is a galvanic isolated single channel gate driver designed for SiC MOSFETs and IGBTs up to 2121-V DC operating voltage with advanced protection features, best-in-class dynamic performance and robustness. The UCC21750 has up to ±10-A peak source and sink current.

The input side is isolated from the output side with SiO2 capacitive isolation technology, supporting up to 1.5-kVRMS working voltage, 12.8-kVPK surge immunity with longer than 40 years Isolation barrier life, as well as providing low part-to-part skew , and > 150-V/ns common mode noise immunity (CMTI).

The UCC21750 includes the state-of-art protection features, such as fast overcurrent and short circuit detection, shunt current sensing support, fault reporting, active miller clamp, and input and output side power supply UVLO to optimize SiC and IGBT switching behavior and robustness. The isolated analog to PWM sensor can be used for easier temperature or voltage sensing, further increasing the drivers’ versatility and simplifying the system design effort, size, and cost.

The UCC21750 is a galvanic isolated single channel gate driver designed for SiC MOSFETs and IGBTs up to 2121-V DC operating voltage with advanced protection features, best-in-class dynamic performance and robustness. The UCC21750 has up to ±10-A peak source and sink current.

The input side is isolated from the output side with SiO2 capacitive isolation technology, supporting up to 1.5-kVRMS working voltage, 12.8-kVPK surge immunity with longer than 40 years Isolation barrier life, as well as providing low part-to-part skew , and > 150-V/ns common mode noise immunity (CMTI).

The UCC21750 includes the state-of-art protection features, such as fast overcurrent and short circuit detection, shunt current sensing support, fault reporting, active miller clamp, and input and output side power supply UVLO to optimize SiC and IGBT switching behavior and robustness. The isolated analog to PWM sensor can be used for easier temperature or voltage sensing, further increasing the drivers’ versatility and simplifying the system design effort, size, and cost.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet UCC21750 10-A Source/Sink Reinforced Isolated Single Channel Gate Driver for SiC/IGBT with Active Protection, Isolated Analog Sensing and High-CMTI datasheet (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 12 Jan 2023
Certificate VDE Certificate for Reinforced Isolation for DIN EN IEC 60747-17 (Rev. W) 04 Mär 2025
Application brief Does My Design Need a Miller Clamp? PDF | HTML 11 Dez 2024
Application note Choosing Appropriate Protection Approach for IGBT and SiC Power Modules PDF | HTML 19 Jul 2024
Application brief Understanding the Short Circuit Protection for Silicon Carbide MOSFETs (Rev. C) PDF | HTML 08 Sep 2023
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User guide UCC217xx Family Driving and Protecting SiC and IGBT Power Modules and Transistor (Rev. B) 09 Sep 2019
Technical article Searching for the newest innovations in power? Find them at APEC PDF | HTML 09 Feb 2019
Application brief Why is high UVLO important for safe IGBT & SiC MOSFET power switch operation 30 Jan 2019

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