Inicio Interfaz Transceptores RS-485 y RS-422



Transceptor RS-485 de 3.3 V para alta temperatura

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Detalles del producto

Number of receivers 1 Number of transmitters 1 Duplex Half Supply voltage (nom) (V) 3.3 Signaling rate (max) (Mbps) 10 Fault protection (V) -9 to 14 Common-mode range (V) -7 to 12 Number of nodes 256 Isolated No Supply current (max) (µA) 18000 Rating High Temp Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 210
Number of receivers 1 Number of transmitters 1 Duplex Half Supply voltage (nom) (V) 3.3 Signaling rate (max) (Mbps) 10 Fault protection (V) -9 to 14 Common-mode range (V) -7 to 12 Number of nodes 256 Isolated No Supply current (max) (µA) 18000 Rating High Temp Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 210
CDIP_SB (JDJ) 8 88.4569 mm² 11.81 x 7.49 CFP (HKJ) 8 38.985 mm² 6.9 x 5.65 CFP (HKQ) 8 38.985 mm² 6.9 x 5.65 DIESALE (KGD) See data sheet SOIC (D) 8 29.4 mm² 4.9 x 6
  • Operates With a 3.3-V Supply
  • Bus-Pin ESD Protection Exceeds 16-kV Human-
    Body Model (HBM)
  • 1/8 Unit-Load Option Available (up to 256 Nodes
    on Bus)
  • Optional Driver Output Transition Times for
    Signaling Rates(1) of 1 Mbps, 10 Mbps,
    and 32 Mbps
  • Based on ANSI TIA/EIA-485-A
  • Bus-Pin Short Circuit Protection From
    –7 V to 12 V
  • Open-Circuit, Idle-Bus, and Shorted-Bus Fail-Safe
  • Glitch-Free Power-Up and Power-Down Protection
    for Hot-Plugging Applications
  • SN75176 Footprint
  • Supports Extreme Temperature Applications:
    • Controlled Baselines
    • One Assembly and Test Sites
    • One Fabrication Sites
    • Available in Extreme (–55°C/210°C)
      Temperature Range(2)
    • Extended Product Life Cycles
    • Extended Product-Change Notifications
    • Product Traceability
    • Texas Instruments’ High Temperature
      Products Use Highly Optimized Silicon (Die)
      Solutions With Design and Process
      Enhancements to Maximize Performance Over
      Extended Temperatures.
  • Operates With a 3.3-V Supply
  • Bus-Pin ESD Protection Exceeds 16-kV Human-
    Body Model (HBM)
  • 1/8 Unit-Load Option Available (up to 256 Nodes
    on Bus)
  • Optional Driver Output Transition Times for
    Signaling Rates(1) of 1 Mbps, 10 Mbps,
    and 32 Mbps
  • Based on ANSI TIA/EIA-485-A
  • Bus-Pin Short Circuit Protection From
    –7 V to 12 V
  • Open-Circuit, Idle-Bus, and Shorted-Bus Fail-Safe
  • Glitch-Free Power-Up and Power-Down Protection
    for Hot-Plugging Applications
  • SN75176 Footprint
  • Supports Extreme Temperature Applications:
    • Controlled Baselines
    • One Assembly and Test Sites
    • One Fabrication Sites
    • Available in Extreme (–55°C/210°C)
      Temperature Range(2)
    • Extended Product Life Cycles
    • Extended Product-Change Notifications
    • Product Traceability
    • Texas Instruments’ High Temperature
      Products Use Highly Optimized Silicon (Die)
      Solutions With Design and Process
      Enhancements to Maximize Performance Over
      Extended Temperatures.

The SN65HVD11-HT device combines a 3-state differential line driver and differential input line receiver that operates with a single 3.3-V power supply. It is designed for balanced transmission lines and meets or exceeds ANSI TIA/EIA-485-A and ISO 8482:1993, with the exception that the thermal shutdown is removed. This differential bus transceiver is a monolithic integrated circuit designed for bidirectional data communication on multipoint bus-transmission lines. The driver and receiver have active-high and active-low enables, respectively, that can be externally connected together to function as direction control.

The driver differential outputs and receiver differential inputs connect internally to form a differential input/ output (I/O) bus port that is designed to offer minimum loading to the bus when the driver is disabled or VCC = 0.

The SN65HVD11-HT device combines a 3-state differential line driver and differential input line receiver that operates with a single 3.3-V power supply. It is designed for balanced transmission lines and meets or exceeds ANSI TIA/EIA-485-A and ISO 8482:1993, with the exception that the thermal shutdown is removed. This differential bus transceiver is a monolithic integrated circuit designed for bidirectional data communication on multipoint bus-transmission lines. The driver and receiver have active-high and active-low enables, respectively, that can be externally connected together to function as direction control.

The driver differential outputs and receiver differential inputs connect internally to form a differential input/ output (I/O) bus port that is designed to offer minimum loading to the bus when the driver is disabled or VCC = 0.


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Documentación técnica

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Tipo Título Fecha
* Data sheet SN65HVD11-HT 3.3-V RS-485 Transceiver datasheet (Rev. F) PDF | HTML 30 nov 2015
* Radiation & reliability report SN65HVD11JD Reliability Report 20 sep 2012
* Radiation & reliability report SN65HVD11HKJ_HKQ Reliability Reports 20 sep 2012
* Radiation & reliability report SN65HVD11HD Reliability Report (Rev. A) 17 ago 2012

Pedidos y calidad

Información incluida:
  • RoHS
  • Marcado del dispositivo
  • Acabado de plomo/material de la bola
  • Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
  • Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
  • Contenido del material
  • Resumen de calificaciones
  • Monitoreo continuo de confiabilidad
Información incluida:
  • Lugar de fabricación
  • Lugar de ensamblaje

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