

원활한 전환을 지원하는 2.8V~22V, 56mΩ, 4.5A, 전원 멀티플렉서

alarm알림 지금 주문

제품 상세 정보

Number of input channels 2 IN1, IN2 input voltage (min) (V) 2.7 IN1, IN2 input voltage (max) (V) 20 IN1 rDS(on) (typ) (mΩ) 56 IN2 rDS(on) (typ) (mΩ) 56 IN1 output current (max) (A) 4 IN2 output current (max) (A) 4 Rating Catalog Quiescent current (Iq) (µA) 300 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 FET Internal Imax (A) 4.5 Features Adjustable current limit, Inrush current control, Overvoltage protection, Power good, Reverse current blocking, Short circuit protection, Thermal shutdown Device type Power muxes Function Adjustable current limit, Overvoltage protection, Power good signal, Reverse current blocking, Thermal shutdown
Number of input channels 2 IN1, IN2 input voltage (min) (V) 2.7 IN1, IN2 input voltage (max) (V) 20 IN1 rDS(on) (typ) (mΩ) 56 IN2 rDS(on) (typ) (mΩ) 56 IN1 output current (max) (A) 4 IN2 output current (max) (A) 4 Rating Catalog Quiescent current (Iq) (µA) 300 Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 FET Internal Imax (A) 4.5 Features Adjustable current limit, Inrush current control, Overvoltage protection, Power good, Reverse current blocking, Short circuit protection, Thermal shutdown Device type Power muxes Function Adjustable current limit, Overvoltage protection, Power good signal, Reverse current blocking, Thermal shutdown
VQFN-HR (RUX) 12 5 mm² 2.5 x 2
  • Wide operating range: 2.8 V to 22 V
    • Absolute maximum input voltage of 24 V
  • Low RON resistance:
    • TPS2120: 62 mΩ (typical)
    • TPS2121: 56 mΩ (typical)
  • Adjustable overvoltage supervisor (OVx):
    • Accuracy < ±5%
  • Adjustable priority supervisor (PR1):
    • Accuracy < ±5%
  • TPS2121 Supports external voltage reference (CP2) with an accuracy of <1%
  • Output current limit (ILM):
    • TPS2120: 1 A – 3 A
    • TPS2121: 1 A – 4.5 A
  • Channel status indication (ST)
  • Adjustable input settling time (SS)
  • Adjustable output soft start time (SS)
  • TPS2121 Fast output switchover (tSW): 5 µs (typical)
  • Low Iq from enabled input: 200 µA (typical)
  • Low Iq from disabled input: 10 µA (Typical)
  • Manual input source selection (OVx)
  • Over temperature protection (OTP)
  • Wide operating range: 2.8 V to 22 V
    • Absolute maximum input voltage of 24 V
  • Low RON resistance:
    • TPS2120: 62 mΩ (typical)
    • TPS2121: 56 mΩ (typical)
  • Adjustable overvoltage supervisor (OVx):
    • Accuracy < ±5%
  • Adjustable priority supervisor (PR1):
    • Accuracy < ±5%
  • TPS2121 Supports external voltage reference (CP2) with an accuracy of <1%
  • Output current limit (ILM):
    • TPS2120: 1 A – 3 A
    • TPS2121: 1 A – 4.5 A
  • Channel status indication (ST)
  • Adjustable input settling time (SS)
  • Adjustable output soft start time (SS)
  • TPS2121 Fast output switchover (tSW): 5 µs (typical)
  • Low Iq from enabled input: 200 µA (typical)
  • Low Iq from disabled input: 10 µA (Typical)
  • Manual input source selection (OVx)
  • Over temperature protection (OTP)

The TPS212x devices are Dual-Input, Single-Output (DISO) Power Multiplexer (MUX) that are well suited for a variety of systems having multiple power sources.  The devices will Automatically Detect, Select, and Seamlessly Transition between available inputs.

 Priority can be automatically given to the highest input voltage or manually assigned to a lower voltage input to support both ORing and Source Selection operations. A priority voltage supervisor is used to select an input source.

 An Ideal Diode operation is used to seamlessly transition between input sources.  During switchover, the voltage drop is controlled to block reverse current before it happens and provide uninterrupted power to the load with minimal hold-up capacitance.

Current limiting is used during startup and switchover to protect against overcurrent events, and also protects the device during normal operation.  The output current limit can be adjusted with a single external resistor.  

 The TPS212x devices are available in WCSP and small VQFN-HR package options characterized for operation for a temperature range of –40°C to 125°C.

The TPS212x devices are Dual-Input, Single-Output (DISO) Power Multiplexer (MUX) that are well suited for a variety of systems having multiple power sources.  The devices will Automatically Detect, Select, and Seamlessly Transition between available inputs.

 Priority can be automatically given to the highest input voltage or manually assigned to a lower voltage input to support both ORing and Source Selection operations. A priority voltage supervisor is used to select an input source.

 An Ideal Diode operation is used to seamlessly transition between input sources.  During switchover, the voltage drop is controlled to block reverse current before it happens and provide uninterrupted power to the load with minimal hold-up capacitance.

Current limiting is used during startup and switchover to protect against overcurrent events, and also protects the device during normal operation.  The output current limit can be adjusted with a single external resistor.  

 The TPS212x devices are available in WCSP and small VQFN-HR package options characterized for operation for a temperature range of –40°C to 125°C.

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비교 대상 장치와 유사한 기능
TPS2116 활성 1.6V~5.5V, 40mΩ, 2.5A, 저 IQ, 우선 순위 전원 멀티플렉서 Optimized for 1.6-V - 5.5-V low power ORing applications. Offers lower IQ and shutdown current.

기술 자료

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유형 직함 날짜
* Data sheet TPS212x 2.8-V to 22-V Priority Power MUX with Seamless Switchover datasheet (Rev. F) 2020/08/28
Application note Design Example to Implement Automatic Switchover for Backup Power Using TPS2121 PDF | HTML 2023/02/24
Application note Basics of Power MUX (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 2020/10/20
E-book 11 Ways to Protect Your Power Path 2019/07/03
EVM User's guide TPS212x Evaluation Module User's Guide (Rev. A) 2019/01/15

설계 및 개발

추가 조건 또는 필수 리소스는 사용 가능한 경우 아래 제목을 클릭하여 세부 정보 페이지를 확인하세요.

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전원 멀티플렉서
TPS2121 원활한 전환을 지원하는 2.8V~22V, 56mΩ, 4.5A, 전원 멀티플렉서 TPS2116 1.6V~5.5V, 40mΩ, 2.5A, 저 IQ, 우선 순위 전원 멀티플렉서
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시뮬레이션 툴

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레퍼런스 디자인

TIDA-010046 — IEEE802.3at Type-1(≤ 12.95 W) PoE-PD를 지원하는 EMC 준수 10/100Mbps 이더넷 PHY 레퍼런스 설계

이 레퍼런스 설계는 표준 이더넷 거리 한도 100m(328피트)를 초과하고 CAT5e 케이블보다 긴 150m 길이를 지원하는 저전력 이더넷 PHY(물리층) DP83825를 사용해 10~100Mbps에 최적화됩니다. 이 설계는 일체형 기본측 조정식 플라이백 DC/DC 컨트롤러를 지원하는 IEEE802.3at Type-1(13W) PoE-PD TPS23755 장치를 사용해 이더넷 케이블을 통해 데이터 통신과 전력을 공급합니다. 이 레퍼런스 설계는 방사 방출, ESD 및 EFT에 대해 사전 적합성 테스트를 거쳤습니다.
Design guide: PDF
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Test report: PDF
레퍼런스 디자인

TIDA-010070 — 저전압 서보 드라이브를 위한 보호 DC-버스 입력 전원 및 제어 전원 공급 장치 레퍼런스 설계

This reference design uses an ORing controller, the LM5050-1 to provide protection against reverse polarity and reverse current. In conjunction, the LM5069 hot swap controller is used for overcurrent, over voltage, under voltage protection, and inrush current limitation. The design also features (...)
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This reference design features multiple approaches for  protecting AC or DC analog input, DC analog output, AC or DC binary input, digital output with a high side or low side driver, LCD bias supply, USB interfaces (power and data) and onboard power supplies with 24, 12 or 5V input used in (...)
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Power over Ethernet (PoE) enables power to be delivered over the same ethernet cable as data with no danger of cross-talk, interference, or corruption of the data streams. This reference design showcases end-to-end power tree for an IP network camera powered using PoE or 12-V adapter based on the (...)
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The TIDA-01638 referencedesign showcases Power MUXing with redundant power. If one power source fails, the system needs to switchover to a backup power source and provide an uninterrupted source of power to downstream loads. Therefore, power redundancy ensures that if one power supply were to fail, (...)
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VQFN-HR (RUX) 12 Ultra Librarian

주문 및 품질

포함된 정보:
  • RoHS
  • 디바이스 마킹
  • 납 마감/볼 재질
  • MSL 등급/피크 리플로우
  • MTBF/FIT 예측
  • 물질 성분
  • 인증 요약
  • 지속적인 신뢰성 모니터링
포함된 정보:
  • 팹 위치
  • 조립 위치

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