The SN75437A quadruple peripheral driver is designed for use in systems requiring high current, high voltage, and high load power. This device features four inverting open-collector outputs with a common-enable (G) input that, when taken low, disables all four outputs. The envelope of 1-V characteristics exceeds the specifications sufficiently to avoid high-current latch-up. Applications include driving relays, lamps, solenoids, motors, LEDs, transmission lines, hammers, and other high-power-demand devices.
The SN75437A is characterized for operation over the free-air temperature range of 0°C to 70°C.
The SN75437A quadruple peripheral driver is designed for use in systems requiring high current, high voltage, and high load power. This device features four inverting open-collector outputs with a common-enable (G) input that, when taken low, disables all four outputs. The envelope of 1-V characteristics exceeds the specifications sufficiently to avoid high-current latch-up. Applications include driving relays, lamps, solenoids, motors, LEDs, transmission lines, hammers, and other high-power-demand devices.
The SN75437A is characterized for operation over the free-air temperature range of 0°C to 70°C.