Strahlungstolerant, 4,5-V- bis 14-V-Eingangsspannung, 3,5-A-eFuse

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FET Internal Ron (typ) (mΩ) 45 Vin (min) (V) 4.5 Vin (max) (V) 14 Vabsmax_cont (V) 16 Overcurrent response Circuit breaker Fault response Auto-retry Soft start Adjustable Overvoltage response Cut-off Features Overvoltage protection, Reverse current blocking always, Soft-start, Thermal shutdown Rating Space Device type eFuses and hot swap controllers Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125 Function Inrush current control, Overvoltage protection, Reverse current blocking, Short circuit protection, Thermal shutdown Quiescent current (Iq) (typ) (A) 0.0058 Quiescent current (Iq) (max) (A) 0.008
FET Internal Ron (typ) (mΩ) 45 Vin (min) (V) 4.5 Vin (max) (V) 14 Vabsmax_cont (V) 16 Overcurrent response Circuit breaker Fault response Auto-retry Soft start Adjustable Overvoltage response Cut-off Features Overvoltage protection, Reverse current blocking always, Soft-start, Thermal shutdown Rating Space Device type eFuses and hot swap controllers Operating temperature range (°C) -55 to 125 Function Inrush current control, Overvoltage protection, Reverse current blocking, Short circuit protection, Thermal shutdown Quiescent current (Iq) (typ) (A) 0.0058 Quiescent current (Iq) (max) (A) 0.008
HTSSOP (DAP) 32 89.1 mm² 11 x 8.1
  • Total ionizing dose (TID) characterized to 100krad(Si)
    • Radiation hardness assurance availability of 100krad(Si)
  • Single-event effects (SEE) characterized
    • Single-event latchup (SEL), single-event burnout (SEB), and single-event gate rupture (SEGR) immune to linear energy transfer (LET) = 75MeV-cm2/mg*
    • Single-event functional interrupt (SEFI) and single-event transient (SET) characterized to LET = 75MeV-cm2/mg*
  • Integrated single channel eFuse
  • Input voltage range: 4.5V to 14V
  • Low on-resistance (RON) of 60mΩ maximum at 25°C and VIN = 12V
  • 3.5A maximum continuous switch current
  • Low control input threshold aids in use of 1.2, 1.8, 2.5, and 3.3V logic
  • Configurable rise time (soft start)
  • Reverse current protection (RCP)
  • Overvoltage protection (OVP)
  • Internal current limit (fast-trip)
  • Thermal shutdown
  • Ceramic and plastic package with thermal pad
  • Available in military (–55°C to 125°C) temperature range
  • Total ionizing dose (TID) characterized to 100krad(Si)
    • Radiation hardness assurance availability of 100krad(Si)
  • Single-event effects (SEE) characterized
    • Single-event latchup (SEL), single-event burnout (SEB), and single-event gate rupture (SEGR) immune to linear energy transfer (LET) = 75MeV-cm2/mg*
    • Single-event functional interrupt (SEFI) and single-event transient (SET) characterized to LET = 75MeV-cm2/mg*
  • Integrated single channel eFuse
  • Input voltage range: 4.5V to 14V
  • Low on-resistance (RON) of 60mΩ maximum at 25°C and VIN = 12V
  • 3.5A maximum continuous switch current
  • Low control input threshold aids in use of 1.2, 1.8, 2.5, and 3.3V logic
  • Configurable rise time (soft start)
  • Reverse current protection (RCP)
  • Overvoltage protection (OVP)
  • Internal current limit (fast-trip)
  • Thermal shutdown
  • Ceramic and plastic package with thermal pad
  • Available in military (–55°C to 125°C) temperature range

The TPS7H2211 is a single channel eFuse (integrated FET load switch with additional features) that provides reverse current protection, overvoltage protection, and a configurable rise time to minimize inrush current, soft start. The device contains P-channel MOSFETs that operate over an input voltage range of 4.5V to 14V and supports a maximum continuous current of 3.5A.

The switch is controlled by an on and off input (EN), which is capable of interfacing directly with low-voltage control signals. Overvoltage protection and soft start are programmable with few external components through the OVP and SS pins. The TPS7H2211 is available in a ceramic and plastic package with an exposed thermal pad allowing for improved thermal performance. A standard microcircuit drawing (SMD) is available for the QML 5962R1822001VXC. A vendor item drawing (VID) is available for the -SEP variant, V62/23609.

The TPS7H2211 is a single channel eFuse (integrated FET load switch with additional features) that provides reverse current protection, overvoltage protection, and a configurable rise time to minimize inrush current, soft start. The device contains P-channel MOSFETs that operate over an input voltage range of 4.5V to 14V and supports a maximum continuous current of 3.5A.

The switch is controlled by an on and off input (EN), which is capable of interfacing directly with low-voltage control signals. Overvoltage protection and soft start are programmable with few external components through the OVP and SS pins. The TPS7H2211 is available in a ceramic and plastic package with an exposed thermal pad allowing for improved thermal performance. A standard microcircuit drawing (SMD) is available for the QML 5962R1822001VXC. A vendor item drawing (VID) is available for the -SEP variant, V62/23609.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TPS7H2211-SP and TPS7H2211-SEP Radiation-Hardness-Assured (RHA) 14V, 3.5A eFuse datasheet (Rev. F) PDF | HTML 06 Mär 2024
* VID TPS7H2211-SEP VID V62-23609 01 Mai 2024
* Radiation & reliability report TPS7H2211-SEP Production Flow and Reliability Report PDF | HTML 29 Sep 2023
* Radiation & reliability report TPS7H2211-SEP Total Ionizing Dose (TID) Report (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 28 Sep 2023
* Radiation & reliability report TPS7H2211-SEP Neutron Displacement (NDD) Characterization Report PDF | HTML 28 Aug 2023
* Radiation & reliability report Single Event Effects Report of the TPS7H2211-SEP eFuse PDF | HTML 07 Jun 2023
Selection guide TI Space Products (Rev. J) 12 Feb 2024
EVM User's guide TPS7H2211EVM Evaluation Module User's Guide PDF | HTML 11 Jul 2023
Certificate TPS7H2211EVM EU Declaration of Conformity (DoC) 21 Jun 2023
Application note Reduce the Risk in Low-Earth Orbit Missions with Space Enhanced Plastic Products (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 15 Sep 2022
E-book Radiation Handbook for Electronics (Rev. A) 21 Mai 2019

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TPS7H2211EVM — Platzoptimiertes Evaluierungsmodul mit 4,5- bis 14-V-Eingangsspannung, 3,5-A-Lastschalter und eFuse.

Das TPS7H2211EVM demonstriert den Betrieb eines einzelnen platzoptimierten TPS7H2211 eFuse-Produkts. Die Platine bietet Footprints, die mit zusätzlichen Komponenten bestückt werden können, um das Testen kundenspezifischer Konfigurationen zu ermöglichen, wie z. B. parallele oder redundante eFuses.

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HTSSOP (DAP) 32 Ultra Librarian

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