Strahlungsfestes QMLV- und QMLP-Produkt, 3-V- bis 7-V-Eingang, synchroner 18-A-Abwärtswandler
- Radiation performance:
- Radiation-hardness-assured up to TID 100 krad(Si)
- SEL, SEB, and SEGR immune to LET = 75 MeV-cm 2/mg
- SET and SEFI characterized up to LET = 75 MeV-cm 2/mg
- Peak efficiency: 95.5% (V O = 1 V at 100 kHz)
- Power rail: 3 V to 7 V on VIN
- Flexible switching frequency options:
- 100-kHz to 1-MHz adjustable internal oscillator
- External sync capability: 100-kHz to 1-MHz
- SYNC pins can be configured as 500-kHz clocks at 90° out of phase to parallel up to 4 devices
- 0.6-V ±1.5% voltage reference over temperature, radiation, and line and load regulation for CDFP, KGD (known good die), and HTSSOP (QMLP) options
- 0.6-V ±1.7% voltage reference over temperature, radiation, and line and load regulation for HTSSOP (SHP) option
- Monotonic start-up into prebiased outputs
- Adjustable slope compensation and soft-start
- Adjustable input enable and power-good output for power sequencing
The TPS7H4001-SP is a radiation-hardness-assured, 7-V, 18-A synchronous buck converter with integrated low-resistance high-side and low-side MOSFETs. High efficiency and reduced component count are achieved through current mode control.
The output voltage start-up ramp is controlled by the SS/TR pin which allows operation as either a stand alone power supply or in tracking situations. Power sequencing is possible by correctly configuring the enable and the power good pins. The TPS7H4001-SP can be configured in primary-secondary mode and with the SYNC2 pin, four devices can be configured in parallel without an external clock.
Cycle-by-cycle current limiting on the high-side FET protects the device in overload situations and is enhanced by a low-side sourcing current protection which prevents current runaway. Thermal shutdown disables the part when die temperature exceeds thermal limit.
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Gehäuse | Pins | CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle |
CFP (HKY) | 34 | Ultra Librarian |
DIESALE (KGD) | — | |
HTSSOP (DDW) | 44 | Ultra Librarian |
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