Sensor de temperatura local y remoto de alta precisión con dirección de bus programable por pines
- Remote Diode Temperature Sensor Accuracy: ±0.75°C
- Local Temperature Sensor Accuracy: ±1°C
- Resolution for Local and Remote Channels: 0.0625°C
- Supply and Logic Voltage Range: 1.7 V to 3.6 V
- 35-µA Operating Current (1 SPS),
3-µA Shutdown Current - Series Resistance Cancellation
- η-Factor and Offset Correction
- Programmable Digital Filter
- Diode Fault Detection
- Two-Wire and SMBus™ Serial Interface Compatible with Pin-Programmable Address
- 10-Lead WQFN Package
The TMP461 device is a high-accuracy, low-power remote temperature sensor monitor with a built-in local temperature sensor. The remote temperature sensors are typically low-cost discrete NPN or PNP transistors, or substrate thermal transistors or diodes that are integral parts of microprocessors, microcontrollers, or field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs). Temperature is represented as a 12-bit digital code for both local and remote sensors, giving a resolution of 0.0625°C. The two-wire serial interface accepts the SMBus communication protocol with up to nine different pin-programmable addresses.
Advanced features [such as series resistance cancellation, programmable nonideality factor (η-factor), programmable offset, programmable temperature limits, and a programmable digital filter] are combined to provide a robust thermal monitoring solution with improved accuracy and noise immunity.
The TMP461 is ideal for multi-location, high-accuracy temperature measurements in a variety of communication, computing, instrumentation, and industrial applications. The device is specified for operation over a supply voltage range of 1.7 V to 3.6 V, and a temperature range of –40°C to 125°C.
Documentación técnica
Diseño y desarrollo
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TMP461EVM — Módulo de evaluación TMP461 de sensor de temperatura
The TMP461 device is a high-accuracy, low-power remote temperature sensor monitor with a built-in local temperature sensor. The remote temperature sensors are typically low-cost discrete NPN or PNP transistors, or substrate thermal transistors or diodes that are integral parts of microprocessors, (...)
TMP9R01EVM — TMP9R01 evaluation module
ASC-STUDIO-TMP461 — ASC studio for configuring all aspects of the TMP461 temperature sensor
Productos y hardware compatibles
Sensores de temperatura digitales
SBOC594 — Remote Temperature Sensor Calibration Tool
Productos y hardware compatibles
Sensores de temperatura digitales
Encapsulado | Pines | Símbolos CAD, huellas y modelos 3D |
WQFN (RUN) | 10 | Ultra Librarian |
Pedidos y calidad
- RoHS
- Marcado del dispositivo
- Acabado de plomo/material de la bola
- Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
- Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
- Contenido del material
- Resumen de calificaciones
- Monitoreo continuo de confiabilidad
- Lugar de fabricación
- Lugar de ensamblaje
Soporte y capacitación
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