전원 관리 전원 스위치 eFuse 및 핫 스왑 컨트롤러



5.5V~65V 고압측 보호 컨트롤러

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비교 대상 장치와 유사한 기능
신규 TPS4800-Q1 활성 보호 및 진단 기능을 갖춘 오토모티브 100V 저 IQ 고압측 드라이버 Wider operating input voltage range, current monitoring, short circuit protection and lower disable mode shutdown current

제품 상세 정보

FET External Vin (min) (V) 5.5 Vin (max) (V) 65 Vabsmax_cont (V) 75 Current limit (min) (A) 0.01 Current limit (max) (A) 500 Overcurrent response Circuit breaker, current limiting Fault response Latch-off Soft start Adjustable Overvoltage response Cut-off Features Fault output, Power good signal Rating Catalog Device type eFuses and hot swap controllers Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Function Adjustable current limit, Inrush current control, Overvoltage protection, Power good signal, Short circuit protection Quiescent current (Iq) (typ) (A) 0.0058 Quiescent current (Iq) (max) (A) 0.008
FET External Vin (min) (V) 5.5 Vin (max) (V) 65 Vabsmax_cont (V) 75 Current limit (min) (A) 0.01 Current limit (max) (A) 500 Overcurrent response Circuit breaker, current limiting Fault response Latch-off Soft start Adjustable Overvoltage response Cut-off Features Fault output, Power good signal Rating Catalog Device type eFuses and hot swap controllers Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Function Adjustable current limit, Inrush current control, Overvoltage protection, Power good signal, Short circuit protection Quiescent current (Iq) (typ) (A) 0.0058 Quiescent current (Iq) (max) (A) 0.008
VSSOP (DGS) 10 14.7 mm² 3 x 4.9
  • Available in Automotive Grade / AEC Q-100
  • Wide operating input voltage range:
    5.5 V to 65 V
  • Functional safety capable
    • Documentation available to aid functional safety system design
  • Less than 15-µA quiescent current in disabled mode
  • Controlled output rise time for safe connection of capacitive loads
  • Charge pump gate driver for external N-Channel MOSFET
  • Adjustable Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO) with hysteresis
  • UVLO Serves as second enable input for systems requiring safety redundancy
  • Programmable fault detection delay time
  • MOSFET latched off after load fault is detected
  • Active low open drain POWER GOOD (nPGD) output
  • Adjustable input Overvoltage Protection (OVP)
  • Immediate restart after overvoltage shutdown
  • 10-Lead VSSOP
  • Available in Automotive Grade / AEC Q-100
  • Wide operating input voltage range:
    5.5 V to 65 V
  • Functional safety capable
    • Documentation available to aid functional safety system design
  • Less than 15-µA quiescent current in disabled mode
  • Controlled output rise time for safe connection of capacitive loads
  • Charge pump gate driver for external N-Channel MOSFET
  • Adjustable Undervoltage Lockout (UVLO) with hysteresis
  • UVLO Serves as second enable input for systems requiring safety redundancy
  • Programmable fault detection delay time
  • MOSFET latched off after load fault is detected
  • Active low open drain POWER GOOD (nPGD) output
  • Adjustable input Overvoltage Protection (OVP)
  • Immediate restart after overvoltage shutdown
  • 10-Lead VSSOP

The LM5060 high-side protection controller provides intelligent control of a high-side N-channel MOSFET during normal on/off transitions and fault conditions. In-rush current is controlled by the nearly constant rise time of the output voltage. A POWER GOOD output indicates when the output voltage reaches the input voltage and the MOSFET is fully on. Input UVLO (with hysteresis) is provided as well as programmable input OVP. An enable input provides remote on or off control. The programmable UVLO input can be used as second enable input for safety redundancy. A single capacitor programs the initial start-up VGS fault detection delay time, the transition VDS fault detection delay time, and the continuous over-current VDS fault detection delay time. When a detected fault condition persists longer than the allowed fault delay time, the MOSFET is latched off until either the enable input or the UVLO input is toggled low and then high.

The LM5060 high-side protection controller provides intelligent control of a high-side N-channel MOSFET during normal on/off transitions and fault conditions. In-rush current is controlled by the nearly constant rise time of the output voltage. A POWER GOOD output indicates when the output voltage reaches the input voltage and the MOSFET is fully on. Input UVLO (with hysteresis) is provided as well as programmable input OVP. An enable input provides remote on or off control. The programmable UVLO input can be used as second enable input for safety redundancy. A single capacitor programs the initial start-up VGS fault detection delay time, the transition VDS fault detection delay time, and the continuous over-current VDS fault detection delay time. When a detected fault condition persists longer than the allowed fault delay time, the MOSFET is latched off until either the enable input or the UVLO input is toggled low and then high.

다운로드 스크립트와 함께 비디오 보기 동영상

관심 가지실만한 유사 제품

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비교 대상 장치와 동일한 기능을 지원하는 핀 대 핀
LM5060-Q1 활성 오토모티브 5.5V~65V 고압측 보호 컨트롤러 This product is the automotive qualified version.
비교 대상 장치와 유사한 기능
LM7480-Q1 활성 역병렬 NFET를 구동하는 3V~65V, 오토모티브 이상적 다이오드 컨트롤러 This product offers lower Iq, lower voltage support and a higher gate drive to support higher power applications.
TPS1663 활성 출력 전력 제한을 지원하는 4.5V~60V, 31mΩ, 0.6~6A eFuse Need a smaller solution? This device offers an integrated FET to reduce the solution size for 24V/6A applications.
TPS2660 활성 입력 역방향 전극 보호 기능이 통합된 4.2V~60V, 150mΩ, 0.1-2.23A eFuse Need a smaller solution? This device offers integrated back-to-back FETs to reduce the solution size for 24V/2A applications.

기술 자료

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5개 모두 보기
유형 직함 날짜
* Data sheet LM5060 High-Side Protection Controller With Low Quiescent Current datasheet (Rev. H) PDF | HTML 2019/12/23
E-book 11 Ways to Protect Your Power Path 2019/07/03
Selection guide Power Management Guide 2018 (Rev. R) 2018/06/25
EVM User's guide AN-2000 LM5060EVAL Evaluation Board (Rev. C) 2013/05/06
Application note Surge Stopping and Reverse Voltage Protection with the LM5069 2013/04/11

설계 및 개발

추가 조건 또는 필수 리소스는 사용 가능한 경우 아래 제목을 클릭하여 세부 정보 페이지를 확인하세요.

평가 보드

LM5060EVAL — LM5060용 평가 보드

LM5060 평가 보드는 낮은 정동작 전류를 지원하는 LM5060 고압측 보호 컨트롤러의 기능을 시연할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다. LM5060의 기능을 평가하기 위한 것입니다. 고압측 N채널 전원 MOSFET 1개가 사용됩니다. 평가 보드는 솔루션 크기가 작은 애플리케이션을 강조하도록 설계되었습니다.

사용 설명서: PDF
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시뮬레이션 모델

LM5060 TINA-TI Reference Design (Rev. A)

SNVMA08A.TSC (153 KB) - TINA-TI Reference Design
시뮬레이션 모델

LM5060 TINA-TI Transient Spice Model (Rev. A)

SNVMA09A.ZIP (26 KB) - TINA-TI Spice Model
시뮬레이션 모델

LM5060 Unencrypted PSpice Transient Model Package (Rev. B)

SLIM321B.ZIP (77 KB) - PSpice Model
계산 툴

SLVC667 LM5060 Design Calculator

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지원되는 제품 및 하드웨어

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TVS-RECOMMENDATION-CALC TVS diode recommendation tool

This tool suggests suitable TVS for given system parameters and abs max voltage rating of the device.
지원되는 제품 및 하드웨어

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시뮬레이션 툴

PSPICE-FOR-TI — TI 설계 및 시뮬레이션 툴용 PSpice®

TI용 PSpice®는 아날로그 회로의 기능을 평가하는 데 사용되는 설계 및 시뮬레이션 환경입니다. 완전한 기능을 갖춘 이 설계 및 시뮬레이션 제품군은 Cadence®의 아날로그 분석 엔진을 사용합니다. 무료로 제공되는 TI용 PSpice에는 아날로그 및 전력 포트폴리오뿐 아니라 아날로그 행동 모델에 이르기까지 업계에서 가장 방대한 모델 라이브러리 중 하나가 포함되어 있습니다.

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주문 및 품질

포함된 정보:
  • RoHS
  • 디바이스 마킹
  • 납 마감/볼 재질
  • MSL 등급/피크 리플로우
  • MTBF/FIT 예측
  • 물질 성분
  • 인증 요약
  • 지속적인 신뢰성 모니터링
포함된 정보:
  • 팹 위치
  • 조립 위치

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