Startseite Energiemanagement Leistungsschalter Ideale Diode und ODER-verknüpfende Controller



Intelligente Bypass-Diode, 0,5 bis 30 V

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Vin (min) (V) 0.5 Vin (max) (V) 30 Number of channels 1 Features Reverse current blocking, Reverse polarity protection, Solar bypass Iq (typ) (mA) 0 Iq (max) (mA) 0 FET Integrated single blocking FET Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 IReverse (typ) (µA) 3.3 Design support Simulation Model Rating Catalog Imax (A) 15 Shutdown current (ISD) (mA) (A) 0 Device type Smart bypass diode Product type Smart bypass diode
Vin (min) (V) 0.5 Vin (max) (V) 30 Number of channels 1 Features Reverse current blocking, Reverse polarity protection, Solar bypass Iq (typ) (mA) 0 Iq (max) (mA) 0 FET Integrated single blocking FET Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 IReverse (typ) (µA) 3.3 Design support Simulation Model Rating Catalog Imax (A) 15 Shutdown current (ISD) (mA) (A) 0 Device type Smart bypass diode Product type Smart bypass diode
TO-263 (KTT) 3 154.8384 mm² 10.16 x 15.24
  • Maximum Reverse Voltage (VR) of 30 V
  • Operating Forward Current (IF) of up to 15 A
  • Low Average Forward Voltage (26 mV at 8 A)
  • Less Power Dissipation than Schottky Diode
  • Lower Leakage Current than Schottky Diode
  • Footprint and Pin-Compatible With Conventional
    D2PAK Schottky Diode
  • Operating Range (TJ) of –40°C to 125°C
  • Maximum Reverse Voltage (VR) of 30 V
  • Operating Forward Current (IF) of up to 15 A
  • Low Average Forward Voltage (26 mV at 8 A)
  • Less Power Dissipation than Schottky Diode
  • Lower Leakage Current than Schottky Diode
  • Footprint and Pin-Compatible With Conventional
    D2PAK Schottky Diode
  • Operating Range (TJ) of –40°C to 125°C

The SM74611 device is a smart bypass diode used in photovoltaic applications. The SM74611 device serves the purpose of providing an alternate path for string current when parts of the panel are shaded during normal operation. Without bypass diodes, the shaded cells will exhibit a hot spot which is caused by excessive power dissipation in the reverse biased cells.

Currently, conventional P-N junction diodes or Schottky diodes are used to mitigate this issue. Unfortunately the forward voltage drop for these diodes is still considered high (approximately 0.6 V for normal diodes and 0.4 V for Schottky). With 10 A of currents flowing through these diodes, the power dissipation can reach as high as 6 W. This in turn will raise the temperature inside the junction box where these diodes normally reside and reduce module reliability.

The advantage of the SM74611 is that it has a lower forward voltage drop than P-N junction and Schottky diodes. It has a typical average forward voltage drop of 26 mV at 8 A of current. This translates into typical power dissipation of 208 mW, which is significantly lower than the 3.2 W of conventional Schottky diodes. The SM74611 is also footprint and pin compatible with conventional D2PAK Schottky diodes, making it a drop-in replacement in many applications.

The SM74611 device is a smart bypass diode used in photovoltaic applications. The SM74611 device serves the purpose of providing an alternate path for string current when parts of the panel are shaded during normal operation. Without bypass diodes, the shaded cells will exhibit a hot spot which is caused by excessive power dissipation in the reverse biased cells.

Currently, conventional P-N junction diodes or Schottky diodes are used to mitigate this issue. Unfortunately the forward voltage drop for these diodes is still considered high (approximately 0.6 V for normal diodes and 0.4 V for Schottky). With 10 A of currents flowing through these diodes, the power dissipation can reach as high as 6 W. This in turn will raise the temperature inside the junction box where these diodes normally reside and reduce module reliability.

The advantage of the SM74611 is that it has a lower forward voltage drop than P-N junction and Schottky diodes. It has a typical average forward voltage drop of 26 mV at 8 A of current. This translates into typical power dissipation of 208 mW, which is significantly lower than the 3.2 W of conventional Schottky diodes. The SM74611 is also footprint and pin compatible with conventional D2PAK Schottky diodes, making it a drop-in replacement in many applications.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet SM74611 Smart Bypass Diode datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 27 Mai 2016
Application note Basics of Ideal Diodes (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 05 Okt 2021
E-book 11 Ways to Protect Your Power Path 03 Jul 2019

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