Startseite Energiemanagement Leistungsschalter eFuse und Hot-Swap-Controller



100-V-Überspannungsschutz-Controller mit 5,5-V-Eingangsspannungstransientenschutz

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FET External Vin (min) (V) 3 Vin (max) (V) 100 Vabsmax_cont (V) 110 Current limit (min) (A) 0.01 Current limit (max) (A) 500 Fault response Auto-retry Soft start Fixed Overvoltage response Cut-off Features Overvoltage cutoff Rating Catalog Device type eFuses and hot swap controllers Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Function Overvoltage protection Quiescent current (Iq) (typ) (A) 0.000065 Quiescent current (Iq) (max) (A) 0.00011
FET External Vin (min) (V) 3 Vin (max) (V) 100 Vabsmax_cont (V) 110 Current limit (min) (A) 0.01 Current limit (max) (A) 500 Fault response Auto-retry Soft start Fixed Overvoltage response Cut-off Features Overvoltage cutoff Rating Catalog Device type eFuses and hot swap controllers Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Function Overvoltage protection Quiescent current (Iq) (typ) (A) 0.000065 Quiescent current (Iq) (max) (A) 0.00011
SOT-23 (DBV) 5 8.12 mm² 2.9 x 2.8
  • Up to 100-V Overvoltage Protection
  • 6.9-V Overvoltage Shutdown Threshold
  • 3-V Undervoltage Shutdown Threshold
  • Overvoltage Turnoff Time Less than 1 µs
  • External N-Channel MOSFET Driven by
    Internal Charge Pump
  • 1-mA Maximum Static Supply Current
  • 5-Pin SOT–23 Package
  • –40°C to 85°C Ambient Temperature Range
  • 2.5-kV Human-Body-Model, 500-V CDM
    Electrostatic Discharge Protection
  • Up to 100-V Overvoltage Protection
  • 6.9-V Overvoltage Shutdown Threshold
  • 3-V Undervoltage Shutdown Threshold
  • Overvoltage Turnoff Time Less than 1 µs
  • External N-Channel MOSFET Driven by
    Internal Charge Pump
  • 1-mA Maximum Static Supply Current
  • 5-Pin SOT–23 Package
  • –40°C to 85°C Ambient Temperature Range
  • 2.5-kV Human-Body-Model, 500-V CDM
    Electrostatic Discharge Protection

The TPS2400 overvoltage protection controller is used with an external N-channel MOSFET to isolate sensitive electronics from destructive voltage spikes and surges. It is specifically designed to prevent large voltage transients associated with automotive environments (load dump) from damaging sensitive circuitry. When potentially damaging voltage levels are detected by the TPS2400 the supply is disconnected from the load before any damage can occur.

Internal circuitry includes a trimmed band-gap reference, oscillator, Zener diode, charge pump, comparator, and control logic. The TPS2400 device is designed for use with an external N-channel MOSFET, which are readily available in a wide variety of voltages.

The TPS2400 overvoltage protection controller is used with an external N-channel MOSFET to isolate sensitive electronics from destructive voltage spikes and surges. It is specifically designed to prevent large voltage transients associated with automotive environments (load dump) from damaging sensitive circuitry. When potentially damaging voltage levels are detected by the TPS2400 the supply is disconnected from the load before any damage can occur.

Internal circuitry includes a trimmed band-gap reference, oscillator, Zener diode, charge pump, comparator, and control logic. The TPS2400 device is designed for use with an external N-channel MOSFET, which are readily available in a wide variety of voltages.

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Alle anzeigen 4
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TPS2400 Overvoltage Protection Controller datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 20 Aug 2014
E-book 11 Ways to Protect Your Power Path 03 Jul 2019
Selection guide Power Management Guide 2018 (Rev. R) 25 Jun 2018
Application note Overvoltage Protector For High-Voltage Loads 29 Mär 2004

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eFuse und Hot-Swap-Controller
TPS2400 100-V-Überspannungsschutz-Controller mit 5,5-V-Eingangsspannungstransientenschutz

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