Startseite Energiemanagement Leistungsschalter eFuse und Hot-Swap-Controller



Integrierte Hot-Swap-eFuse mit Stromüberwachung und Blocking-FET-Antrieb, 2,7 V bis 26 V, 2,7 mΩ, 20


FET External, Internal Ron (typ) (mΩ) 2.7 Vin (min) (V) 2.7 Vin (max) (V) 26 Vabsmax_cont (V) 30 Current limit (min) (A) 2 Current limit (max) (A) 20 Overcurrent response Circuit breaker, current limiting Fault response Auto-retry, Latch-off Soft start Adjustable Overvoltage response Cut-off Features Current monitoring, Fault output, Overtemperature protection, Power good signal, adjustable UVLO UL recognition IEC62368 (pending), UL2367 (pending) Rating Catalog Device type eFuses and hot swap controllers Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Quiescent current (Iq) (typ) (A) 0.0008 Quiescent current (Iq) (max) (A) 0.001
FET External, Internal Ron (typ) (mΩ) 2.7 Vin (min) (V) 2.7 Vin (max) (V) 26 Vabsmax_cont (V) 30 Current limit (min) (A) 2 Current limit (max) (A) 20 Overcurrent response Circuit breaker, current limiting Fault response Auto-retry, Latch-off Soft start Adjustable Overvoltage response Cut-off Features Current monitoring, Fault output, Overtemperature protection, Power good signal, adjustable UVLO UL recognition IEC62368 (pending), UL2367 (pending) Rating Catalog Device type eFuses and hot swap controllers Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Quiescent current (Iq) (typ) (A) 0.0008 Quiescent current (Iq) (max) (A) 0.001
VQFN (RGE) 24 16 mm² 4 x 4
  • Wide input voltage range: 2.7V to 26V
    • 30V absolute maximum
  • Low on-resistance: RON = 2.7mΩ typical
  • Adjustable current limit threshold
    • Range: 2A to 20A
    • Accuracy: ±8% (typical for ILIM > 5A)
  • Circuit breaker and current limiter options
  • Adjustable overcurrent blanking timer
    • Handles load transients without tripping
  • Accurate current monitor output
    • ±1.5% (typical at 25°C for IOUT > 3A)
    • ±3% (maximum for IOUT > 3A)
  • User configurable fault response
    • Latch-off or auto-retry
    • Number of retries (finite or indefinite)
    • Delay between retries
  • Robust short-circuit protection
    • Fast-trip response time < 400ns typical
    • Immune to line transients – no nuisance tripping
  • Adjustable output slew rate (dVdt) control
  • Option to drive external FET for reverse current blocking in disabled/OFF state
  • Adjustable undervoltage lockout
  • Adjustable overvoltage lockout
  • Integrated overtemperature protection
  • Power good indication
  • Small footprint: 4mm × 4mm QFN package
  • Wide input voltage range: 2.7V to 26V
    • 30V absolute maximum
  • Low on-resistance: RON = 2.7mΩ typical
  • Adjustable current limit threshold
    • Range: 2A to 20A
    • Accuracy: ±8% (typical for ILIM > 5A)
  • Circuit breaker and current limiter options
  • Adjustable overcurrent blanking timer
    • Handles load transients without tripping
  • Accurate current monitor output
    • ±1.5% (typical at 25°C for IOUT > 3A)
    • ±3% (maximum for IOUT > 3A)
  • User configurable fault response
    • Latch-off or auto-retry
    • Number of retries (finite or indefinite)
    • Delay between retries
  • Robust short-circuit protection
    • Fast-trip response time < 400ns typical
    • Immune to line transients – no nuisance tripping
  • Adjustable output slew rate (dVdt) control
  • Option to drive external FET for reverse current blocking in disabled/OFF state
  • Adjustable undervoltage lockout
  • Adjustable overvoltage lockout
  • Integrated overtemperature protection
  • Power good indication
  • Small footprint: 4mm × 4mm QFN package

The TPS25983 family of eFuses is a highly-integrated circuit protection and power management device in a small package. The devices are operational over a wide input voltage range. A single part caters to low-voltage systems needing minimal I*R voltage drop as well as higher voltage, high current systems needing low power dissipation. The TPS25983 family is a robust defense against overloads, short-circuits, voltage surges, reverse current, and excessive inrush current.

Overvoltage events are limited by internal cutoff circuits with user adjustable overvoltage threshold.

Multiple device options exist to choose between the response to overcurrent conditions, circuit breaker, or active current limiter. The overcurrent limit threshold can be set with a single external resistor. The devices intelligently manage the overcurrent response by distinguishing between transient events and actual faults, thereby allowing the system to function uninterrupted during line and load transients without compromising on the robustness of the protection against faults. The device can be configured to stay latched-off or retry automatically after a fault shutdown. The number of auto-retries as well as the retry delay are configurable with capacitors. This feature enables remote systems to automatically recover from temporary faults while making sure that the power supplies are not stressed indefinitely due to a persistent fault.

The devices provide an option to drive an external N-FET connected in series to facilitate reverse current blocking in disabled or OFF state.

Also, the devices integrate an accurate analog load current monitor to provide enhanced system monitoring and diagnostic capabilities.

The TPS25983 devices are available in a small, 4mm × 4mm QFN package. The devices are characterized for operation over a junction temperature range of –40°C to 125°C.

The TPS25983 family of eFuses is a highly-integrated circuit protection and power management device in a small package. The devices are operational over a wide input voltage range. A single part caters to low-voltage systems needing minimal I*R voltage drop as well as higher voltage, high current systems needing low power dissipation. The TPS25983 family is a robust defense against overloads, short-circuits, voltage surges, reverse current, and excessive inrush current.

Overvoltage events are limited by internal cutoff circuits with user adjustable overvoltage threshold.

Multiple device options exist to choose between the response to overcurrent conditions, circuit breaker, or active current limiter. The overcurrent limit threshold can be set with a single external resistor. The devices intelligently manage the overcurrent response by distinguishing between transient events and actual faults, thereby allowing the system to function uninterrupted during line and load transients without compromising on the robustness of the protection against faults. The device can be configured to stay latched-off or retry automatically after a fault shutdown. The number of auto-retries as well as the retry delay are configurable with capacitors. This feature enables remote systems to automatically recover from temporary faults while making sure that the power supplies are not stressed indefinitely due to a persistent fault.

The devices provide an option to drive an external N-FET connected in series to facilitate reverse current blocking in disabled or OFF state.

Also, the devices integrate an accurate analog load current monitor to provide enhanced system monitoring and diagnostic capabilities.

The TPS25983 devices are available in a small, 4mm × 4mm QFN package. The devices are characterized for operation over a junction temperature range of –40°C to 125°C.

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* Data sheet TPS25983 2.7V to 26V, 2.7mΩ, 20A Integrated Hot-Swap With 1.5% Accurate Load Current Monitoring and Adjustable Transient Fault Management datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 06 Dez 2024
EVM User's guide TPS25983EVM Evaluation Module for TPS25983 eFuse PDF | HTML 31 Jul 2023

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eFuse und Hot-Swap-Controller
TPS25983 Integrierte Hot-Swap-eFuse mit Stromüberwachung und Blocking-FET-Antrieb, 2,7 V bis 26 V, 2,7 mΩ, 20

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