4,5 V bis 60 V-Eingang, 5 A-Abwärts-DC-DC-Wandler mit Soft-Start und Eco-Mode™
- High efficiency at light loads with pulse skipping Eco-mode™
- 87-mΩ high-side MOSFET
- 152-µA operating quiescent current and 2-µA shutdown current
- 100-kHz to 2.5-MHz adjustable switching frequency
- Synchronizes to external clock
- Low dropout at light loads with integrated BOOT recharge FET
- Adjustable UVLO voltage and hysteresis
- UV and OV power-good output
- Adjustable soft start and sequencing
- 0.8-V 1% internal voltage reference
- 10-pin WSON with thermal pad package
- –40°C to 150°C TJ operating range
- Create a custom design using the TPS54561 with the WEBENCH® Power Designer
The TPS54561 is a 60-V, 5-A, step down regulator with an integrated high side MOSFET. The device survives load dump pulses up to 65V per ISO 7637. Current mode control provides simple external compensation and flexible component selection. A low ripple pulse skip mode reduces the no load supply current to 152 µA. Shutdown supply current is reduced to 2 µA when the enable pin is pulled low.
Undervoltage lockout is internally set at 4.3 V but can increase using an external resistor divider at the enable pin. The output voltage start up ramp is controlled by the soft start pin that can also be configured for sequencing/tracking. An open drain power good signal indicates the output is within 93% to 106% of its nominal voltage.
A wide adjustable switching-frequency range allows for optimization of either efficiency or external component size. Cycle-by-cycle current limit, frequency foldback and thermal shutdown protects internal and external components during an overload condition.
The TPS54561 is available in an 10-pin 4-mm × 4-mm WSON package.
Technische Dokumentation
Design und Entwicklung
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TPS54561EVM-555 — TPS54561EVM-555 - Evaluierungsmodul für DC/DC-Abwärtswandler mit 60 V Eingangsspannung und 5 A
The TPS54561EVM-555 is a fully assembled and tested circuit for evaluating the TPS54561 Step-Down Converter. The TPS54561EVM-555 operates from a 7.0V to 60V input (12V nominal) and provides a 5.0V output at 5.0A.
SWIFTINV-CALC — SWIFT™ Converter Inverting Buck/Boost Calculator
The SWIFTINV-CALC Excel sheet is a complementary worksheet to the SLVA317 application note. The worksheet is used to calculate the external components needed to create a negative output voltage from a positive input voltage. The tool features several families of wide input voltage, current-mode (...)
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