8 V-, 7-Kanal-NMOS-Array-Low-Side-Treiber

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Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Drivers per package 7 Switching voltage (max) (V) 8 Output voltage (max) (V) 8 Peak output current (A) 1 Delay time (typ) (ns) 80 Input compatibility CMOS Vol at lowest spec current (typ) (mV) 260 Iout/ch (max) (mA) 140 Iout_off (typ) (µA) 0.17
Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Drivers per package 7 Switching voltage (max) (V) 8 Output voltage (max) (V) 8 Peak output current (A) 1 Delay time (typ) (ns) 80 Input compatibility CMOS Vol at lowest spec current (typ) (mV) 260 Iout/ch (max) (mA) 140 Iout_off (typ) (µA) 0.17
SOIC (D) 16 59.4 mm² 9.9 x 6 TSSOP (PW) 16 32 mm² 5 x 6.4
  • 7-Channel High Current Sink Drivers
  • Supports up to 8V Ouput Pullup Voltage
  • Supports a Wide Range of 3V-to-5V Relay and
    Inductive Coils
  • Low Output VOL of 0.4V (Typical) With
    • 100mA (Typical) Current Sink per Channel at
      3.3V Logic Input(1)
    • 140mA (Typical) Current Sink per Channel at
      5.0V Logic Input(1)
  • Compatible to 3.3V and 5.0V Microcontrollers and
    Logic Interface
  • Internal Free-Wheeling Diodes for Inductive Kick-
    back Protection
  • Input Pulldown Resistors Allows3-stating the Input
  • Input RC-Snubber to Eliminate Spurious
    Operation in Noisy Environment
  • Low Input and Output Leakage Currents
  • Easy to use Parallel Interface
  • ESD Protection Exceeds JESD 22
    • 2kV HBM, 500V CDM
  • Available in 16-Pin SOIC and TSSOP Packages
  • 7-Channel High Current Sink Drivers
  • Supports up to 8V Ouput Pullup Voltage
  • Supports a Wide Range of 3V-to-5V Relay and
    Inductive Coils
  • Low Output VOL of 0.4V (Typical) With
    • 100mA (Typical) Current Sink per Channel at
      3.3V Logic Input(1)
    • 140mA (Typical) Current Sink per Channel at
      5.0V Logic Input(1)
  • Compatible to 3.3V and 5.0V Microcontrollers and
    Logic Interface
  • Internal Free-Wheeling Diodes for Inductive Kick-
    back Protection
  • Input Pulldown Resistors Allows3-stating the Input
  • Input RC-Snubber to Eliminate Spurious
    Operation in Noisy Environment
  • Low Input and Output Leakage Currents
  • Easy to use Parallel Interface
  • ESD Protection Exceeds JESD 22
    • 2kV HBM, 500V CDM
  • Available in 16-Pin SOIC and TSSOP Packages

The ULN2003LV is a low-voltage and low power upgrade of TI’s popular ULN2003 family of 7-channel Darlington transistor array. The ULN2003LV sink driver features 7 low output impedance drivers to support low voltage relay and inductive coil applications. The low impedance drivers minimize on-chip power dissipation; up to 5 times lower for typical 3V relays. The ULN2003LV driver is pin-to-pin compatible with ULN2003 family of devices in similar packages.

The ULN2003LV supports 3.3V to 5V CMOS logic input interface thus making it compatible to a wide range of micro-controllers and other logic interfaces. The ULN2003LV features an improved input interface that minimizes the input DC current drawn from the external drivers. The ULN2003LV features an input RC snubber that greatly improves its performance in noisy operating conditions. The ULN2003LV channel inputs feature an internal input pull-down resistor thus allowing input logic to be tri-stated. The ULN2003LV may also support other logic input levels, for example, TTL and 1.8V, refer to the Application Information section for details.

The ULN2003LV provides flexibility of increasing current sink capability through combining several adjacent channels in parallel. Under typical conditions the ULN2003LV can support up to 1.0A of load current when all 7-channels are connected in parallel. The ULN2003LV can also be used in a variety of applications requiring a sink drivers like driving LEDs and Logic Level Shifting.

The ULN2003LV is a low-voltage and low power upgrade of TI’s popular ULN2003 family of 7-channel Darlington transistor array. The ULN2003LV sink driver features 7 low output impedance drivers to support low voltage relay and inductive coil applications. The low impedance drivers minimize on-chip power dissipation; up to 5 times lower for typical 3V relays. The ULN2003LV driver is pin-to-pin compatible with ULN2003 family of devices in similar packages.

The ULN2003LV supports 3.3V to 5V CMOS logic input interface thus making it compatible to a wide range of micro-controllers and other logic interfaces. The ULN2003LV features an improved input interface that minimizes the input DC current drawn from the external drivers. The ULN2003LV features an input RC snubber that greatly improves its performance in noisy operating conditions. The ULN2003LV channel inputs feature an internal input pull-down resistor thus allowing input logic to be tri-stated. The ULN2003LV may also support other logic input levels, for example, TTL and 1.8V, refer to the Application Information section for details.

The ULN2003LV provides flexibility of increasing current sink capability through combining several adjacent channels in parallel. Under typical conditions the ULN2003LV can support up to 1.0A of load current when all 7-channels are connected in parallel. The ULN2003LV can also be used in a variety of applications requiring a sink drivers like driving LEDs and Logic Level Shifting.

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Alle anzeigen 4
Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet ULN2003LV 7-Channel Relay and Inductive Load Sink Driver datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 30 Jun 2015
E-book 11 Ways to Protect Your Power Path 03 Jul 2019
Application note Improved Thermal Dissipation and Energy Efficiency for Peripheral Driving 30 Okt 2014
EVM User's guide ULN2003LVEVM user's Guide (Rev. A) 17 Apr 2012

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SOIC (D) 16 Ultra Librarian
TSSOP (PW) 16 Ultra Librarian

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