Startseite Energiemanagement Leistungsschalter Ideale Diode und ODER-verknüpfende Controller



Ideale Diode für die Automobilindustrie, 4,2 bis 40 V, 2,2 A, 300 uA Ruhestrom, mit integriertem FET

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Vin (min) (V) 4.2 Vin (max) (V) 40 Number of channels 1 Features Adjustable current limit, Analog current monitor, Automotive load dump compatibility, Gate ON/OFF control, Inrush current control, Overvoltage protection, Power good signal, Reverse current blocking, Reverse polarity protection, Short circuit protection, Thermal shutdown Iq (typ) (mA) 0.3 Iq (max) (mA) 0.4 FET Integrated back-to-back FET Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 VSense reverse (typ) (mV) -10 Design support Calculation Tool, EVM, Simulation Model Rating Automotive Imax (A) 2.2 Shutdown current (ISD) (mA) (A) 0.016 Device type Ideal diode controller Product type Ideal diode controller
Vin (min) (V) 4.2 Vin (max) (V) 40 Number of channels 1 Features Adjustable current limit, Analog current monitor, Automotive load dump compatibility, Gate ON/OFF control, Inrush current control, Overvoltage protection, Power good signal, Reverse current blocking, Reverse polarity protection, Short circuit protection, Thermal shutdown Iq (typ) (mA) 0.3 Iq (max) (mA) 0.4 FET Integrated back-to-back FET Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 VSense reverse (typ) (mV) -10 Design support Calculation Tool, EVM, Simulation Model Rating Automotive Imax (A) 2.2 Shutdown current (ISD) (mA) (A) 0.016 Device type Ideal diode controller Product type Ideal diode controller
HTSSOP (PWP) 16 32 mm² 5 x 6.4
  • AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive applications
    • Temperature grade 1: –40°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C
    • AEC-Q100-012 short circuit reliability Grade A
    • HBM ESD classification level 2
    • CDM ESD classification level C6
  • 4.2-V to 40-V operating voltage, 42-V maximum
  • Integrated reverse input polarity protection down to –40 V
  • Integrated back-to-back MOSFETs with 150 mΩ total RON
  • Transient immunity up-to 55 V
  • 0.1-A to 2.23-A adjustable current limit
    (±5% accuracy at 1 A)
  • Load protection during ISO7637 and ISO16750-2 testing
  • Short to battery and short to ground protection
  • Reverse current blocking for protection from output short to battery
  • IMON current indicator output (±8.5% accuracy)
  • Low quiescent current (285 µA in operating, 16 µA in shutdown)
  • Adjustable UVLO, OVP cut off, inrush current control
  • Selectable current-limiting fault response options (auto-retry, latch off, CB modes)
  • Available in easy to use 16-Pin HTSSOP package
  • AEC-Q100 qualified for automotive applications
    • Temperature grade 1: –40°C ≤ TA ≤ +125°C
    • AEC-Q100-012 short circuit reliability Grade A
    • HBM ESD classification level 2
    • CDM ESD classification level C6
  • 4.2-V to 40-V operating voltage, 42-V maximum
  • Integrated reverse input polarity protection down to –40 V
  • Integrated back-to-back MOSFETs with 150 mΩ total RON
  • Transient immunity up-to 55 V
  • 0.1-A to 2.23-A adjustable current limit
    (±5% accuracy at 1 A)
  • Load protection during ISO7637 and ISO16750-2 testing
  • Short to battery and short to ground protection
  • Reverse current blocking for protection from output short to battery
  • IMON current indicator output (±8.5% accuracy)
  • Low quiescent current (285 µA in operating, 16 µA in shutdown)
  • Adjustable UVLO, OVP cut off, inrush current control
  • Selectable current-limiting fault response options (auto-retry, latch off, CB modes)
  • Available in easy to use 16-Pin HTSSOP package

The LM74202-Q1 device is a compact, feature-rich 40-V integrated ideal diode with a full suite of protection features. The wide supply input range allows control of 12-V automotive battery driven applications. The device withstands and protects the loads from positive and negative supply voltages up to ±40 V. Load, source and device protection are provided with many programmable features including overcurrent, inrush current control, overvoltage and undervoltage thresholds. The internal robust protection control blocks along with the 40-V rating of the device simplifies the system design for ISO standard pulse tesing.

A shutdown pin provides external control for enabling and disabling the internal FETs and places the device in a low current shutdown mode. For system status monitoring and downstream load control, the device provides fault output and precise current monitor output. The MODE pin allows flexibility to configure the device between the three current-limiting fault responses (circuit breaker, latch off, and auto-retry modes). The device monitors V(IN) and V(OUT) to provide reverse current blocking when V(IN) < (V(OUT)-10mV). This function protects system bus from overvoltages during output short to battery faults and also helps in voltage holdup requirements during power fail and brownout conditions.

The device is available in a 5 mm × 4.4 mm 16-pin HTSSOP and is fully specified over a –40°C to +125°C temperature range.

The LM74202-Q1 device is a compact, feature-rich 40-V integrated ideal diode with a full suite of protection features. The wide supply input range allows control of 12-V automotive battery driven applications. The device withstands and protects the loads from positive and negative supply voltages up to ±40 V. Load, source and device protection are provided with many programmable features including overcurrent, inrush current control, overvoltage and undervoltage thresholds. The internal robust protection control blocks along with the 40-V rating of the device simplifies the system design for ISO standard pulse tesing.

A shutdown pin provides external control for enabling and disabling the internal FETs and places the device in a low current shutdown mode. For system status monitoring and downstream load control, the device provides fault output and precise current monitor output. The MODE pin allows flexibility to configure the device between the three current-limiting fault responses (circuit breaker, latch off, and auto-retry modes). The device monitors V(IN) and V(OUT) to provide reverse current blocking when V(IN) < (V(OUT)-10mV). This function protects system bus from overvoltages during output short to battery faults and also helps in voltage holdup requirements during power fail and brownout conditions.

The device is available in a 5 mm × 4.4 mm 16-pin HTSSOP and is fully specified over a –40°C to +125°C temperature range.

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