

Hot-Swap-Controller für 9 V bis 80 V mit I2C-Stromüberwachung und Verriegelungsoption

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FET External Vin (min) (V) 9 Vin (max) (V) 80 Vabsmax_cont (V) 26 Current limit (min) (A) 0.01 Current limit (max) (A) 500 Overcurrent response Circuit breaker, current limiting Fault response Latch-off Soft start Adjustable Features Current monitoring, Fault output, Power good signal Rating Catalog Device type eFuses and hot swap controllers Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Function Adjustable current limit, Current monitoring, Inrush current control, Power good signal, Short circuit protection Quiescent current (Iq) (typ) (A) 0.00045 Quiescent current (Iq) (max) (A) 0.0001
FET External Vin (min) (V) 9 Vin (max) (V) 80 Vabsmax_cont (V) 26 Current limit (min) (A) 0.01 Current limit (max) (A) 500 Overcurrent response Circuit breaker, current limiting Fault response Latch-off Soft start Adjustable Features Current monitoring, Fault output, Power good signal Rating Catalog Device type eFuses and hot swap controllers Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Function Adjustable current limit, Current monitoring, Inrush current control, Power good signal, Short circuit protection Quiescent current (Iq) (typ) (A) 0.00045 Quiescent current (Iq) (max) (A) 0.0001
TSSOP (PW) 20 41.6 mm² 6.5 x 6.4
  • Programmable FET Power Limit
  • External N-Channel FET Gate Drive
  • Programmable Fault Timer
  • Open Drain Power Good Output
  • I2C monitoring of Current, Voltage and Power
  • High Accuracy Current Monitoring
    (1% over temperature)
  • Dynamic Calibration
  • 9-V to 26-V Input Range
    • Servers
    • Hard Drives
    • Storage Networks
    • Base Stations

  • Programmable FET Power Limit
  • External N-Channel FET Gate Drive
  • Programmable Fault Timer
  • Open Drain Power Good Output
  • I2C monitoring of Current, Voltage and Power
  • High Accuracy Current Monitoring
    (1% over temperature)
  • Dynamic Calibration
  • 9-V to 26-V Input Range
    • Servers
    • Hard Drives
    • Storage Networks
    • Base Stations

The TPS2480/81 are designed to minimize inrush into applications and protect both the load and the FET from over-current or short circuit events. They control an external N-channel MOSFET switch and provide accurate voltage, current, and power monitoring using a configurable 12 bit A/D converter via an I2C interface. The independently adjustable power limit and current limit ensure that the external MOSFET operates within the FET’s Safe Operating Area (SOA).

The flexible design includes a Power Good output which can be used for sequencing as well as load fault indication. An external timer capacitor can set the fault time to help immunize the system from nuisance shutdowns during brief transient events.

The monitoring circuitry incorporates a high accuracy A/D converter which can be configured from a 9 to 13 bit converter. The internal gain of the A/D can be configured to scale the current, voltage and power readings to the needs of the application. An additional multiplying register calculates power in Watts. The I2C interface uses multi-level addressing to allow up to 16 programmable addresses.

The TPS2480 and TPS2481 monitors shunts on buses that can vary from 9 V to 26 V and with a few external components it is possible to monitor buses as high as 80 V.

The monitoring circuitry uses a single 3-V to 5.5-V supply, drawing a maximum of 1 mA of supply current.

The TPS2480/81 are designed to minimize inrush into applications and protect both the load and the FET from over-current or short circuit events. They control an external N-channel MOSFET switch and provide accurate voltage, current, and power monitoring using a configurable 12 bit A/D converter via an I2C interface. The independently adjustable power limit and current limit ensure that the external MOSFET operates within the FET’s Safe Operating Area (SOA).

The flexible design includes a Power Good output which can be used for sequencing as well as load fault indication. An external timer capacitor can set the fault time to help immunize the system from nuisance shutdowns during brief transient events.

The monitoring circuitry incorporates a high accuracy A/D converter which can be configured from a 9 to 13 bit converter. The internal gain of the A/D can be configured to scale the current, voltage and power readings to the needs of the application. An additional multiplying register calculates power in Watts. The I2C interface uses multi-level addressing to allow up to 16 programmable addresses.

The TPS2480 and TPS2481 monitors shunts on buses that can vary from 9 V to 26 V and with a few external components it is possible to monitor buses as high as 80 V.

The monitoring circuitry uses a single 3-V to 5.5-V supply, drawing a maximum of 1 mA of supply current.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet Positive Voltage Hotswap Controller and I2C Current Monitor datasheet (Rev. B) 29 Okt 2010
Application note Minimizing System Down-time with Smart eFuses 12 Jun 2019
Selection guide Power Management Guide 2018 (Rev. R) 25 Jun 2018
Selection guide Hot Swap Selection Tool 28 Jul 2015
EVM User's guide TPS2480 and TPS2481 Evaluation Module User's Guide (Rev. A) 18 Jun 2010

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