Hot-Swap-Controller für 9 V bis 80 V mit Leistungsbegrenzung, Auto-Retry-Option und analoger Stromüb
- 9-V to 80-V Operation
- High-Side Drive for External N-FET
- Programmable FET Power Limit
- Programmable Load Current Limit
- Programmable Fault Timer
- Load Current Monitor Output
- Power Good and Fault Outputs
- Enable/UV, OV Inputs
- Latch or Auto Restart After Fault
- EVM Available SLUU425
- Calculation Tool Available SLVC033
The TPS2492 and TPS2493 are easy-to-use, positive high voltage, 14-pin Hotswap Controllers that safely drive an external N-channel FET to control load current. The programmable power foldback protection ensures that the external FET operates inside its safe operating area (SOA) during overload conditions by controlling of power dissipation. The programmable current limit and fault timer ensure the supply, external FET, and load are not harmed by overcurrent. Features include inrush current limiting, controlled load turn-on, interfacing to down-stream DC-to-DC converters, and power feed protection.
The analog current monitor output provides a signal ready for sampling with an external A/D converter.
Additional features include programmable overvoltage and undervoltage shutdown, power-good for coordinating loads with inrush, and a fault indicator to indicate an over-current shutdown.
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