Synchroner PWM-Abwärtsregler mit breitem Eingangsspannungsbereich, 4,5 bis 60 V
Eine neuere Version dieses Produkts ist verfügbar
Selbe Funktionalität wie der verglichene Baustein bei abweichender Anschlussbelegung
- New, similar products available:
- Wide input voltage range from 4.5 V to 60 V
- Reference voltage of 600 mV with 1% accuracy
- Programmable UVLO and hysteresis
- Voltage mode control with voltage feed forward
- Programmable frequency between 100 kHz and 600 kHz
- Bi-directional -frequency synchronization with primary and secondary option
- Low-side FET sensing overcurrent protection and high-side FET sensing short-circuit protection with integrated thermal compensation
- Programmable closed loop soft-start
- Supports pre-biased outputs
- Thermal shutdown at 165°C with hysteresis
- Voltage tracking
- Power good
- ENABLE with 1-µA low current shutdown
- LDO output of 8.0 V and 3.3 V
- Integrated Bootstrap Diode
- 20-Pin 3.5 mm × 4.5 mm VQFN (RGY) package
- Create a Custom Design with WEBENCH Tools
TPS40170 is a full-featured, synchronous PWM buck controller that operates at an input voltage between 4.5 V and 60 V and is optimized for high-power density, high-reliability DC-DC converter applications. The controller implements voltage-mode control with input voltage feed-forward compensation that enables instant response to input voltage change. The switching frequency is programmable from 100 kHz to 600 kHz.
The TPS40170 has a complete set of system protection and monitoring features such as programmable undervoltage lockout (UVLO), programmable overcurrent protection (OCP) by sensing the low-side FET, selectable short-circuit protection (SCP) by sensing the high-side FET and thermal shutdown. The ENABLE pin allows for system shutdown in a low-current (1 µA typical) mode. The controller supports pre-biased output, provides an open-drain PGOOD signal, and has closed-loop soft-start, output voltage tracking and adaptive dead-time control.
TPS40170 provides accurate output voltage regulation through 1% ensured accuracy. Additionally, the controller implements a novel scheme of bi-directional synchronization with one controller acting as the primary and other downstream controllers acting as secondaries synchronized to the primary in-phase or 180° out-of-phase. Secondary controllers can be synchronized to an external clock within ±30% of the free-running switching frequency.
New products (LM5145 and LM5146) offer reduced BOM cost, higher efficiency, and reduced design size among many other features.
Technische Dokumentation
Design und Entwicklung
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AUTOCRANKSIM-EVM — Evaluierungsmodul für den Simulator zum Anlassen von Impulsen im Automobilbereich
The Cranking simulator generates preprogrammed cranking pulses, resembling typical pulse as seen on Car-Battery during cranking (e.g. during start-stop operation). Other pulses can be configured via source-code change, which makes it applicable for any supply-voltage profile in the range of 2.18V.
TPS40170EVM-578 — Evaluierungsmodul für synchronen PWM-Abwärtswandler TPS40170
TPS40170EVM-597 — Evaluierungsmodul TPS40170 Synchron-PWM-Abwärtsregler mit NexFET™
The TPS40170EVM-597 is a fully assembled and tested circuit for evaluating the TPS40170 synchronous step-down controller with two NexFET devices CSD18537NQ5A and CSD18563Q5A. The TPS40170EVM-597 operates from a 10V to 36V input (24V nominal) and provides a 5V output up to 10A.
TPS40170 PSpice Unencrypted Transient Model (Rev. C)
TPS40170 TINA-TI Average Reference Design
TPS40170 TINA-TI Transient Reference Design
PMP15025 — 24 V bis 5 V@4 A, Referenzdesign für Industrieroboter und Motorantriebe
PMP10799 — Referenzdesign für synchronen Abwärtswandler auf 12 V bei 8 A, 24-V-Eingang
PMP9668 — Universelles uP-gesteuertes Batterieladegerät 24 Vin, 10 Aout max., 5/12 V/2 A und 5 V/4 A, 2 USB-An
PMP11494 — 48-V-Eingang, Synchron-Abwärtswandler zu 24 V@12 A (15 A pk)-Wandler – Referenzdesign
Gehäuse | Pins | CAD-Symbole, Footprints und 3D-Modelle |
VQFN (RGY) | 20 | Ultra Librarian |
Bestellen & Qualität
- RoHS
- Bausteinkennzeichnung
- Blei-Finish/Ball-Material
- MSL-Rating / Spitzenrückfluss
- MTBF-/FIT-Schätzungen
- Materialinhalt
- Qualifikationszusammenfassung
- Kontinuierliches Zuverlässigkeitsmonitoring
- Werksstandort
- Montagestandort
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