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Isolierter Schaltertreiber mit 17-V-Gate-Stromversorgung und zwei isolierten Komparatoren


Withstand isolation voltage (VISO) (Vrms) 3000 FET External Number of channels 1 Supply voltage (min) (V) 4.5 Supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Gate drive voltage (V) 17 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rating Catalog Isolation rating Basic Surge isolation voltage (VIOSM) (VPK) 5850 Working isolation voltage (VIOWM) (Vrms) 1200
Withstand isolation voltage (VISO) (Vrms) 3000 FET External Number of channels 1 Supply voltage (min) (V) 4.5 Supply voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Gate drive voltage (V) 17 TI functional safety category Functional Safety-Capable Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Rating Catalog Isolation rating Basic Surge isolation voltage (VIOSM) (VPK) 5850 Working isolation voltage (VIOWM) (Vrms) 1200
SO-MOD (DVX) 16 60.255 mm² 5.85 x 10.3
  • Drives external power switches (MOSFETs, IGBTs, SiC FETs, SCRs)
  • Integrated bias supply, no isolated secondary supply required
  • 17V gate drive, 1.5A and 2.5A peak source and sink current
  • 3kVRMS basic isolation
  • Up to 25mW, 5V supply for external auxiliary circuitry
  • Dual isolated high-speed comparators with integrated voltage reference ±1.5%
  • Open-drain outputs for fault and alarm indicators
  • –40°C to +125°C, TA
  • Functional Safety-Capable
  • Safety-related certifications
    • Planned: 4243VPK basic isolation per DIN EN IEC 60747-17 (VDE 0884-17)
    • Planned: 3kVRMS isolation for 1 minute per UL 1577
  • Drives external power switches (MOSFETs, IGBTs, SiC FETs, SCRs)
  • Integrated bias supply, no isolated secondary supply required
  • 17V gate drive, 1.5A and 2.5A peak source and sink current
  • 3kVRMS basic isolation
  • Up to 25mW, 5V supply for external auxiliary circuitry
  • Dual isolated high-speed comparators with integrated voltage reference ±1.5%
  • Open-drain outputs for fault and alarm indicators
  • –40°C to +125°C, TA
  • Functional Safety-Capable
  • Safety-related certifications
    • Planned: 4243VPK basic isolation per DIN EN IEC 60747-17 (VDE 0884-17)
    • Planned: 3kVRMS isolation for 1 minute per UL 1577

The TPSI3100 is a fully integrated isolated switch driver, which when combined with an external power switch, forms a complete isolated solid state relay solution. With a gate drive voltage of 17V with 1.5A and 2.5A peak source and sink current, a large availability of power switches can be used to meet many application needs. The TPSI3100 generates its own secondary bias supply from power received on its primary side, so no isolated secondary supply bias is required. The TPSI3100 provides additional power via the nominal 5V rail (VDDM) for use by auxiliary circuits to perform various function such as current and voltage monitoring or remote temperature detection. The TPSI3100 isolation is extremely robust with much higher reliability, lower power consumption, and increased temperature ranges than those found using traditional mechanical relays and optocouplers.

The TPSI3100 integrates a communication back-channel that transfers status information from the secondary side to the primary side via open-drain outputs, PGOOD (Power Good), FLT1 (Fault 1), and ALM1 (Alarm 1). Dual high-speed comparators with an integrated shared voltage reference are used to assert FLT1 and ALM1. When the comparator input, FLT1_CMP, exceeds the voltage reference, the driver is immediately asserted low and FLT1 is also driven low, indicating to the system that a fault has occurred. This is useful for disabling the external switch with low latency on critical events, such as overcurrent detection. When the comparator input, ALM1_CMP, exceeds the voltage reference, ALM1 signal is asserted low, but no action is taken by the driver. This may be useful as an alarm or warning indicator for overtemperature or overvoltage events.

The TPSI310xL series offers a latch based fault indicator. When a fault is detected, the driver and the fault indicator are asserted low and remain latched, until EN is asserted low. The TPSI310x series has a non-latched fault indicator. If the fault event is no longer present, FLT1 deasserts and the driver, after a specified recovery period, follows the state of the EN pin. If the fault event still remains, both the fault indicator and the driver remain asserted low.

The TPSI3100 is a fully integrated isolated switch driver, which when combined with an external power switch, forms a complete isolated solid state relay solution. With a gate drive voltage of 17V with 1.5A and 2.5A peak source and sink current, a large availability of power switches can be used to meet many application needs. The TPSI3100 generates its own secondary bias supply from power received on its primary side, so no isolated secondary supply bias is required. The TPSI3100 provides additional power via the nominal 5V rail (VDDM) for use by auxiliary circuits to perform various function such as current and voltage monitoring or remote temperature detection. The TPSI3100 isolation is extremely robust with much higher reliability, lower power consumption, and increased temperature ranges than those found using traditional mechanical relays and optocouplers.

The TPSI3100 integrates a communication back-channel that transfers status information from the secondary side to the primary side via open-drain outputs, PGOOD (Power Good), FLT1 (Fault 1), and ALM1 (Alarm 1). Dual high-speed comparators with an integrated shared voltage reference are used to assert FLT1 and ALM1. When the comparator input, FLT1_CMP, exceeds the voltage reference, the driver is immediately asserted low and FLT1 is also driven low, indicating to the system that a fault has occurred. This is useful for disabling the external switch with low latency on critical events, such as overcurrent detection. When the comparator input, ALM1_CMP, exceeds the voltage reference, ALM1 signal is asserted low, but no action is taken by the driver. This may be useful as an alarm or warning indicator for overtemperature or overvoltage events.

The TPSI310xL series offers a latch based fault indicator. When a fault is detected, the driver and the fault indicator are asserted low and remain latched, until EN is asserted low. The TPSI310x series has a non-latched fault indicator. If the fault event is no longer present, FLT1 deasserts and the driver, after a specified recovery period, follows the state of the EN pin. If the fault event still remains, both the fault indicator and the driver remain asserted low.

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Typ Titel Datum
* Data sheet TPSI3100 Isolated Switch Driver With 17V Gate Drive, Integrated Bias Supply, and Dual Isolated Comparators datasheet (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 21 Nov 2024
Application brief TPSI31xx EMI Mitigation for Conducted Emissions PDF | HTML 18 Feb 2025
Functional safety information TPSI3100-Q1, TPSI3100 Functional Safety FIT Rate, FMD, and Pin FMA (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 07 Nov 2024
Application note Basics of Solid-State Relays PDF | HTML 24 Jul 2024

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