Einstellbarer Präzisions-Shunt-Regler, 1 % Genauigkeit, niedrige Spannung (1,24 V)
- Low-Voltage Operation/Wide Adjust Range
(1.24 V/30 V) - 0.5% Initial Tolerance (LMV431B)
- Temperature Compensated for Industrial
Temperature Range (39 PPM/°C for
the LMV431AI) - Low Operation Current (55 µA)
- Low Output Impedance (0.25 Ω)
- Fast Turn-On Response
- Low Cost
The LMV431, LMV431A and LMV431B are precision 1.24 V shunt regulators capable of adjustment to 30 V. Negative feedback from the cathode to the adjust pin controls the cathode voltage, much like a non-inverting op amp configuration (Refer to Symbol and Functional Diagrams). A two-resistor voltage divider terminated at the adjust pin controls the gain of a 1.24 V band-gap reference. Shorting the cathode to the adjust pin (voltage follower) provides a cathode voltage of a 1.24 V.
The LMV431, LMV431A and LMV431B have respective initial tolerances of 1.5%, 1%, and 0.5%, and functionally lend themselves to several applications that require zener diode type performance at low voltages. Applications include a 3 V to 2.7 V low drop-out regulator, an error amplifier in a 3 V off-line switching regulator and even as a voltage detector. These parts are typically stable with capacitive loads greater than 10 nF and less than 50 pF.
The LMV431, LMV431A and LMV431B provide performance at a competitive price.
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SHUNT_VOLTAGE_REFERENCE_RESISTOR_CALCULATOR — Shunt Voltage Reference External Resistor Quick Start Calculator
This external resistor quick-start calculator tool lets you easily calculate valid external resistor values relative to voltage reference, supply and load-current bounds. With these inputs, you can instantly view the resulting calculations and use the color-coded indications to understand (...)
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