2,7-V- bis 16-V-, 10-A-, 6-mΩ-eFuse mit Transientenüberstromausblendungs-Zeitgeber
- Wide operating input voltage range: 2.7 V to 16 V
- 20-V absolute maximum
- Integrated FET with low on-resistance: R ON = 6 mΩ (typ.)
- Fast overvoltage protection
- Adjustable overvoltage lockout (OVLO) with 1.2-µs (typ.) response time
- Overcurrent protection with load current monitor output (ILM)
- Circuit-breaker response
- Adjustable threshold (I LIM) 1.5 A – 11 A
- ±10% accuracy for I LIM > 5 A
- Adjustable transient blanking timer (ITIMER) to allow peak currents up to 2 × I LIM
- Output load current monitor accuracy: ±10% (I OUT ≥ 3 A)
- Fast-trip response for short-circuit protection
- 640-ns (typ.) response time
- Adjustable (2 × I LIM) and fixed thresholds
- Active high enable input with adjustable undervoltage lockout threshold (UVLO)
- Active low enable input with adjustable undervoltage lockout threshold (OVLO)
- Adjustable output slew rate control (dVdt)
Option to drive external FET for reverse current blocking in disabled/OFF state
- Overtemperature protection
- Quick Output Discharge
- Digital outputs
Power Good (PG) and fault indication ( FLT)
- UL 2367 recognition (pending)
- IEC 62368 CB certification (pending)
- Small footprint: QFN 2-mm × 2-mm, 0.45-mm pitch
The TPS25981xx family of eFuses is a highly integrated circuit protection and power management solution in a small package. The devices provide multiple protection modes using very few external components and are a robust defense against overloads, short circuits, voltage surges and excessive inrush current.
Output slew rate and inrush current can be adjusted using a single external capacitor. Loads are protected from input overvoltage conditions by cutting off the output if input exceeds an adjustable overvoltage threshold. The devices respond to output overload by actively limiting the current (during start-up) or breaking the circuit (during steady-state). The overcurrent protection threshold as well as the transient overcurrent blanking timer are user-adjustable. The current limit control pin also functions as an analog load current monitor.
The devices are available in a 2-mm × 2-mm, 10-pin HotRod™ QFN package for improved thermal performance and reduced system footprint.
The devices are characterized for operation over a junction temperature range of –40°C to +125°C.
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