

eFuse de 5.5 A, 2.7 V a 23 V, 28 mΩ, con protección de polaridad inversa integrada

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Detalles del producto

FET Internal Ron (typ) (mΩ) 28 Vin (min) (V) 2.7 Vin (max) (V) 23 Vabsmax_cont (V) 28 Current limit (min) (A) 0.5 Current limit (max) (A) 6 Overcurrent response Circuit breaker, current limiting Fault response Auto-retry, Latch-off Soft start Adjustable Overvoltage response Clamp, Cut-off Features Current monitoring, Fault output, Power good signal, Reverse current blocking always, Reverse polarity protection UL recognition IEC62368, UL2367 Rating Catalog Device type eFuses and hot swap controllers Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Quiescent current (Iq) (typ) (A) 0.0058 Quiescent current (Iq) (max) (A) 0.008
FET Internal Ron (typ) (mΩ) 28 Vin (min) (V) 2.7 Vin (max) (V) 23 Vabsmax_cont (V) 28 Current limit (min) (A) 0.5 Current limit (max) (A) 6 Overcurrent response Circuit breaker, current limiting Fault response Auto-retry, Latch-off Soft start Adjustable Overvoltage response Clamp, Cut-off Features Current monitoring, Fault output, Power good signal, Reverse current blocking always, Reverse polarity protection UL recognition IEC62368, UL2367 Rating Catalog Device type eFuses and hot swap controllers Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 125 Quiescent current (Iq) (typ) (A) 0.0058 Quiescent current (Iq) (max) (A) 0.008
VQFN-HR (RPW) 10 4 mm² 2 x 2
  • Wide operating input voltage range: 2.7 V to 23 V
    • 28-V absolute maximum
    • Withstands negative voltages up to –15 V
  • Integrated back-to-back FETs with low on-resistance: RON = 28.3 mΩ (typ.)
  • Ideal diode operation with true reverse current blocking
  • Fast overvoltage protection
    • Overvoltage clamp (OVC) with pin-selectable threshold (3.8 V, 5.7 V, 13.8 V) and 5-µs (typ.) response time OR
    • Adjustable overvoltage lockout (OVLO) with 1.2-µs (typ.) response time
  • Overcurrent protection with load current monitor output (ILM)
    • Active current limit OR circuit-breaker options
    • Adjustable threshold (ILIM) 0.5 A–6 A
      • ±10% accuracy for ILIM > 1 A
    • Adjustable transient blanking timer (ITIMER) to allow peak currents up to 2 × ILIM
    • Output load current monitor accuracy: ±6% (IOUT ≥ 1 A)
  • Fast-trip response for short-circuit protection
    • 500-ns (typ.) response time
    • Adjustable (2 × ILIM) and fixed thresholds
  • Active high enable input with adjustable undervoltage lockout threshold (UVLO)
  • Adjustable output slew rate control (dVdt)
  • Overtemperature protection
  • Digital outputs
    • Priority power MUX control (AUXOFF) and fault indication (FLT) or
    • Power Good indication (PG) with adjustable threshold (PGTH)
  • UL 2367 recognition
    • File No. E339631
    • RILM ≥ 750 Ω
  • IEC 62368-1 CB certified
  • Small footprint: QFN 2 mm × 2 mm, 0.45-mm pitch
  • Wide operating input voltage range: 2.7 V to 23 V
    • 28-V absolute maximum
    • Withstands negative voltages up to –15 V
  • Integrated back-to-back FETs with low on-resistance: RON = 28.3 mΩ (typ.)
  • Ideal diode operation with true reverse current blocking
  • Fast overvoltage protection
    • Overvoltage clamp (OVC) with pin-selectable threshold (3.8 V, 5.7 V, 13.8 V) and 5-µs (typ.) response time OR
    • Adjustable overvoltage lockout (OVLO) with 1.2-µs (typ.) response time
  • Overcurrent protection with load current monitor output (ILM)
    • Active current limit OR circuit-breaker options
    • Adjustable threshold (ILIM) 0.5 A–6 A
      • ±10% accuracy for ILIM > 1 A
    • Adjustable transient blanking timer (ITIMER) to allow peak currents up to 2 × ILIM
    • Output load current monitor accuracy: ±6% (IOUT ≥ 1 A)
  • Fast-trip response for short-circuit protection
    • 500-ns (typ.) response time
    • Adjustable (2 × ILIM) and fixed thresholds
  • Active high enable input with adjustable undervoltage lockout threshold (UVLO)
  • Adjustable output slew rate control (dVdt)
  • Overtemperature protection
  • Digital outputs
    • Priority power MUX control (AUXOFF) and fault indication (FLT) or
    • Power Good indication (PG) with adjustable threshold (PGTH)
  • UL 2367 recognition
    • File No. E339631
    • RILM ≥ 750 Ω
  • IEC 62368-1 CB certified
  • Small footprint: QFN 2 mm × 2 mm, 0.45-mm pitch

The TPS25947xx family of eFuses is a highly integrated circuit protection and power management solution in a small package. The devices provide multiple protection modes using very few external components and are a robust defense against overloads, short-circuits, voltage surges, reverse polarity and excessive inrush current. With integrated back-to-back FETs, reverse current flow from output to input is blocked at all times, making the devices well suited for power MUX/ORing applications as well as systems which need load side energy hold up storage in case input power supply fails. The devices use linear ORing based scheme to ensure almost zero DC reverse current and emulate ideal diode behavior with minimum forward voltage drop and power dissipation.

Output slew rate and inrush current can be adjusted using a single external capacitor. Loads are protected from input overvoltage conditions either by clamping the output to a safe fixed maximum voltage (pin selectable), or by cutting off the output if input exceeds an adjustable overvoltage threshold. The devices respond to output overload by actively limiting the current or breaking the circuit. The output current limit threshold as well as the transient overcurrent blanking timer are user adjustable. The current limit control pin also functions as an analog load current monitor.

The devices are available in a 2-mm × 2-mm, 10-pin HotRod QFN package for improved thermal performance and reduced system footprint.

The devices are characterized for operation over a junction temperature range of –40°C to +125°C.

The TPS25947xx family of eFuses is a highly integrated circuit protection and power management solution in a small package. The devices provide multiple protection modes using very few external components and are a robust defense against overloads, short-circuits, voltage surges, reverse polarity and excessive inrush current. With integrated back-to-back FETs, reverse current flow from output to input is blocked at all times, making the devices well suited for power MUX/ORing applications as well as systems which need load side energy hold up storage in case input power supply fails. The devices use linear ORing based scheme to ensure almost zero DC reverse current and emulate ideal diode behavior with minimum forward voltage drop and power dissipation.

Output slew rate and inrush current can be adjusted using a single external capacitor. Loads are protected from input overvoltage conditions either by clamping the output to a safe fixed maximum voltage (pin selectable), or by cutting off the output if input exceeds an adjustable overvoltage threshold. The devices respond to output overload by actively limiting the current or breaking the circuit. The output current limit threshold as well as the transient overcurrent blanking timer are user adjustable. The current limit control pin also functions as an analog load current monitor.

The devices are available in a 2-mm × 2-mm, 10-pin HotRod QFN package for improved thermal performance and reduced system footprint.

The devices are characterized for operation over a junction temperature range of –40°C to +125°C.

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Documentación técnica

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Tipo Título Fecha
* Data sheet TPS25947xx, 2.7-V–23-V, 5.5-A, 28-mΩ True Reverse Current Blocking eFuse with Input Reverse Polarity Protection datasheet (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 25 mar 2022
Application note How eFuse Ensures Integrated FET Operation in Safe Operating Area PDF | HTML 07 sep 2022
Application brief Using an eFuse to Meet IEC62368-3 for USB 2.0 and USB 3.1 Power Sourcing Ports PDF | HTML 07 feb 2022
Certificate TPS25947x UL2367 Certificate of Compliance E169910 19 ene 2022
Certificate TPS25947x UL2367 Certificate of Compliance E339631 18 ene 2022
Certificate TPS25947x CB Test Certificate IEC 62368-1 08 dic 2021
Application note Basics of Power MUX (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 20 oct 2020
Application brief Fast Role Swap, Linear ORing with TPS25947 and LM73100 in USB-Type C Systems (Rev. A) PDF | HTML 07 oct 2020
EVM User's guide TPS25947EVM: Evaluation Module for TPS25947 eFuse 30 sep 2020
Application brief eFuses in Smart Electricity Meters PDF | HTML 01 sep 2020

Diseño y desarrollo

Para conocer los términos adicionales o los recursos necesarios, haga clic en cualquier título de abajo para ver la página de detalles cuando esté disponible.

Placa de evaluación

TPS25947EVM — Módulo de evaluación de eFuse TPS25947

La placa de evaluación TPS25947EVM de fusibles electrónicos permite la evaluación del circuito de referencia del TPS25947 de fusibles electrónicos. El dispositivo TPS25947xx es un fusible electrónico de 2.7 V a 23 V, 5.5 A con FET integrado de 28 mΩ con protección de corriente inversa, protección (...)
Guía del usuario: PDF
Modelo de simulación

TPS25947x PSpice Transient Model (Rev. A)

SLVMDJ6A.ZIP (131 KB) - PSpice Model
Herramienta de cálculo

SLVRBH5 TPS25947 Design Calculator

Productos y hardware compatibles

Productos y hardware compatibles

Fusibles electrónicos y controladores de intercambio en caliente
TPS25947 eFuse de 5.5 A, 2.7 V a 23 V, 28 mΩ, con protección de polaridad inversa integrada
Herramienta de cálculo

TVS-RECOMMENDATION-CALC TVS diode recommendation tool

This tool suggests suitable TVS for given system parameters and abs max voltage rating of the device.
Productos y hardware compatibles

Productos y hardware compatibles

Este recurso de diseño es compatible con la mayoría de los productos de estas categorías.

Revise la página de detalles del producto para verificar la compatibilidad.

Herramienta de simulación

PSPICE-FOR-TI — PSpice® para herramienta de diseño y simulación de TI

PSpice® para TI es un entorno de diseño y simulación que ayuda a evaluar la funcionalidad de los circuitos analógicos. Esta completa suite de diseño y simulación utiliza un motor de análisis analógico de Cadence®. Disponible sin ningún costo, PSpice para TI incluye una de las bibliotecas de modelos (...)
Diseños de referencia

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Design guide: PDF
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Design guide: PDF
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Pedidos y calidad

Información incluida:
  • RoHS
  • Marcado del dispositivo
  • Acabado de plomo/material de la bola
  • Clasificación de nivel de sensibilidad a la humedad (MSL) / reflujo máximo
  • Estimaciones de tiempo medio entre fallas (MTBF)/fallas en el tiempo (FIT)
  • Contenido del material
  • Resumen de calificaciones
  • Monitoreo continuo de confiabilidad
Información incluida:
  • Lugar de fabricación
  • Lugar de ensamblaje

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